
Портрет (2002)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 28М

Директор : Sergei Loznitsa

Краткое содержание

This movie is a collection of portraits of residents of Russian countryside. Not a single word. Only long look into the camera. Landscape. Flow of time.



Sergei Loznitsa
Sergei Loznitsa
Vyacheslav Telnov
Vyacheslav Telnov
Pavel Kostomarov
Pavel Kostomarov
Director of Photography
Ivan Gusakov
Ivan Gusakov
Sound Editor
Valerii Petriashvili
Valerii Petriashvili


Kamasutra for Gay Men
Learn all the positions.
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Феномен «Бумажного дома»
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A real journey into the quartet's sound and aesthetic, and the ways they’ve transformed over the years. The four members — Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa — each got her own chance to shine, while also proving the magic of their unity in live versions of songs old and new.
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Pray Away
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Ариана Гранде: excuse me, i love you
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Это была не любовь
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Jeffrey Dahmer: Mind of a Monster
With access to hundreds of pages of police and FBI transcripts and personal testimony from family, friends, and survivors, the haunting story of how Jeffrey Dahmer went from shy adolescent to a notorious serial killer and cannibal is revealed.
Друзья: Воссоединение
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