
The Top of His Head (1989)

Жанр : мелодрама, драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 50М

Директор : Peter Mettler

Краткое содержание

Satellite dish salesman Gus (Stephen Ouimette) experiences some life-altering changes when he meets performance artist Lucy (Christie MacFadyen) in this visually poetic fantasy. After Lucy vanishes, leaving a puzzling note, Gus goes on a quest for the mysterious woman. Moving from his meticulous life in a technologically advanced world into the spontaneity of nature, Gus learns some important lessons and begins to trust his own instincts.


Christie MacFadyen
Christie MacFadyen
Lucy Ripley
Stephen Ouimette
Stephen Ouimette
Gus Victor
Gary Reineke
Gary Reineke
Berge (pursurer)
Julian Richings
Julian Richings
Robert (henchman)
Joey Hardin
Joey Hardin
Joey (henchman)


Peter Mettler
Peter Mettler
Peter Mettler
Peter Mettler
Niv Fichman
Niv Fichman
Fred Frith
Fred Frith
Original Music Composer
Peter Mettler
Peter Mettler
Director of Photography
Tobias A. Schliessler
Tobias A. Schliessler
Director of Photography
Peter Mettler
Peter Mettler
Margaret Van Eerdewijk
Margaret Van Eerdewijk
Valanne Ridgeway
Valanne Ridgeway
Art Direction
Beth Pasternak
Beth Pasternak
Costume Design
Angela Murphy
Angela Murphy
Art Direction
Jane Siberry
Jane Siberry
Original Music Composer
Patricia V. Tassinari
Patricia V. Tassinari
Sound Editor
Catherine Van Der Donckt
Catherine Van Der Donckt
Sound Editor
Bruno DeGazio
Bruno DeGazio
Sound Editor
Hans Peter Strobl
Hans Peter Strobl
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Adrian Croll
Adrian Croll
Sound Re-Recording Mixer


Генезис 2.0
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Великое безмолвие
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Magic Radio
The Top of His Head
Satellite dish salesman Gus (Stephen Ouimette) experiences some life-altering changes when he meets performance artist Lucy (Christie MacFadyen) in this visually poetic fantasy. After Lucy vanishes, leaving a puzzling note, Gus goes on a quest for the mysterious woman. Moving from his meticulous life in a technologically advanced world into the spontaneity of nature, Gus learns some important lessons and begins to trust his own instincts.
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