
The Affair of Susan (1935)

Oh Knight of Nights! Oh Daze of Day!

Жанр : мелодрама, комедия

Время выполнения : 1Ч 2М

Директор : Kurt Neumann

Краткое содержание

Two people go to Coney Island to find romance and wind up in jail.


Zasu Pitts
Zasu Pitts
Susan Todd
Hugh O'Connell
Hugh O'Connell
Dudley Stone
Walter Catlett
Walter Catlett
Tom Dugan
Tom Dugan
Jeff Barnes
Inez Courtney
Inez Courtney
Mrs. Barnes
James Burke
James Burke
Nan Grey
Nan Grey
Miss Skelly
Irene Franklin
Irene Franklin
Miss Perkins
William Pawley
William Pawley


Kurt Neumann
Kurt Neumann
Mann Page
Mann Page
Clarence Marks
Clarence Marks


A reincarnated "Satanic Witch" from New Amsterdam, circa 1600's comes back to revive her cult members by sucking the life force out of people.
Rich Kids
Two 12-year-olds, the products of Upper West Side broken homes, struggle to make sense of their parents lives and their own adolescent feelings.
Чарли гуляет по ночному Нью-Йорку. Он сталкивается со старыми знакомыми и случайными людьми: бездомным, спящим под его дверью, умершим другом, парочкой, живущей этажом выше, барменом, парнем, приглашающим его остаться на ночь. Чарли живет в городе, полном историй о насилии, и любит рассказывать свои собственные. Но в чем причина его меланхолии?
Вуди Аллен
Документальный фильм о культовом писателе, режиссере, актере, комике и музыканте - Вуди Аллене. Всем почитателям его творчества рекомендуем смотреть онлайн «Вуди Аллен».
Хранители снов
Когда злой дух Кромешник посягает на самое дорогое — детские мечты, Северянин, Ледяной Джек, Кролик, Зубная Фея и Песочный Человек впервые объединяются, чтобы создать команду Хранителей снов…
Staples, a successful plant operator, is brought in from Ohio to take an executive position at Ramsey & Co. in New York. He forms a friendship with Briggs, the long-time vice president, but it soon becomes apparent that Walter Ramsey, who has inherited the position of CEO, is grooming Staples to replace Briggs. Ramsey will not fire Briggs, instead doing everything he can to humiliate and sabotage Briggs until he resigns.
Внутри Льюина Дэвиса
Богемные кварталы Манхэттена и клубы табачного дыма, пыльные дороги Америки и гигантские тиражи винила… Нью-Йорк. 60-е. После первого же выступления в одном из клубов Гринвич-Виллиджа Льюин Дэвис, талантливый певец и гитарист из Квинса завоевал восторг музыкальной элиты и неожиданную славу среди слушателей. Но это был первый и последний его концерт… Музыкант стал легендой. Удастся ли разгадать тайны мира его музыки? Что там, внутри Льюина Дэвиса?
Formula for a Murder
A fitness instructor marries a traumatized, crippled woman who suffers from PTSD and is tormented by a traumatic event that happened in her past. What is even more unfortunate is that her marriage is part of her maniac husband's evil scheme to kill her for her money. It isn't long before the formula is put into action and the gory body count starts to mount.
Дети сексу не помеха
Влюбленная пара обсуждает сложности отцовства, наблюдая за другими, которые уже решились на этот шаг. Примеряя на себя роль родителей, они все больше склоняются к тому, что дети — слишком большой стресс. Они решают обзавестись ребенком, а потом начать встречаться с другими людьми.
Post Office Box 1001
Barcelona, Spain. A young man is murdered in the middle of the street in front of the police headquarters. Miguel and Marcial, two agents of the Criminal Brigade in charge of the investigation, find in the victim's room a newspaper where a cryptic classified ad appears…
After Office Hours
A managing editor sends a socialite reporter to spy on her boyfriend, mixed up in murder.
Two Lost in a Dirty Night
Paco and Tonho are illegal Brazilian immigrants in New York. Shy Tonho dreams of being successful, but misses his family and Brazil. Pursued by Immigration Service and later arrested, he is about to be deported. Paco, a rapper and performer, indifferent to all except her career, dreams of hitting the top ten chart. The film shows the relationship of the couple in love mid hope, difficulties, and misencounters in a beautiful and violent metropolis
Brand X
In 1969, Taylor Mead complained to his friend artist Wynn Chamberlain that Andy Warhol had never paid him for any of the work he had done for him and Wynn said he would make a film especially for Taylor. Inspired by the banality of 1960's television, Chamberlain wrote and directed Brand X, an 87 minute series of faux television shows spoofing the politics and mass media of the day, complete with commercials for Sex, Sweat, Computer Dating and Peanut Butter. BRAND X follows Taylor Mead through a day in a wacky television studio as he portrays an exercise guru, a talk show host, a veteran returning from the American Civil War, a hospital patient in a soap opera, the President of the United States and a televangelist giving the Nightly Sermon. BRAND X satirizes President Nixon, the Vietnam War, sex, drugs, computers, money and race relations.
Gimme the Loot
Malcolm and Sofia, two determined teens from the Bronx, are the ultimate graffiti-writers. When a rival gang buffs their latest masterpiece, they must hatch a plan to get revenge by tagging an iconic NYC landmark, but they need to raise $500 to pull off their spectacular scheme. Over the course of two whirlwind, sun-soaked summer days, Malcolm and Sofia travel on an epic urban adventure involving black market spray cans, illicit bodegas, stolen sneakers, a high stakes heist, and a beautiful, stoned girl whose necklace is literally their key to becoming the biggest writers in the City.
Полицейские и разбойники
Том и его напарник Джо — полицейские из Нью-Йорка. Сидят на зарплате, а вокруг красивая жизнь: бездельники, проститутки, мафия и дорогие автомобили. Полицейским хочется разбогатеть и забыть про службу, а как это сделать? Очевидно, следует что-нибудь украсть, но что именно? Они приходят за советом к известному мафиози.
So This Is New York
A small town man inherits a significant fortune and takes his family to New York City whereupon they are continually shocked at the alien culture of the Big Apple.
A Yank on the Burma Road
A celebrated New York cabbie is pressed into service for a perilous journey through World War II China.
The Shopworn Angel
During WWI Bill Pettigrew, a naive young Texan soldier is sent to New York for basic training. He meets worldly wise actress Daisy Heath when her car nearly runs him over.
Man of the Century
Fantasy-comedy about a young man who lives as if it is 1928 or so, and his encounters with modern-day women and modern-day criminals.
Terminal Bar - Porters, Bouncers and Bartenders
Third installment in Stefan Nadelman's ongoing short doc series about his father and the infamous Terminal bar in NYC.