
Humperdinck: Hansel und Gretel (2008)

Жанр : музыка

Время выполнения : 2Ч 30М

Директор : Laurent Pelly, Thomas Grimm

Краткое содержание

As bright and colorful as penny candy, this visually arresting production of Engelbert Humperdinck's "Hansel und Gretel" puts a twist on the classic fairy tale upon which it's based by uprooting the action to modern times. Director Laurent Pelly's interpretation, which premiered at Glyndebourne in 2008, finds Hansel, Gretel and their family taking shelter in a cardboard box while the witch's stock of goodies lines the shelves of a supermarket.


Jennifer Holloway
Jennifer Holloway
Adriana Kučerová
Adriana Kučerová
Irmgard Vilsmaier
Irmgard Vilsmaier
Klaus Kuttler
Klaus Kuttler
Wolfgang Ablinger-Sperrhacke
Wolfgang Ablinger-Sperrhacke
The Witch
Amy Freston
Amy Freston
Malin Christensson
Malin Christensson
Dew Fairy
London Philharmonic Orchestra
London Philharmonic Orchestra


Laurent Pelly
Laurent Pelly
Kazushi Ono
Kazushi Ono
Thomas Grimm
Thomas Grimm
Engelbert Humperdinck
Engelbert Humperdinck


Опера Ява
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Любовь никогда не умирает
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