
Up in the Cherry Tree (1984)

Жанр : драма, семейный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 15М

Директор : Mariana Evstatieva-Biolcheva

Краткое содержание

The adventures of a mischievous boy in his neighborhood during the summer break.


Veselin Prahov
Veselin Prahov
Todor Trankarov
Todor Trankarov
Tzvetanka Uzunova
Tzvetanka Uzunova
Emil Dimitrov
Emil Dimitrov
Mincho Minchev
Mincho Minchev
Konstantin Kotsev
Konstantin Kotsev
Lyuba Aleksieva
Lyuba Aleksieva
Baba Chechka
Rositza Grigorova
Rositza Grigorova
Maykata ha Lin
Lyuben Chatalov
Lyuben Chatalov
Bashtata na Lin
Anton Gorchev
Anton Gorchev
Bashtata na Toni
Dobrinka Stankova
Dobrinka Stankova
Maykata na Emil
Elena Rainova
Elena Rainova
Maykata na Ina
Lili Mitova
Lili Mitova


Mariana Evstatieva-Biolcheva
Mariana Evstatieva-Biolcheva
Rada Moskova
Rada Moskova


The Quiet Fugitive
Gosho Kalimanski, a clerk living the big city, finds difficulties to stand the endless noise around him.
The Tied Up Balloon
A barrage balloon appears unexpectedly over a Bulgarian village during World War II. The startled villagers decide to knock it down with a fusillade yet the balloon flies off to the mountains. The villagers, armed to their teeth, set off after it. But they are not alone in this undertaking...
The Best Person I Know!
The Swedish Kings
The construction worker Spas decides to go on a holiday at a luxurious seaside resort where he can live "like the Swedish kings". He gets himself in strange and embarrassing situations, only to soon realize that real happiness is not in this coveted gilded world but among his work brigade buddies.
A Dog in a Drawer
A-5-year-old boy of divorced parents is sitting all day long at home, watching TV. His mother is full-timer, and the father visits him just occasionally. The only dream of the boy is to have a puppy. So, he and three friends of his decide to buy a pup. No sooner said than done. The kids are ready to do everything for their pet, but the heartlessness and lack of understanding of the part of their relatives and neighbors bereaves them of such of joy. The puppy is destined for a village, and the kid is once again all alone at home, watching TV.
A Day of Filming
Shooting of a picture: to those, familiar with only from the screen, it is a entertainment. So, in a quiet Sofia street, a shooting crew starts their work. Bypassing begin to throng, curious people are looking out of the windows of the surrounding buildings. A scene is being shot of s short dialogue between the protagonists. It goes wrong all the time and is never complete. The mess gets beyond the comical, the true relations between the members of grew show and they do not look that excellent. At long last, the final scene is shot and the street is quiet again.
Великий Бак Ховард
В «Великом Баке Говарде» герой загорается желанием стать учеником незадачливого сценического мага, тем самым — провоцируя размолвку с собственным родителем, оказавшимся не в восторге от новой профессии отпрыска.
Men Without Work
A road-building team is forced to stay idle for a couple of days since the asphalt has not been delivered.
The Great Victory
The grand auto-tour of Bulgaria begins. Excellent drivers take part in it. The Bonev brothers are in the Bulgarian team. They have decided to win this race no matter what. With great efforts, they manage to get ahead from the rest. An unexpected problem arises - some rocks nave fallen on the road. The confident drivers manage to avoid the crash closely. Their road to victory is open. However, a feeling of responsibility arises. There will be accidents for sure. The brothers stay at he crash site to warn the other.
Война Чарли Уилсона
Драма, развёрнутая вокруг жуликоватого конгрессмена от штата Техас, чья страсть к выпивке и девушкам почти загубила его карьеру. Но он умудряется переживать скандал за скандалом, более того, он становится свидетелем крупнейшей и самой успешной операции ЦРУ в истории, его попытки финансировать повстанцев в Афганистане приводят к не вполне ожидаемым последствиям.
Bulgaria in the 1950's. The agriculture in the country goes after the communist model. In one village, there is a man who refuses to join the cooperative and opposes the despotic local leader.
Operation Shmenti Capelli
The title is based on the idiomatic expression "shmenti capelli" characterizing actions of people who like to shuffle and bamboozle others with superficial commitments. Karamfilov choose it as a metaphor for people with huge economic and political power. The funny comedy incorporates a tragic story in which Karamfilov plays two roles: the Big Guy and the Little Guy. Big is tied to the Mafia and the Secret services. Little is an unemployed teacher, squeezed and crushed by the system, which stops his heating and electricity, has his home emptied by a bailiff, and uses him as a tool in a game.
The beginning of the 20th century. The young Nona comes back to her father's farm from Switzerland. She meets colonel Galchev. The officer expresses his love for her. The teacher Yosif who is in love with Nona organizes a revolt of the villagers with no property. Armed villagers rob the farm. Galchev and his soldiers arrive. During the shooting, the colonel is killed. Nona accuses Yosif of Galchev's death. The carriage of Nona's fiancé, who travels from Switzerland to the village, passes by the coffin with Galchev's body. A second after the fiancé enters her house Nona kills herself.
End of the Song
A tragic love story set in the Rhodope mountains.
Инспектор и ночь
Убит некто Маринов. Инспектор уголовного розыска начинает расследование, хотя даже члены следственной группы считают, что это - самоубийство...
Анна и волки
Анна, молодая иностранная гувернантка, приезжает в загородный дом в скучном районе под Мадридом. Её встречает хозяйка дома Лучи, о трёх дочерях которой предстоит заботиться Ане. На семейном ужине Ана знакомится со своими эксцентричными нанимателями. В семье три брата средних лет (Хосе, Хуан и Фернандо), их больная мать, Лучи, жена Хуана, и их дочери. Ана начинает получать эротические письма, подписанные неизвестным обожателем, желающим быть с ней. Их доставляют из отдалённых мест, которые становятся всё ближе...
Let's Dance
In the Bellinsky family: there is Solomon the father, 80 years old, brimming with life. He is fighting not to be buried too quickly, between tap dance lessons under the high patronage of Fred Astaire and the search for a companion... The mother, Geneviève, dreams of only one thing: quietly continuing her infantilisation, with her household help, protector and guardian angel, Mr Mootoousamy.
Несколько дней из жизни И.И. Обломова
В 19 веке русские помещики жили скучно и праздно. Трудно им было найти свое место в жизни, реализовать себя как личность. Вот и главный герой фильма Илья Ильич Обломов — не хотел трудиться лишь ради приумножения своего богатства, поскольку не видел в этом для себя высокой цели. Лежа на диване и предаваясь «философским» размышлениям о смысле жизни, Обломов многое упустил в этой жизни, в том числе и свою любовь — Ольгу. Отчаявшись достучаться до его сердца, она вышла замуж за его друга Штольца.
Пять вечеров
Они познакомились двадцать лет назад и полюбили друг друга, но война разлучила их. Теперь Ильин и Тамара Васильевна встретились вновь, и любовь вспыхнула с новой силой…
История рассказывает историю о столкновении цивилизаций через призму любви и человеческих отношений. Два главных героя - инуиты и мечтают воссоединить их семью.