
The Damned Thing (2006)

Жанр : ужасы, телевизионный фильм, драма

Время выполнения : 57М

Директор : Tobe Hooper

Краткое содержание

The Damned Thing, inspired by Ambrose Bierce's classic short-story of the same title, is the apocalyptic tale of a monstrous force that devastates Sheriff Kevin Reddle's family and his small Texas town of Cloverdale. As a child, Reddle's father goes berserk, guns down his wife, and almost kills Kevin before being disemboweled by an invisible force. Before he dies, Kevin's father says the "damned thing" has found him....


Sean Patrick Flanery
Sean Patrick Flanery
Sheriff Kevin Reddle
Marisa Coughlan
Marisa Coughlan
Brendan Fletcher
Brendan Fletcher
Deputy Strauss
Alex Ferris
Alex Ferris
Mikey Reddle
Brent Stait
Brent Stait
John Reddle
Georgia Craig
Georgia Craig
Jodi Reddle
Ryan Drescher
Ryan Drescher
Young Kevin
Ted Raimi
Ted Raimi
Father Tulli


Tobe Hooper
Tobe Hooper
Mick Garris
Mick Garris
Richard Christian Matheson
Richard Christian Matheson
Ambrose Bierce
Ambrose Bierce
Short Story
Stephen R. Brown
Stephen R. Brown
Executive Producer


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The Damned Thing
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Счастливого пути
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Два незнакомых человека, проснувшись, обнаруживают, что их животы сшиты друг с другом. Еще больше их шокирует информация о том, кто стоит за этим ужасным испытанием.
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