
Station to Station (2014)

Жанр : драма, документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 11М

Директор : Doug Aitken

Краткое содержание

Sending a burning arrow into the stunting effects that the compartmentalization of culture has on how creativity manifests, visual artist Doug Aitken embarked on an experiment exploring a less materialistic and more nomadic direction of art creation, exhibition, and participation. Station to Station involved a train that crossed North America housing a constantly changing creative community including artists, musicians, and curators, who collaborated in the creation of recordings, artworks, films, and 10 unique happenings, across the country.



Doug Aitken
Doug Aitken


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Уникальная история дружбы, соперничества, и самопознания родилась после случайного столкновения между фильммейкером Китом Миллером и звездой Шенноном Харпером, которые оказались в одном месте в одно время в ночном Бруклине. Шеннон - бывший драг-диллер, который работает с бумажками днем и швейцаром ночью. Однажды он получает плохие новости, которые становятся толчком к изменению жизни. Он становится артистом и вместе с группой талантливых людей путешествует по городу, начиная задворками бруклинских наркопритонов и заканчивая богатыми домами на холме Катскилл. Этот фильм - созидательное путешествие, которое показывает нам, как мы хотим прожить наши жизни.
In Praise Of Older Women
Andras Vayda grows up in a turbulent, war-torn Hungary, where he procures local girls for the occupying G.I.'s during World War II. Disappointed by girls of his age, he meets Maya, a married women in her thirties, who tutors him in the lessons of love and romance. Maya is only the first of many mature women that Andras will meet through his teenage and young adult life.
VEVE follows the lives of multiple characters trying to find themselves in a world of political intrigue, revenge, love and longings for success complemented by the background of the thriving yet unregulated veve business. Amos, an ambitious politician, is running for another term as Maua MP whilst facing his opponent Wadu in the extension of his veve empire.
An enchanted and dangerous jungle. A woman and her husband. A young boy and a teenaged girl who look like brother and sister. Another girl and two men from another time. Gunshots. An escape. A cascade and a storm. Love. Passion. Death.
Форпост прогресса
В конце девятнадцатого века двое португальских колониальных чиновника добираются до удаленного поста по торговле слоновой костью в Конго..
Song from the Forest
25 years ago, Louis Sarno, an American, heard a song on the radio and followed its melody into the Central Africa Jungle and stayed. He than recorded over 1000 hours of original BaAka music. Now he is part of the BaAka community and raises his pygmy son, Samedi. Fulfilling an old promise, Louis takes Samedi to America. On this journey Louis realizes he is not part of this globalized world anymore but globalization has also arrived in the rainforest. The BaAka depend on Louis for their survival. Father and son return to the melodies of the jungle but the question remains: How much longer will the songs of the forest be heard?
Iraqi Odyssey
Tracing the emigrations of his family over more than half a century, this riveting documentary epic from acclaimed expatriate Iraqi filmmaker Samir pays moving homage to the frustrated democratic dreams of a people successively plagued by the horrors of dictatorship, war and foreign occupation of Iraq.
A young man meets a 23-year-old cancer patient on the way to the park and disrupts her plan to commit suicide.
A young Tutsi woman and a young Hutu man fall in love amid chaos; a soldier struggles to foster a greater good while absent from her family; and a priest grapples with his faith in the face of unspeakable horror.
Оно может пройти сквозь стену
Старик пытается поиграть в нарды с друзьями, присматривая за внучкой, которая боится молодого самоубийцу в их доме.
A soldier returns from Vietnam on special assignment, accompanying the body of his friend by train to California for burial. During the trip, he falls in love with a gentle college student. But their relationship is shattered by his flashbacks to combat.
The Vanquished
A man returns to his home -- a post Civil-War village -- and finds the law is in the hands of a few scrupulous people.
On the Black Hill
The story covers eighty years in the lives of a pair of Welsh identical twins with an unusual bond, as they go through war, love affairs, and land disputes.
The Battles of the Coronel and Falkland Islands
The film focuses on the naval warfare around the Battle of Coronel and Battle of the Falkland Islands during the First World War. It was the last in a successful series of documentary reconstructions of First World War battles by British Instructional Films made between 1921 and 1927.
Filming weddings is a thankless job, so when Alex and Justin get the chance to shoot a destination wedding in Mexico, they take the opportunity to escape their sheltered lives – but with their boss playing fast and loose with the details, they’ll be lucky to even find it.
They Had to See Paris
Oklahoma mechanic Pike Peters finds himself part owner of an oil field. His wife Idy, hitherto content, decides the family must go to Paris to get "culture" and meet "the right kind of people." Pike and his grown son and daughter soon have flirtatious French admirers; Idy rents a chateau from an impoverished aristocrat; while Pike responds to each new development with homespun wit. In the inevitable clash, will pretentiousness and sophistication or common sense triumph?
The Boss
A crusading politician falls prey to the temptations of power.
Shepard & Dark
An indelible portrait of the complex relationship between playwright and actor Sam Shepard and his close friend Johnny Dark as they prepare forty years of their correspondence for publication, stirring up old memories both good and bad.
Холодные небеса
Во время отдыха на курорте Акапулько погибает муж молодой женщины. Труп везут в морг, где он и ожидает вскрытия. Однако в тот день, когда вскрытие должно было произойти, труп исчезает из морга. Вдова вынуждена вернуться домой, пребывая в глубочайшем недоумении. Но затем ее муж возвращается...
Welcome Home Brother Charles
After wrongly doing time in prison for murder, a man seeks revenge on a racist law enforcement system and the detective who framed him.