
Jack's Big Tit Show 2 (2006)

Oops...Jack did it again! More D-Cups are waiting for you to unload on!

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 1Ч 40М

Директор : Robby D.

Краткое содержание

Jack is really busy casting for music videos and now he's on the hunt for big, beautiful boobies. They bounce, and they shake. In volume 2 of this delicious show, the amazingly beautiful, Krystal Steal takes over with a scrumptious fuck and suck spectacle and her fine boobs on display. Then Rebecca Love delivers the best titty fuck we've ever seen and Erik Everhard surely agrees. Not to be outdone by her predecessors, Jada Fires takes Marco in her tight little ass and then begs him to "cum on her big, fat, mother fuckin' titties." Then Sara Stone unleashes her monster titties and Marco Banderas unleashes his load. This is followed up with the very blonde and very cute Sophia, who does an intense anal scene with Erik before he pops all over her jiggling bosom. There's more than a mouthful, more than a handful plenty of big boobies bursting out of their bras.


Sara Stone
Sara Stone
Rebecca Love
Rebecca Love
Jada Fire
Jada Fire
Krystal Steal
Krystal Steal
Sophia Gently
Sophia Gently
Marco Banderas
Marco Banderas
Erik Everhard
Erik Everhard
Scott Nails
Scott Nails


Robby D.
Robby D.
Samantha Lewis
Samantha Lewis
Nick P.
Nick P.
Kurt Tortcher
Kurt Tortcher
Additional Editing
Robby D.
Robby D.
Camera Operator


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