
Сатана тебя ненавидит (2009)

Жанр : ужасы, комедия, драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 34М

Директор : James Felix McKenney

Краткое содержание

Венди и Марк – завсегдатаи дешёвого нью-йоркского бара «Коко 66». Марк – бездомный и безработный сын священника, регулярно приходящий сюда залить тоску, Венди – распутная девица, жизнь которой проходит в бесконечных вечеринках и наркотиках. Жизненные неурядицы обоих резко обострились с появлением в баре парочки мелких хулиганистых демонов. После очередной пьянки Венди проснулась беременной, а Марка все начали считать геем, что стало вызывать у него неконтролируемые вспышки агрессии.


Don Wood
Don Wood
Christine Spencer
Christine Spencer
Angus Scrimm
Angus Scrimm
Dr. Michael Gabriel
Reggie Bannister
Reggie Bannister
Larry Fessenden
Larry Fessenden
Michael Berryman
Michael Berryman
Mr. Harker
Debbie Rochon
Debbie Rochon


James Felix McKenney
James Felix McKenney
Larry Fessenden
Larry Fessenden
James Felix McKenney
James Felix McKenney


Sodium Babies
The Award Winning, internationally acclaimed film, Sodium Babies is a gripping ride into the world of vampires as seen through the eyes of Dead Dog, a ghoul eternally trapped in servitude to the Prince of Vampires. Dead Dog (Benoit Decaillon) is shackled by the insanely domineering Ghoul, Max. He is trained to slaughter innocent humans to satisfy the ever blood thirsty Prince of Vampires. After 30 years of grueling service, Dead Dog longs to free himself from the brutal madness of his unending life. When he meets Pussy Cat - a beautiful, mysterious girl - Dead Dog at last finds meaning for his existence and struggles to set himself free.
After inadvertently causing his lover's death, a guilt-ridden geneticist begins an obsessive hunt for the gene that triggers his previsions of impending deaths.
Life Tracker
Dillon stumbles on a little known news story about a company called Life Tracker Limited, which claims it has discovered a way to predict biological events in a human's life by looking at their DNA. Everyone views the story as a modern day form of palm reading that will go nowhere, but Dillon keeps turning on his camera when he finds articles on the Internet or hears about it on the news.
300 years in the future, a forensic accountant reviews the video stream from one mercenary's drop-pod which has been damaged during the initial stages of a colonial invasion.
Black Ice
Evelyn, a young woman beginning her journey into the world of woman-hood and relationships finds out...that the first time is never what you expect it to be. Confused and misguided in her relationships, by her close friend Chris, Evelyn finds herself sinking deeper into her fantasy and neglecting the rules of reality...and as a result the bodies start adding up!
A young, unwed, pregnant girl is made an offer she can't refuse. Marry a rich young man with a wealthy estate to please his dying mother, and she'll be well taken care of. What she doesn't know is the family has plans to sacrifice her baby!
Воин во времени
Когда в руках Мэтта и Джимми оказывается пиратская версия одной из самых популярных видеоигр, они думают, что это самая крутая видеоигра, в которую они когда-либо играли. Дети не подозревают, что на самом деле — это устройство для включения избранных в отряды реальных воинов времени…
Место в аду
Опальный детектив, идет по следу серийного убийцы с группой студентов-кинематографистов
The Interior
After receiving a distressing medical diagnosis, a listless young man flees the crushing tedium of Toronto city life, trading it all for the wilderness of the British Columbian Interior. When his whims go awry, he is reduced to petty thievery just to survive. Fearing his misdeeds will catch up with him, he retreats further and further into the woods only to gradually find himself the target of increasingly inexplicable and disturbing manifestations, which point to a frightening truth: he is not alone. Some one or some thing is pursuing him into THE INTERIOR.
Little Big Boy
Jimmy Duncan is a film director working on his fourth film but things are not exactly going as planned.
Night of the Slasher
A teenage girl must commit horror movie sins such as drink alcohol, do drugs, and have sex to lure a killer and finish him off.
Silent But Deadly
Thomas Capper is an unconventional and mysterious serial killer who takes aim at a Hollywood film set, by unleashing his own brand of retribution on the cast and crew.
Блестящий, но одержимый профессор, работает над изобретением вакцины от СПИДа. Случайно в своей лаборатории он изобретает новый вид смертоносных бактерий, которые мгновенно разрушают тело и приводят мозг в агрессивное состояние. Теперь он должен остановить инфекцию прежде, чем она погубит его, и тех кого он любит.
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Remake of Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920). Shot entirely on green screen. Some exact shots from the 1920 film were superimposed to properly replicate the original. Francis relates the story of traveling magician Dr. Caligari and Cesare. Their arrival in a town coincides with savage killings.
The Unbidden
The Unbidden is a thriller about four women confronted by a mysterious young man who knows a dark secret from their past.
Ловушка зловещих мертвецов 2
Аки работает киномехаником в небольшом кинотеатре. После того как она делает аборт, её начинает преследовать зловещий образ маленького мальчика Хидэки, что становится первым звеном в цепочке кровавых событий.