
Third Eye (2014)

Жанр : ужасы

Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М

Директор : Aloy Adlawan
Писатель : Aloy Adlawan

Краткое содержание

A young woman's supernatural ability to see ghosts is reawakened following the death of her mother. As she adjusts to her new, deathly surroundings, she and her loved ones become the target of some ill-meaning individuals.


Carla Abellana
Carla Abellana
Camille Prats
Camille Prats
Ejay Falcon
Ejay Falcon
Denise Laurel
Denise Laurel
Boots Anson-Roa
Boots Anson-Roa
Dimples Romana
Dimples Romana
Alex Vincent Medina
Alex Vincent Medina
Patricia Coma
Patricia Coma
Young Mylene


Aloy Adlawan
Aloy Adlawan
Aloy Adlawan
Aloy Adlawan


This Filipino vampire film co-directed by Peque Gallaga and Lore Reyes tells the story of an aswang, the traditional shape-shifting creature of local legend. Here, the vampire makes appearances as a giant snake, a young woman (Alma Moreno), and a withered old hag (Lilia Cuntapay). The aswang has a lengthy cinematic history, having been the subject of the first sound film ever produced in the Philippines (1932's Ang Aswang) and migrating, in somewhat altered form, to films in Hong Kong, India, Japan, and, in 1994, to the United States. Aiza Seguerra co-stars with Janice de Belen, Aljon Jimenez, John Estrada, and Alma Moreno.
Kubot: The Aswang Chronicles 2
A family of bloodthirsty monsters descends on the city to take revenge on the man that caused the death of so many of their own.
Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles
With dark shades on and a burning cigarette between his lips, Makoy will do whatever it takes to get back his girlfriend Sonia, who’s pregnant with their child. He makes the trip to remote Pulupandan, her hometown, and is quickly rebuffed by Sonia’s mother Fely. But Makoy has never been one to give up. With the help of Sonia’s father Nestor and his ever-dependable helper Bart, Makoy stays in town to surprise Sonia on her birthday. But alas, Makoy gets into trouble with a group of townsfolk who transform into tiktik—horrific, man-eating creatures with a taste for fetuses that are still in the womb! They are angry, and they are hungry for revenge. Will their thirst for blood and retribution be quenched? Will Makoy finally get his act together, protect Sonia and their baby, and once and for all prove himself worthy of their love? Who will win in the battle between men and monsters?
Surviving Evil
A TV documentary crew arrive on a remote island in the Philippines to film a survival special. Their back-to-the-wild adventure proves to be more terrifying than they ever could have imagined
Wild and Free
Ellie and Jake fall in love, but struggle with their relationship when they discover an unexpected connection between their pasts.
Must Be... Love
A young woman develops romantic feelings for her best friend, but problems arise when another gal enters the picture.
In the world of semi-pro basketball, a beautiful bookie recruits a naïve but promising player to the underworld of game-fixing.
Feng Shui
After finding a Feng Shui amulet, Joy starts to see a string of fortunate events come her way. Soon, she realizes it is, in fact, a curse. Now she must break the cycle of good fortune and death in order to save her family.
An NBI agent teams up with the heiress to a transnational organized crime syndicate in Japan to put a stop to the centuries-old curse that might be responsible for the spate of serial killings happening in Manila.
A heartbroken young woman begins a sexual relationship with a struggling artista, not knowing that her new beau is already married. As the truth comes out, obsession and jealousy bring pain into all their lives.
Pagpag: Siyam na Buhay
The movie follows a group of teenagers that are terrorized by an evil spirit. The film revolves around the traditional Filipino belief that one should never go home directly after visiting a wake since it risks bringing evil spirits or the deceased to one's home.
Teniente Gimo
An urban legend in Western Visayas about a captain with a hair-raising secret.
I Will Always Love You
Justin (Richard Gutierrez) & Cecille (Angel Locsin) play students from different social backgrounds. Against the wishes of his rich parents, Justin pursues Cecille, who also falls hard for the handsome rich boy. Justin, however, is being forced to marry Donna (Bianca King), the daughter of his parents’ business partner. His parents order him to study in the United States to separate him from the poor girl. Unable to accept life without Cecille, Justin is somehow able to take her with him to the US without his parents awareness.
Ninja Party
"Ninja Party" is a coming of age story of two teenage coeds who find themselves in a comprising situation when they get involved in secret debauchery.
The Echo
After moving into his new digs a ratty apartment in a decrepit building Marvin senses that something is amiss. Every night, domestic violence occurs at the home of his neighbors: an alcoholic cop, his wife, Anna, and their daughter, Lara. When bloody apparitions of Anna and Lara flash before Marvin's eyes, he begins to question his sanity in this atmospheric horror film.
The Mistress
A young woman is torn between the affections of her two lovers. One is a young bachelor who brings passion into her life. The other is a married man who has kept her as his mistress for years. Architect JD has a chip on his shoulder about his father Rico never really accepting him as his son. Seamstress Sari struggles to take care of her family. The two meet by chance, and JD aggressively pursues Saris affections. Though the two are clearly a good match, there is a problem standing in the way of their bliss: Sari is the mistress of JDs father. Against his better judgment, JD continues to court Sari even after finding out this difficult fact. He hides his true identity as Ricos son, and fights to win Saris heart.
Поймай меня... Я влюблен
Two young adults search for that something that could complete their existence. The two would fall in love but conflict would arise to try to break their special bond.
Romano and his men are ambushed in one military operation. Romano almost gets killed but wakes up after staying in coma for several days. His life will never be the same again. He resigns from the military and goes into seclusion in their Baguio ancestral house after realizing that he now has a supernatural gift.
A young woman uses her grandmother's tarot cards to find her missing boyfriend.
Главный герой Пепинг - студент криминалистического факультета, а в свободное от учёбы время подрабатывает у рэкетиров, исполняя всякие мелкие поручения. В его жизни есть любимая девушка, но на свадьбу денег нет. К счастью или на беду, ему предоставляется возможность заработать много денег, но для этого необходимо лишить жизни человека.


Тан, молодой фотограф, сбивает девушку и скрывается с места аварии вместе со своей подругой Джен. После несчастного случая, на снимках, которые он делает, появляется странная тень. Сначала Тан решает, что это просто брак, но тень появляется снова и снова, а друзья Тана начинают умирать.
Проклятие умерших обитает в местах, где они жили, поджидая новую жертву. Когда проклятие находит новую жертву — она умирает. А проклятие становится только сильнее. И так, убивая жертву за жертвой, однажды брошенное проклятие как вирус распространяется и плетет сеть ужаса…
Затащи меня в Ад
Кристина Браун живет в Лос-Анжелесе, работает в банке, оформляя клиентам ссуды, у нее обаятельный и любящий бойфренд, профессор Клэй Далтон. Все складывается хорошо и, казалось, что жизнь удалась…, но только до тех пор, пока в банке не появляется некая миссис Гануш с просьбой об отсрочке ипотечного кредита.
Бескрайний океан, безлюдный пляж и идеальная погода для серфингистов в поисках хорошей волны. Казалось бы, ничто не предвещает беды для очаровательной любительницы серфинга в одиночку. Разве что свидание тет-а-тет с гигантской акулой, которая загонит спортсменку на песчаную отмель и не отступит до тех пор, пока не получит своё.
Заклятие 2
Супругов занесло в город Энфильд. На этот раз экстрасенсам довелось столкнуться с могущественным демоном, претендующим на звание владыки здешних мест. Скептически настроенные горожане начали подозревать друг друга в происшествиях, в их сердцах поселилась вражда и ненависть.
Биолог возглавляет опасную и секретную экспедицию в аномальную зону, в которой законы природы не действуют.
Butcher House
In the 1960's at Arthur Kingston's old butcher house blood and guts were routine. That all changed one night when the blood spilled was human. At the hand of a murderous, rampaging butcher, two workers and the owner's son were killed. The factory was shut down. Decades pass. The massacre became a legend, but the abandoned butcher house still held the evil in its halls. As six teenagers explore the old butcher house, they unleash the horror that lies within.
Венди Алден, молодая секретарша, которой не хватает уверенности в себе. Неожиданно для себя, она становится мишенью для маньяка, который убил многих женщин. Находясь в безвыходном положении, Венди оказывает сопротивление и сбегает, но маньяк идет по пятам.
The Era of Vampires
In 17th century China, zombies and vampires roamed the lands, feeding on the unsuspecting. A group of martial artists / vampire hunters find themselves employed by a very rich - and very insane - old man who has kept everyone of his relatives preserved in wax and not buried. Apparently it is his family's tradition. So, having generations of potential zombies in your cellar may not be the smartest idea ever, but it takes two to tango. In this case, a thief wants the old-man's treasure and hires a zombie-wrangler to re-animate the waxed up relatives in order to sneak into the mansion and steal the treasure. It's up to the kung-fu fighting vampire hunters to save the day (or night).
The Cook
Over a long holiday weekend, unable to escape the confines of their sorority house, a handful of unsuspecting girls are left behind to enjoy the quiet sanctuary. The normal house staff has taken off for the weekend, leaving the girls to fend for themselves. Thankfully someone was kind enough to send them a temporary replacement chef to cook their meals.
Лабиринт страха
Компания подростков отправляется в парк аттракционов, чтобы весело провести время. В новом «Лабиринте Страха» происходит несчастный случай с одной из девочек, Юки. Испугавшись, одноклассники решили оставить ее там и забыть об этой истории. Спустя 10 лет Юки возвращается за их душами, чтобы отомстить…
When two groups of thieves compete to pull off a successful heist of a priceless diamond, they get caught in a web of murder and lies.
A cellist is haunted by strange events after a car wreck.
The Eye 3: Infinity
Teens tries to see ghosts but once they start they can't stop.
Главная героиня — молодая девушка по имени Лора Бакстер, которая в детстве стала жертвой несчастного случая. Это послужило причиной того, что она впала в длительную спячку, лишь изредка просыпаясь. В госпиталь, в котором находится девушка, помещен жестокий маньяк-убийца Байрон Волп. И у него есть свои планы насчет спящей Лауры. Только бойфренд девушки студент Дэнни, искренне любящий ее, сможет помочь своей возлюбленной.
The Red Shoes
A woman who finds a pair of pink high heels on a subway platform soon realizes that jealousy, greed, and death follow them wherever they go.
After a detective rescues a mute disfigured woman from being murdered, he takes her into his home to prevent her from staying in a mental hospital, a move which alienates his family and soon turns to obsession.
A Time for Dancing
Their love of dance, and their friendship, is challenged for two high school girls when one is diagnosed with cancer.
Here on Earth
Three lives of three young people intersect over the course of one summer. A rich student and a young working-class man accidentally destroy a diner when their impromptu road race takes a disastrous turn. Ordered by a judge to spend the summer repairing the building, they find themselves becoming rivals for the affections of the owner's daughter.
Большой и дружелюбный великан
Одной лунной ночью, очаровательный гигант похищает маленькую Софи прямо из кровати сиротского приюта миссис Клонкерс и уносит ее прочь к волшебным, захватывающим и забавным приключениям.Воодушевленные детским бестселлером Роальда Даля (Чарли и шоколадная фабрика, Джеймс и гигантский персик), победители множества конкурсов Cosgrove Hall Studio и создатели сериалов «Опасный мышонок» и «Ветер в ивах» подарили жизнь этой классической анимационной музыкальной сказке.