
The Scene of the Crash (1971)

Жанр : драма, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 1Ч 27М

Директор : Zvonimir Berković

Краткое содержание

A young married woman Jelena finds about her husband's car accident from an unknown stranger named Vlatko, but also that he wants to be visited by his mistress rather than her. The encounter with her father, an ex-politician, will be another shock, but that's when she accepts Vlatko's courtship without being able to see his self-interested nature.


Ana Karić
Ana Karić
Rade Šerbedžija
Rade Šerbedžija
Emil Kutijaro
Emil Kutijaro
Viktor, otac
Stevo Žigon
Stevo Žigon
Nino, muž
Zvonimir Rogoz
Zvonimir Rogoz
Vera Orlović
Vera Orlović
Viktorova verenica
Zdenka Heršak
Zdenka Heršak
Inge Appelt
Inge Appelt
Nataša Maričić
Nataša Maričić
Dunja, ljubavnica


Zvonimir Berković
Zvonimir Berković
Zvonimir Berković
Zvonimir Berković
Željko Senečić
Željko Senečić
Set Designer
Alfi Kabiljo
Alfi Kabiljo
Original Music Composer
Aleksandar Petković
Aleksandar Petković
Director of Photography


El ministro y yo
Mateo Melgarejo is a notary public and scribe for the illiterate people of Santo Domingo, a neighborhood north of Mexico City's Zócalo. A squatter friend asks for his help in negotiating with the land census bureau to regularize a land title. After a great deal of frustration with the government bureaucracy, he writes a letter to the cabinet minister, earning an audience with him. The minister hires Melgarejo to reform the bureau, and the appointee proceeds to lecture the officials on their duties in a democratic society. At the end, he gives up the post, returning to Santo Domingo to help its poor residents.
The Saint's Return
A private detective goes after the people who murdered his girlfriend.
The Third Day
A man stumbles out of a car crash with no memory of what transpired. Everyone who he meets suggests that he is a ruthless man with an aggressive temper. Could he be deliberately blocking out memories of his past?
Sudden Fury
Fred is a psychotic entrepreneur who hopes to convince his wife Janet to invest in a shady land deal. The wife refuses, and the couple continue their heated argument while driving through the Ontario backwoods. When their car crashes, Janet is seriously injured, but Fred leaves the scene, hoping that his wife won't last the night.
Cathy's Curse
A young girl is possessed by the spirit of her dead aunt, who died in a car accident. Soon members of her family begin to mysteriously die off.
Why Me?
An Air Force nurse about to leave the service is badly disfigured about her face in a car accident in which she also loses her baby.
Hell's Highway: The True Story of Highway Safety Films
This film covers the early history of post World War II educational films, especially those involving traffic safety by the Highway Safety Foundation under direction of Richard Wayman. In the name of promoting safe driving in teenagers, these films became notorious for their gory depiction of accidents to shock their audiences to make their point. The film also covers the role of safety films of this era, their effect on North American teenage culture, the struggle between idealism and lurid exploitation and how they reflected the larger society concerns of the time that adults projected onto their youth.
Gambling with Souls
Young girls are cheated into rigged gambling games and then forced into prostitution to pay off their debts.
The Pursuit of Happiness
William Popper is the son of a stockbroker and is thoroughly disenchanted with "the system." So much so that even though he can prove that he ran over a woman in his car entirely by accident, he accepts a sentence for manslaughter.
Bach and Broccoli
A young girl is orphaned when her nurturing grandmother enters a nursing. She is sent to live with her Bach-obsessed uncle, an organist preparing for an important recital.
Torture Money
In this MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short, police go after a fraud operation that stages automobile accidents to collect insurance money.
Street Without End
Mikio Naruse’s final silent film is a gloriously rich portrait of a waitress, Sugiko, whose life, despite a host of male admirers and even some intrigued movie talent scouts, ends up taking a suffocatingly domestic turn after a wealthy businessman accidentally hits her with his car.
Убойный уикенд
Тодд Чиповски собирается провести незабываемый уик-энд в загородном коттедже, который он забронировал специально для того, чтобы сделать предложение своей возлюбленной Кэмми Райан. Но торжественное событие и чудесный отдых подпортило появление братца Тодда Сэлинджера и его подружки Маши. Однако выходные всё равно становятся для героев незабываемыми — особенно после того, как Тодд в порыве ярости случайно убивает своего брата топором.
A computer genius is confined to a penthouse after a car accident, with only a nurse to look after him. But the advanced computer systems designed to make his life easier appear to be taking control.
A teenage boy is gunned down outside a nightclub and a young girl dies in a hit and run in two seemingly unrelated deaths. Deeva Jani, returns home to clear her brother Vipon of the shooting and soon discovers a much deeper conspiracy.
Люди и звери
В основе сюжета — драматическая судьба советского офицера Алексея Павлова. Попав во время второй мировой войны в плен и оказавшись в числе перемещённых лиц, герой не сразу решился на возвращение в СССР. Поскитавшись по чужбине, Алексей всё же вернулся на Родину. Случайные попутчицы, ехавшие из Москвы на юг, — врач Анна Андреевна и её дочь Таня — стали первыми, кому Павлов поведал о своей жизни.
В темноте
Восьмилетний мальчик попал под машину, и глубокая трещина возникла в отношениях между двумя соседними парами, так как родители мальчика подозревают соседей.
Sand Castles
A young man who dies in an auto accident returns from the dead to meet up with the young woman who tried to save him.
Старый 37
Двое братьев разъезжают на карете скорой помощи перехватывая звонки в службу 911. Зачем они это делают? Чтобы отомстить подросткам, которые вели себя очень плохо и стали причиной смерти матери братьев…
В центре сюжета молодая пара. Однако их брак не так уж безоблачен. У женщины есть любовник на стороне, и с его помощью она разрабатывает план убийства мужа. Но все идет наперекосяк, когда муж и его соперник оказываются вместе на марокканской пустынной дороге после автомобильной катастрофы.