Мясник (1970)
Жанр : триллер, драма, детектив
Время выполнения : 1Ч 35М
Директор : Claude Chabrol
Писатель : Claude Chabrol
Краткое содержание
Французская провинция. На фоне вестей о жестоких убийствах в соседних селениях разворачивается драматическая история взаимоотношений школьной учительницы и бывшего военного, подозреваемого в преступлениях.
A Vietnam war veteran writes a series of articles about his war experiences for a local newspaper. As he does so, another veteran, drawn by the articles, begins randomly appearing in his life.
A Russian spy is sent out to steal sensitive information from NATO about military mobilization. Without much intelligence of his own, the distrusted agent of Soviet intelligence needs all the help he can get from his "talented" partner Penelope Lightfeather as they scatter around the French countryside for secret rendez-vous' while trying to avoid being caught by counter intelligence agents and distrustful communist operatives.
At a boarding house, a vicious dog gets loose from his chain and chews up a tenant's ass that was teasing him with a piece of raw meat. As a result, the dog is shot to death. Another tenant, a very high strung book editor, is picked on a lot. Soon he starts having dreams that the dog has returned and dead chewed up tenants begin popping up everywhere.
Shyam is an honest and dedicated CBI Officer. He is assigned to a series of crimes involving a crime syndicate who, amongst other things, use disappearing ink on cheques issued to jewellers. With no clues left behind, Shyam is under pressure to put a stop to these crimes, as well as apprehend their perpetrators.
A group of Vietnam vets disturbs television programs from a B-29 airplane. They want to sabotage Mrs Westinghouse's political campaign who is running for the Senate in support of US military involvement in South America. Mrs Westinghouse orders some nuclear missiles to be launched against the saboteurs, but they manage to avoid the impact and even succeed in exposing a big secret of hers.
Frank Davies is a bar owner and ex-cop. The lovely Jade Anderson walks into the bar one night and Frank is smitten. He learns that her husband is a diplomat gone bad, smuggling drugs in from Peru. He decides to help her but Jade has her own machinations. She thinks that she's got him twisted around her little finger, but he knows a lot more than he's letting on. He knows about the bomb. The money...
Michael Sanford and his wife move to his old town so he can take over the family business. However, gruesome murders of children start to happen. Meanwhile, Michael starts to become slowly insane, after he may have witnessed one of the murders and reports it to the police. Is he the murderer, or is it something of his past?
A woman, after committing a murder, flees into a church, confessing her life story to a priest.
After his wife, a concert pianist, is found murdered a wealthy man is suspected of her murder. But as more suspects begin to pile up this mystery might take it's toll on more than one participant.
На незадачливую супружескую пару обращает внимание таинственный маньяк-убийца. Бедолагам много приходится пережить, но, в конце концов, все разрешается наилучшим образом.
Margot Rande, a basically decent woman, is led down the path to perdition by her bank robber husband.
David Miller is a Vietnam vet who renounced violence and became a minister after he was forced to blow up a Viet Cong kid in self defense, but years later, when David's wife Gail and daughter Kim are killed by a group of terrorists led by Ali Aboud, in a massacre at an airport in Rome, Italy, David is devastated. Going against his faith, David sets out to find and kill Ali Aboud.
An ex-con takes flight after he's framed for a jewelry store robbery and murder.
A desert family offers a traveling stranger its hospitality, but the stranger doesn't realize exactly what they have in store for him.
1958 West German circus drama directed by Harald Philipp.
Погибают члены одной и той же банды. Перед смертью все они видели тигра и на их телах раны от тигриных когтей, хотя свидетели уверяют, что никакого тигра не было. Репортер Акира Инугами (Сонни Тиба) расследует таинственные смерти и выходит на Мики, певицу, ставшую наркоманкой. Акира узнает, что именно погибшие бандиты изнасиловали девушку и заразили ее сифилисом. Может их смерти как-то с этим связаны. Акира продолжает расследование и никто не знает, что у него у самого есть тайна. Акира последний представитель клана Инугами и в полнолуние в нем просыпаются волчьи инстинкты.
Based on a true story, this film recounts the story of Diane Zamora and David Graham, two high school sweethearts who swear to always be together, even as they enter separate military academies. But when David confesses he had an affair with a classmate, Diane has an ultimatum, leading the two into a murderous pact with severe repercussions.
Carroll Levis, a radio variety host, gets involved in murder and theft.
When four geologists who form a combine of five industrial companies turn up dead, the race is on to determine whether the culprit is a group of high-powered industrial interests or the government. A trouble-shooter is hired to find a net of deadly intrigue and treachery. The prize: a field to be leased to private industry by the state.
Обманутая любовником на большую сумму денег героиня Моники Витти приезжает из Ниццы в Париж, чтобы провести там приятную прощальную неделю, убить изменника и в пятницу покончить жизнь самоубийством. Неделя оказывается до краев наполнена событиями, а финальную пятницу пытается предотвратить случайно встреченный Витти парижанин...
На безлюдной площади провинциального городка происходит трагедия — под колесами мчащегося на огромной скорости автомобиля погибает мальчик. Полиция ищет водителя, но безрезультатно — свидетелей нет. Безутешный отец, писатель Шарль Тэнье, одержимый жаждой мести, начинает собственное расследование. Он хочет не просто найти преступника, но и лично уничтожить его. Спустя несколько месяцев, потраченных впустую, Шарль совершенно случайно выходит на след убийцы. Но, познакомившись с актрисой Элен Лансон, которая, как выясняется, была соучастницей преступления, Тэнье влюбляется в нее…