Seven Songs About Thunder (2010)

Жанр : комедия, драма

Время выполнения : 20М

Директор : Jennifer Reeder

Краткое содержание

When a young woman with remarkable and hilarious coping skills finds the dead body of a teenage girl in the woods she is forced to reconcile her greatest fear--her fantastically failing life. This is a dark comedy about a mother, a daughter, a liar and her therapist.


Darline Jarry
Darline Jarry
Paula Carter
Paula Carter
Jon Osbeck
Jon Osbeck
John Hawk
John Hawk
Patricia McBride
Patricia McBride
Carolyn Slebodnik
Carolyn Slebodnik
Theresa Wilkinson
Theresa Wilkinson
Carolyn's mom
Susann Moeller
Susann Moeller
911 Operator


Jennifer Reeder
Jennifer Reeder
Jennifer Reeder
Jennifer Reeder
Mike Olenick
Mike Olenick
Director of Photography
Mike Olenick
Mike Olenick
Casey Cooper
Casey Cooper
Original Music Composer
Jamie Boyle
Jamie Boyle
Assistant Director
Jennifer Reeder
Jennifer Reeder
Mike Olenick
Mike Olenick


Julie Walking Home
Julie's son is dying of cancer and her marriage falling apart. She goes to Poland in search of a man who can heal using his hands. Julie finds not only a magical cure for her son, but also comes across a love so pure it begins to heal the aching in her heart.
Sophie's Misfortune
Sophie de Réan, an unruly mischievous little girl grows up under the thumb of Mademoiselle, her strict governess. Following her mother's death, she is entrusted to Mme de Fleurville, her aunt, who at the same time hires Mademoiselle to further Sophie's education. A few years later, the little girl has blossomed into a lovely young lady. She is now in love with Paul, her cousin, who, unlike her, used to be a model child. Unfortunately Mademoiselle will not hear of a union between them. Instead she wants Sophie to marry Armand, the conceited son of Prefect Hugon. To make matters worse, Paul, the good boy, unexpectedly turns into a revolutionary, who defends the Republic on the barricades against Louis Napoléon's coup. Not being one of the victors, Paul is forced into exile. Will Sophie finally yield and accept the established order or will she react in her usual rebellious way and follow the one she loves ?
Правдивое кино
Закулисная история о первой американской семье, ставшей героями ТВ-реалити шоу.
Для Марка, 15-летнего подростка, жизнь прекрасна! Особенно после того, как после долгого отсутствия возвращается его старшая сводная сестра Вивьен, с которой он был очень близок. У них обоих необычные представления о любви: Вивьен не умеет говорить «нет» своим поклонникам, а Марк обнаруживает, что ему нравятся парни!
Coming to Terms with the Dead
It’s summer, on the beach of this little town in Brittany, a man is building a sand castle. A few people watch him. We will be told the story of three of them: a boy, Jumbo, aged 9; François and his sister Zaza. All of them had to deal with the death of somebody they cherished.
Идеальная любовь
Молодой человек знакомится с более взрослой, чем он, женщиной. Некоторое время они встречаются, щебечут и с удовольствием занимаются любовью; всё мирно и хорошо. С течением времени, когда они уже нащебетались и назанимались любовью, их встречи приобретают единственный смысл: высказывать друг другу претензии
Спящая красавица
По странному объявлению в газете студентка Люси находит загадочную подработку в частном закрытом клубе. На ночь Люси запирают в Комнате Спящей Красавицы, где она спит под действием сильного наркотика в то время, когда мужчины-клиенты делают с ней то, что им заблагорассудится. С каждым днем Люси все больше и больше хочет узнать, что же происходит с ней в часы, о которых она ничего не помнит.
In the 100 miles between Baton Rouge and New Orleans there are over 150 petrochemical plants which are responsible for producing 25% of the nation's petrochemicals. This area reports the highest concentration of toxic emissions to the air, land and water in the country. The residents of this area, who are mainly African American and poor, suffer from astronomical rates of cancer, asthma and other medical ailments.
Зеленый Фонарь: Изумрудные рыцари
Этот полнометражный анимационный фильм по Вселенной DC Comics открывает нам богатую мифологию мира Зеленого Фонаря в шести взаимосвязанных эпизодах. Ожидая сражения с Кроной, древним врагом Стражей Вселенной, Зеленые Фонари Земли: Хэл Джордан, Килавог, Синестро и другие бойцы Корпуса Зеленых Фонарей рассказывают новичку-рекруту Арисии о своих былых приключениях — от истории о Первом Фонаре до зловещих событий, которые привели к Самой Черной Ночи Корпуса!
If You Were Me
Anthology film of six shorts by leading Korean directors. Park Chan-Wook, tackles racial prejudice and the economic exploitation of immigrant workers through the real-life story of a Nepalese woman in Korea. Jeong Jae-Eun, tackles the plight of a paedophile released into the community. Yeo Gyun-Dong, invites disabled actor Kim Moon-Joo to re-enact his most famous protest. Im Soon-Rye, goes for the engrained sexism of Korean men with superb wit and, Park Jin-Pyo, confronts the horror of children forced into oral surgery to improve their English-speaking ability.
Hay Fever
A group of Roman misfits spend the fall minding a vintage shop called Twinkled, a business that is failing in every way but in spirit. The owner strives to keep the store afloat, even as his wife insists that he sell the place and get a real job. One day a beautiful young woman named Camilla takes a job cleaning the store, and her presence has a profound effect on the lives of everyone, including Stefano, the well-meaning but unorganized shopkeeper, and Gigio, Camilla's loving younger brother who has Down's syndrome.
Девчонка не промах
Узнав о том, что его подружка ждет ребенка, будущий отец резко уходит в сторону, и бедной официантке (Аркетт), ставшей отверженной в этом провинциальном городке, пришлось бы не сладко, не повстречай она настоящего мужчину (Робертс), работающего осветителем странствующей театральной труппы.
Фильм любви и анархии
В публичный дом в Риме из Парижа приезжает анархист с детскими, испуганными глазами, всклокоченной головой и с множеством веснушек. Он приезжает к связной Саломее, которая работает там по специальности. Она должна помочь ему с убийством Бенито Муссолини и выдает его за своего кузена. Робкий парень в первый раз оказался в публичном доме…
The people of the planet Aeon, blessed with six suns, have never experienced night. When an archeological excavation uncovers evidence of an ancient catastrophe, all signs point towards the impending darkness of the very first Nightfall. Panic erupts as the suns slowly disappear one by one. Science struggles against superstition as the people race to comprehend the approaching Nightfall... the end of the world as they know it. Based on Isaac Asimov's classic story "Nightfall," voted "The Greatest Science-Fiction Story OF All Time."
Знаки смерти
Молодая канадка хочет выяснить, в чём по-настоящему нуждаются люди в последние месяцы их жизни. Сдержанно, без лишней сентиментальности фильм рассказывает о самых важных вещах и о странной близости, возникающей между умирающими и теми, кто за ними ухаживает.
Gypsy Creek's # 1 cop, Charles Gravytrain believes in three things: Truth, Justice, and slapping the no good crook Jimmy Fish Eye's in the slammer for life! And with the help of his foxy new partner, big city cop Miss Uma Booma, he may do just that. But in a town that has more stinky secrets and slippery surprises than a tin of rotten sardines the only question remains...Where's the Fish?!
The Unpolished
Stevie, a precocious 14-year-old girl must cope with the instabilities of her immoderate parents. When they decide to move to a small provincial town in Germany, Stevie attempts to slip into a normal life. Whilst her parents playfully escape their responsibilities, Stevie tries to make a good impression in town, spreading stories of grandeur and claiming to be the daughter of a diplomat. She makes progress. Yet the good weather doesn’t last and before long, she discovers that her parents have once more resorted to illegal means, as a way of supporting their leisurely lifestyle. As friends and hangers-on of her parents fill their new home, the chaos continually mounts. It is in this atmosphere of physical and emotional destruction, that Stevie must now start to define herself and perhaps even break free.
A Midwestern husband and father announces his plan to have a sex change operation.
The Last Escape
Christmas approaches and the Lévesque family has once again gathered for their traditional celebration. But this time there is a mixture of emotions running through each person. The patriarch of the family suffers from a combination of Parkinson’s Disease and heart failure. His life reduced in every way, the end approaches and there are unhappy memories of his once violent and authoritarian past. But his wife, ten children and many grandchildren try to maintain a semblance of the Christmas season.
Bobby Fischer Against the World
The first documentary feature to explore the tragic and bizarre life of the late chess master Bobby Fischer.