Hulihin Si Tiagong Akyat (1973)

Жанр : история, боевик

Время выполнения : 1Ч 58М

Директор : Armando A. Herrera
Писатель : Ramon Revilla Sr.

Краткое содержание

Tiagong Akyat was one of the most famous outlaws in Philippine history. He terrorized Manila and the nearby provinces in the 1920s. Born Santiago Ronquillo in Imus, Cavite sometime in the late 19th century, Tiagong Akyat got his moniker because he simply entered homes and loot it of its wealth amidst the horrified residents (it should be noted that during the early 20th century, few homes had gates). Legend has it that Tiagong Akyat possessed an amulet that made him invisible. This amulet is called "Tagabulag" in Philippine folklore.Yet, despite Tiagong Akyat's notoriety, there was existing rumors that he was a "Robin Hood" character, helping the poor and looting the rich. In 1923, Manila Chief of Police John Fulton Green received an intelligence report that Tiagong Akyat was seen in Noveleta, Cavite. In cooperation with the Philippine constabulary, Green organized a formidable force to capture Tiagong Akyat, resulting to the kill of the latter.


Ramon Revilla Sr.
Ramon Revilla Sr.
Santiago 'Tiagong Akyat' Ronquillo
Liza Lorena
Liza Lorena
Wife of Tiago
Robert Jaworksi
Robert Jaworksi
Aurora Salve
Aurora Salve
Max Alvarado
Max Alvarado
Rodolfo 'Boy' Garcia
Rodolfo 'Boy' Garcia


Armando A. Herrera
Armando A. Herrera
Nonong Rasca
Nonong Rasca
Director of Photography
Jerry Dadap
Jerry Dadap
Ramon Revilla Sr.
Ramon Revilla Sr.


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