
Winner (2003)

Жанр : мелодрама, боевик, комедия

Время выполнения : 2Ч 25М

Директор : Sundar C
Писатель : Sundar C

Краткое содержание

A young man moves to his hometown; here he falls in love with the village head's daughter. The village head learns about this and he has the girl abducted; if the young man tries to rescue her, his parent's life will be at stake.


Prashanth Thyagarajan
Prashanth Thyagarajan
Kiran Rathod
Kiran Rathod
M. N. Nambiar
M. N. Nambiar
M. N. Rajam
M. N. Rajam
Neelaveni’s Cousin
Nellai Siva
Nellai Siva
Riyaz Khan
Riyaz Khan
Raj Kapoor
Raj Kapoor
Vaira Kannan
Crane Manohar
Crane Manohar
Kaipulla's Sidekick
Santhana Bharathi
Santhana Bharathi
Neelaveni's Uncle
Kaipulla's Sidekick
Junior Balaiah
Junior Balaiah
Kattadurai's Uncle
Neelaveni's Aunt
Bonda Mani
Bonda Mani
Kaipulla's Sidekick
Vichu Vishwanath
Vichu Vishwanath
Kattadurai's Cousin
Alva Vasu
Alva Vasu
Train Station Master
Neelaveni's Friend
Thalapathi Dinesh
Thalapathi Dinesh
Neelaveni's Bodyguard
Vatsala Rajagopal
Vatsala Rajagopal
Neelaveni’s Grandmother
Neelaveni’s Grandmother


Sundar C
Sundar C
Bhooma Ramachandran R
Bhooma Ramachandran R
Yuvan Shankar Raja
Yuvan Shankar Raja
Original Music Composer
Boopathy Pandian
Boopathy Pandian
Sundar C
Sundar C
Sundar C
Sundar C
Prasad Murella
Prasad Murella
Director of Photography
P. Sai Suresh
P. Sai Suresh
Pa. Vijay
Pa. Vijay
Udit Narayan
Udit Narayan
Playback Singer
Devan Ekambaram
Devan Ekambaram
Playback Singer
Playback Singer
Premji Amaran
Premji Amaran
Playback Singer
Playback Singer
Mahalakshmi Iyer
Mahalakshmi Iyer
Playback Singer
Harish Raghavendra
Harish Raghavendra
Playback Singer
Playback Singer
R K Naguraj
R K Naguraj
Art Direction


Шестнадцатилетняя Поппи Мур — избалованная самовлюбленная девчонка, живущая в Лос-Анджелесе. Когда очередная вечеринка завершается скандалом, отец отправляет Поппи в английскую школу, чтобы привести дочь в чувство. Девушка рвется на свободу и делает все, чтобы ее исключили, но учителям не так-то просто противостоять британским школьницам. Наконец, Поппи становится ясно, что плохое поведение ей не поможет, и вместе с новыми подругами она разрабатывает идеальный план побега. Но именно благодаря этому плану она понимает, что, возможно, хочет остаться…
Любовь на троих
Художница бросает своего парня, но ее попытка отдохнуть от отношений быстро разбивается в пух и прах, когда она заводит сразу два страстных романа.
С кем переспать?!!
Действие комедии происходит в 90-е 20 века в Американском пригороде. Выпускница школы пишет свой «список дел», которые надо завершить до перехода в колледж. Все пункты списка непристойны и направлены на обретение сексуального опыта. Но девушка мало понимает, как получить заветный опыт, и попадает в смешные ситуации.
Как приручить дракона 3
Когда-то викинги жили в гармонии с драконами. В те времена они делили радость, горе… и последние штаны. Казалось, что так будет всегда, но появление загадочной Дневной Фурии изменило жизнь острова. И теперь Иккинг и Беззубик столкнутся с безжалостным охотником на драконов, жаждущим уничтожить все, что им дорого.
Miranda Sings Live... Your Welcome
Viral video star Miranda Sings and her real-world alter ego Colleen Ballinger share the stage in a special packed with music, comedy and "magichinry."
Фильм — биография шведской королевы Кристины (1626 — 1689). Твердый характер сочетался в ней с ненасытной жаждой знаний. Она требовала немедленного исполнения всех своих желаний и была склонна к экстравагантным поступкам, шокировавшим ее окружение. Все время на престоле она враждовала с Советом, стремившимся ограничить власть монарха. Совет желал маленькую победоносную войну, а королева решила строить в Стокгольме самую большую библиотеку в Европе. Совет требовал от нее выйти замуж, но Кристина заявляла, что не желает иметь детей. Возмущенная поведением королевы аристократия решает отстранить ее от власти…
Действие фильма разворачивается на фоне маленькой деревушки на границе штатов Махараштра и Гоа, где честный, старательный и благородный инспектор Баджи Рао Сингхам, борется против несправедливости и предрассудков, используя свою собственную этику и принципы. Внезапный поворот судьбы приводит к конфликту с чрезвычайно могущественным и связанным с преступным миром политиком, проверяя на прочность честь и совесть Сингхама. Властный и сильный хозяин города не оставляет в нём камня на камне, чтобы превратить жизнь Сингхама в ночной кошмар. Поддержка подруги и встреча с давними друзьями помогают Сингхаму осознать важность непримиримой борьбы с системой, но не идя против закона силы, а будучи её мощной частью.
Couples split up after a comment at an LA dinner party sets up arguments about how truthful partners are in their relationships.
Адские бойцы
Чэнс Бакмен, лидер пожарной команды, специализирующейся на тушении наиболее опасных возгораний на нефтяных месторождениях, получает государственный контракт на ликвидацию пожаров в зоне военных действий.
Смерть невероятного Халка
Злость превращает хорошего ученого, доктора Дэвида Баннера, в огромного могучего монстра по прозвищу Халк. Баннер отчаянно пытается раз и навсегда избавиться от чудовищного второго «Я». В поисках решения он тайком проникает в правительственную исследовательскую лабораторию, которой руководит доктор Рональд Прэтт. Узнав о печальной участи Баннера, Прэтт предлагает ему свою помощь. Но красавица-шпионка, вынужденная работать на террористов, охотившихся за идеями доктора Прэтта, ставит Баннера перед выбором между любовью и верностью, добром и злом, и, наконец, между жизнью и смертью.
Jambhavan movie is about Velan (Prashanth) who is a responsible son of a village landlord (Vijayakumar). Adored by the villagers for his good deeds, Prashanth gets a shock when Vijayakumar informs that he is his foster son.A shocked Velan sets out on a mission to know about his past. He reaches Chennai and comes to know that his family members were killed by a dreaded gangster Deva (Vijayan). He had then vowed to kill him and his gang. In the name of Jambhavan, he starts to kill rowdies in the society.Suffering an injury in his head, Velan loses memory and is later adopted by Vijayakumar. He comes to know that his job was just half-done. The rest is how he puts an end to Fefsi Vijayan and his men coming to Chennai.
Premato Raa
Premato Raa is romantic based movie in which, Chandu (Venky) and Vijay (Suresh) are brothers. They belong to a wealthy family where the elder brother Vijay is responsible and take care of the business. The younger one Chandu is a spoilt brat and a womanizer.Vijay is in love with Sandhya (Prema). Chandu happens to visit Ooty and gets bowled by a damsel Geeta (Simran). But he comes to know that Geeta is a tough nut to crack. So he plays different tricks to attract her. One fine day he expresses his love to her and duly deflowers her. Right the next day he takes train to Hyderabad without informing Geeta and attends the marriage of his brother Vijay and Sandhya. At the time of marriage Sandhya enters the scene with Geeta claiming that Geeta is the younger sister of her and Geeta was used by Chandu to satisfy his lust. Sandhya breaks the marriage with Vijay. rest of the story is about how Chandu change his behaviour and makes his brother Vijay
Two sons that are separated as children grow up in drastically different environments.
Bus Conductor
Kunjakko is a bus conductor with many responsibilities. These include tackling a cop who runs a bus company on the sly and looking after a pregnant girl who comes into his care.
A fashion editor who hates horses decides to pursue horse racing to impress the girl (Rakul Preet Singh) of his dreams.
Город террора
Находясь на дежурстве, полицейский Джон Трейс случайно убивает безоружного продавца наркотиков. Это уже четвертый такой случай в практике Джона, и если все вскроется, ему грозит тюрьма. Чтобы отвести от него подозрения, прибывший на место полицейский Бобби вкладывает пистолет в руку убийцы. Теперь все выглядит как самооборона. Но подлог не ускользнул от внимания от оказавшихся на месте происшествия лейтенанта Лэйна Девона и сержанта Дэна Криди. Отведя Джона в сторону, они предлагают ему вступить специальное элитное подразделение полиции, именуемое «Отдельный отряд вооруженного отпора», и тогда дело будет замято. Перед отрядом поставлена задача вести войну с самыми мощными преступными группировками Лос-Анджелеса. В этой войне его членам разрешено использовать любые средства, и даже прокуратура всегда закрывает глаза на то, каким образом они борются с преступностью…
Rasathanthram tells the story of Premachandaran(Mohanlal)  who is a carpenter with a few secrets and lives along with his father Balan Master(Bharath Gopi) and works along with his friend Manikandan (Innocent). They are now working in a house near the house of a rich landlord. Kanmani (Meera Jasmine), who was sold by her mother works in that house as a servant and is ill-treated.One night, Premachandran goes to his workplace to take his tools. He sees Kanmani moving out of the house and gets puzzled. He follows her. She was on the verge on committing suicide. he decides to save her from the hell and promises her a job somewhere far away.But the police are looking for her everywhere and he had to hide her somehow. That is when they chance upon the idea of disguising her as a man. Kanmani fall in love with Premachandran but he doesn’t reciprocate—she couldn’t understand why
Raghavan, a farmer, raises his brother, Vijayakumar, and gives him an education. However, when he grows up and gets married to a rich woman, Vijayakumaran conveniently forgets about his brother.
Pelli Chesukundaam
A man gives shelter to a girl who has been a victim of rape and has also witnessed a murder. He gives her hope to live again and they fall in love with each other.


April Maadhathil
Kathir comes from a poor family and aspires to study hard and start earning. After turning down many girls, he falls for Shweta, a rich girl, but both do not confess their feelings to each other.
Former army commando Bose gets fired after he stops a rapist's attack on a student. The young woman and Bose fall in love, but then his family is kidnapped, and he discovers that the rapist has connections to terrorists.
Parthibhan Kanavu
Parthiban, a young executive, sees a woman at a bus-stop and quickly falls head over heels in love with her after he finds remarkable similarities in their two personalities. He is then cajoled into "checking out" a girl for an arranged marriage, which he does reluctantly, only to find that she is the girl he secretly admires. Elated, he agrees to the marriage. A bizarre twist follows immediately after.
Thulluvadho Ilamai
Six high-school classmates, three boys and three girls, coming from different strata of society, who have each their own problems in their respective families and escape from their homes, deciding to live together on their own with the help of an older friend of theirs.
Roja Koottam
Two friends fall in love with the same girl.
A leading film actress is controlled by her producer who even refuses to let her get married. Therefore, she seeks the help of a lawyer to get rid of her producer.
Aei movie begins with Sakthivel (Sarath Kumar) selling electrical accessories along with his friend Palani (Vadivelu) leading a peaceful life at Palani. He comes across Anjali (Nameedha) and falls in love with her.Sakthivel's past is made to unfold in a flashback. He is a military officer who joins his friend Mani (Kalabhavan Mani) on a vacation. The duo decides to reform the society and cleanse the police department by taking as hostage a few corrupt police officers.
Thiruthani Movie story is about a youth who is very selfish and self centered.
Antony falls in love with Rajeswari who belongs to an upper caste family. When her father kills her sister for marrying a man from the lower caste, she decides to elope with Antony.
A young woman falls in love with a man and wishes to marry him. However, everything changes when she learns about her father's involvement in his first wife's death.
A businessman who wants to be rich loses out on family and social life. He marries a girl who loves him only because she would prove profitable to his business. He realizes what he lost after the death of his mother.
Gajendra is the remake of Telugu film Simhadri and was later dubbed in Hindi as Return of Khuda Gawah. Gajendra (Vijayakanth), an orphan, is adopted and grows up under Azhagarsamy's (Sarath Babu) family care. Azhagarsamy considers him like his own son. Kasthuri (Flora), Azhagarsamy's granddaughter, falls in love with Gajendra. Gajendra takes of a mentally ill girl called Indhu (Laya). The rest of the story is about why he took care of her.
Marudhamalai, a cop, gets involved in a scuffle with the local gangster and helps the villagers get rid of his atrocities.
Azhagar is a happy go lucky youngster, who looks after his family's red chilly business (justifying the title 'milaga'), in Madurai. But his main job is to be with his friends- roaming, singing and fighting for them all the time (justifying the sub title- 'Maduraikaara payaluga natupukkaga usuraiyum kuduppaiynga...').
Ivan Veramathiri
The brother of a local law minister, who is out on parole and should be back in custody in the next six days, goes missing. When he doesn't show up on the sixth day, the opposition party blames the law minister for keeping his brother in hiding, and therefore, resulting in his immediate arrest. Meanwhile, the missing brother resurfaces and wants to avenge his captor but he doesn't have a clue about his identity or whereabouts.