
Men in White (2007)

Жанр : комедия, ужасы

Время выполнения : 1Ч 28М

Директор : Kelvin Tong

Краткое содержание

Four people from Singapore die on the same day and return to Earth as ghosts.


Shaun Chen
Shaun Chen
Ah Boon
Ling Lee
Ling Lee
Wan Yi
Ben Yeung
Ben Yeung
Xavier Teo
Xavier Teo
Benjamin Heng
Benjamin Heng
Alice Lim
Alice Lim
David Aw
David Aw
Lawrence Wong
Lawrence Wong
Adrian Pang
Adrian Pang
Dennis Chew
Dennis Chew
Ix Shen
Ix Shen


Kelvin Tong
Kelvin Tong


Singapore Dreaming
Disappointed by his failed dreams, Loh Poh Huat visits his frustrations on his family. So when he wins the lottery, everyone believes the money will deliver them from their struggles. However, Loh dies abruptly and his elaborate and surreal Taoist funeral pitches the family into a battle where the stakes are the very meaning of life itself. Singapore Dreaming is a poignant yet darkly humorous story which follows the lives of six individuals as they navigate the rapidly changing conditions experienced in today’s modern South-East Asian cities.
Марсианский дозор
Они уже среди нас! Приглядитесь внимательно к своему соседу. Ничего не замечаете необычного? Как изменилась походка? Появился легкий акцент? Он пропадает где-то по ночам? Верный признак того, что ваш сосед… инопланетянин! Их количество растет с каждым днем! И скоро они уничтожат нас… А-А-А-А-А-А-А! Вселенская незабываемая комедия, выдержанная в лучших традициях пародийного жанра, напичканная уморительными шутками, нелепыми ситуациями, озорными приколами и безумными выходками героев, подарит вам массу позитивных эмоций и зарядит отличным настроением!
Happy Funeral Director
Three teenagers from different backgrounds, each for different reasons, accept positions as undertakers. There's only one problem, no one in their town has died for over a decade! With no chances to get in any practice, it all comes down to the line one day when a widow commits suicide, and the three undertakers are put to the test!
11-летний Чжан Сяо Ву чувствует себя одиноким. Школа, пустая квартира, лапша из пакетика. Все изменяется с появлением постояльца. Чун, тридцатилетний кореец, приехал в Сингапур, чтобы здесь, на чужбине, покончить с собой. Сяо Ву пробует наладить контакт со своим квартирантом. Ведь обоим так не хватает тепла, понимания, человеческого общения. 4:30 — переломное время суток: уже не ночь, но еще не утро. Момент, когда человек особенно одинок.
Two Singaporean girls join together to form the Papaya Sisters, a getai group that sings at performances during the seventh lunar month. Big Papaya is estranged from her mother, who disapproves of her performances, whilst Little Papaya is an orphan who suffers from terminal cancer. The two are assisted by Auntie Ling and her son, Guan Yin. The two soon rise to the top of the Singaporean getai scene singing traditional Hokkien songs, but their fame brings along with it the enmity of the Durian Sisters, a rival group of techno-singing Eurasian girls.
Inner Senses
This is the story of Yan, a young woman haunted by fleeting images of what she believes to be dead people. Told that it is all in her mind by her psychologist Jim, Yan still cannot find any other explanations for her visions. Soon, her suspicions are confirmed when Jim begins seeing the same things she does and the two begin to unravel a mystery that leads to a forgotten past
A Korean horror film about an adopted young boy with a strange link to an old, dead acacia tree. As the boy settles in to his new home, the tree comes to life. When the family who adopted him becomes pregnant, he is to go back to the orphanage, and horror ensues.
A writer retreats to a secluded suburban house to work on her new novel. But her attention is instead occupied by her archaeologist neighbor's newly discovered mummy and a ghostly presence in her house.
A serial killer is burning away the flesh of his victims with acid, leaving only the bones behind. The police turn to Hyun-min, a former forensic sculptor adept in reconstructing faces by examining and interpreting skulls. With the victim's bones in his house, Hyun-min's daughter begins to experience disturbing visions. As he races against time to find the answers and save his daughter, the deadly truth behind these victims reveals a sinister conspiracy that threatens everyone involved.
The Maid
Alone for the first time and away from her family in rural Philippines, Rosa Dimaano arrives in the cosmopolitan city state of Singapore to work as a maid. Her employers Mr and Mrs Teo runs a Chinese Teochew dialect opera troupe takes well to their new domestic help. So do their mentally disabled son, Ah Soon. In Chinese superstition, the seventh month of the lunar calendar is regarded as the month when the gates of hell open for forsaken spirits to walk the earth for 30 days. Unknown to Rosa, she arrives on the eve and her hell is about to begin.
Семиклассник Чатри Анантпитисук очень некстати застукал отца со служанкой. За что и был отправлен для дальнейшей учебы в интернат, где в первый же вечер старожилы решили напугать новичка байками о призраках, не предполагая, чем это может закончиться. Призрак не получается на фотографиях. Он не может видеть людей, которые задержали дыхание. А его могут видеть только собаки. Собаки, и всего один человек, страдающий от одиночества. Человек, которому самому нужна помощь, но который готов пройти по границе миров, чтобы помочь призраку вырваться из мучительного круговорота, заставляющего его каждый день повторять собственную смерть... Несмотря на то, что в фильме присутствуют элементы классического ужастика, все-таки это драма - история о взрослении, дружбе и пересмотре жизненных ценностей
Clash of Egos
Tony has recently been released from a sentence for violent behaviour. He promises to improve his ways and is finally granted a few hours alone with his two children. They celebrate the reunion by going to the movies to see a new film by the famous, critically acclaimed Danish director Claus Volter. But the film is not the masterpiece it is said to be on the poster; the children are crying and Tony cannot get the money back he spent on tickets and candy. Tony does not give up; he seeks out Claus Volter in order to get an explanation and a refund. It is however easier said than done to get money out of a world-renowned filmmaker.
Spider Forest
TV Producer Kang Min enters Spider Forest for a documentary. He enters a cabin and discovers two brutally murdered bodies. One is his girlfriend Hwang Soo-Young and the other is his colleague Choi Jong-Pil. Kang Min also senses someone watching him and runs after that person into to the forest. He's soon knocked unconscious. When he awakens again he continues his chase into a tunnel. Kang Min is then struck by a speeding car.
A salt storehouse near the sea may be haunted. A penniless ex-con dies a gristly death in a house he can ill afford. The detectives assigned the case are Min, newly reinstated after a suspension, and Lee, a new transfer from forensics. Min has nightmares: a sexual assault that haunts her. She and Lee work well together, but soon two more deaths occur - each mysteriously poisoned, both friends of the ex-con. A fourth friend, a newly married doctor, is a suspect. But what has all this to do with the salt storehouse, a death ten years ago, and a missing girl? Can Min and Lee get to the bottom of it, or is the supernatural beyond a cop's reach?
When his mother's untimely death quickly follows his father's, a doctor begins to believe a killer may be targeting him and his amnesiac wife.
A detective investigates a series of murders. A possible serial killer might be on a rampage, since they all are in the same vicinity and by the same method, but as the evidence points toward the detective as the prime suspect, a ghost in red follows him, and he begins to question his identity. His realization of what seems to have really happened results in something much more sinister and larger in scope, and it leaves his psyche scarred.
Crazy Stone
Three thieves try to steal a valuable jade that is tightly guarded by a security chief. But the security guards are not the only obstacle these thieves are facing. An extremely unlucky internationally known master thief is also trying to get a hand on this piece of precious jade. What would be the final destination of this piece of crazy stone?
В Штатах появляется извращенец, который кормит невероятно жирных дам до тех пор, пока они не умрут, а заодно проводит тотализатор на время их смерти. На его след выходит австралийский полицейский из отдела по борьбе с киберпреступностью…
A young man awakens in the hospital after an accident wipes his memory. Fascinated by a textbook full of drawings of dissections, Hiroshi is drawn to a medical school where he catches the eye of a fellow student. But it’s another who becomes his obsession…the dead woman on the cadaver table.
Спасти зеленую планету!
Бён Гу — обычный корейский юноша. Он трогательно ухаживает за своей матерью, лежащей в коме последние 5 лет, и старается доискаться до причины ее болезни. В этих поисках он неожиданно решает, что раскрыл заговор инопланетян, направленный на истребление жизни на Земле. За считанные часы до лунного затмения, после которого события примут необратимый характер, он должен встретиться с принцем Андромеды, добравшись до него через его земных агентов, во главе которых — зловещий Кан Ман-Шик, легко переносящий удар током в 300 вольт и другие невзгоды. Но спастись злодею не удастся! Бён Гу мечтает изобрести надежное средство против пришельцев… Черная комедия, фантастика, триллер?… Так ли уж безумен герой, решивший спасти планету от козней инопланетян?