
Berlin Kidz (2013)

100% Pure Adrenaline

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М

Краткое содержание

Berlin Kidz is a limited underground DVD, offering you 90 minutes of pure Adrenaline. The DVD features dangerous graffiti actions in enormous heights and is also giving insight into Berlin’s train-surfer scene which has been kept underground for many years.




November Days
Marcel Ophüls interviews various important Eastern European figures for their thoughts on the reunification of Germany and the fall of Communism.
The Prisoner of St. Petersburg
A young Russian man arrives in Berlin in search of a woman, but becomes entangled with two others one of whom falls in love with him and another who represents a classic Russian heroine like out of a novel from one of his countrymen idols.
Geschichten jener Nacht
Four directors - four styles - four episodes, all relating the events of a single night which has entered the history books: August 12-13, 1961. There are thousands of complex narratives connected with the frontier drawn through the middle of Berlin, and each episode relates the story of a difficult decision made on that night...
Area 08 Vol. 1
A film devoted exclusively to graffiti on trains and metros of Stockholm, Sweden. The soundtrack is composed by the famous Swedish rap group, Looptroop Rockers among others. The film features many sequences of trainspotting and backjumps with the WUFC in particular and the infamous scene with the trashing of a subway car. The film was immediately banned from sale by the Swedish authorities.
Karuzela is a four person drama. It is a journey inside the souls of the main characters across the reefs of everyday dilemmas - the merry-go-round of life. An individual approach to the subject, obscure narration and absence of easy answers is what allows every viewer to embark on their own journey around the universal story told in the film. They are not even 30 years old and they have problems with finding work. When something comes their way, it is only a temporary 'junk contract'.The characters have to overcome their weaknesses and face the harsh reality.They are taking their life exams and do not want to make wrong choices again.This is a game witch will evoke emotions, allow to identify with the main characters and their complex world
Theater Work - The Berliner Ensemble at 25
A review of 25 years of theatre work by the Berliner Ensemble, dedicated mostly to plays by Bertolt Brecht. Interviews with stage hands and lighting technicians provide an interesting view behind the scenes.
В поисках Евы
Еве Колле немного за двадцать. Она покинула консервативный городок где-то в Италии и в поисках свободы переехала в Берлин. Здесь Ева исследует свое тело, пишет откровенные посты в социальных сетях, пробует новое, бунтует против ярлыков, которые навешивает на нее общество и, главное, пытается найти себя.
Marie, Arthur, Emine, and Christian are ten years old. They live in Berlin. Strolling through the city with them, we experience their freedom as well as first notions of opposition.
Los Misterios del Templo de Pitiquito
A documentary on the Pitiquito temple.
Tale of the Navajos
Colorful nature photography highlights a glimpse into the history and lifestyle of the American Indian people. Narrated by Edwin Jerome.
Spreading the Truth (Difundiendo la verdad)
Based on testimonies from residents of the communities of Miskibamba and Huayao of the district of San Miguel and Tambo in the province of La Mar, Department of Ayacucho, the film illustrates some of the main conclusions of the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, a group created with the purpose of clarifying the crimes and human rights violations that occurred during the internal armed conflict between 1980 - 2000.
B movie
This mini documentary features a rare interview with infamous graffiti artist Banksy, delving into how he started out as a graffiti writer up to his shift to gallery art, installations, CDs, and more. Til this day only a hand full of people know his real identity, such as friends appearing here: 3D of Massive Attack, Damien Hirst, and others.
Осторожно, Кенгуру!
Марк-Уве, скромный художник с постоянными мигренями, который живет вместе с кенгуру. Район Берлина оказывается в опасности: ультраправая акула недвижимости угрожает идиллии города гигантским проектом строительства, однако кенгуру разрабатывает гениальный план. Потом еще один, так как первый провалился. А затем еще и еще...
Helga Paris, Fotografin
Поиски под водой
Монтажный экспериментальный фильм Дмитрия Фролова на основе документальных кадров выступлений российских артистов балета и безжизненных окраин российской глубинки. Символизирует медленно редеющий и умирающий Русский мир.
Berliner Stadtbahnbilder
Documentation on the Berlin S-Bahn, which threatened to fall into oblivion as a result of the division of the city.
Лето 2018 года, Берлин, Кройцберг. Уже давно установилась жара, а учёба в школе всё никак не закончится. Класс Норы отправляется в двухнедельный поход на байдарках, но сама она не сможет принять в нём участие: у неё сломана рука. Поэтому ближайшие 2 недели 14-летняя Нора будет учиться в классе своей сестры 16-летней Юле. Всё идёт хорошо, пока девушка не попадает в щекотливую ситуацию.
Дальние полёты космических кораблей остались в прошлом, как и хроника свершений. Обрывки памяти доносят до нас осколки тех воспоминаний, которые путаются и не оставляют после себя внятного и последовательного следа. Всё в прошлом. А было ли это на самом деле?!