Паранормальные явления: За гранью страха (2009)
Один на один со своими фобиями
Жанр : ужасы, триллер
Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М
Директор : Gerhard Hroß
Краткое содержание
Группу студентов из разных стран собирают в заброшенной психиатрической лечебнице для необычного семинара, посвященного человеческому страху. У каждого из них свой страх и своя фобия, которые становятся страшной реальностью, когда эксперимент выходит из-под контроля, и убийца начинает уничтожать участников семинара. Каждый умирает именно от того кошмара, который мучил его много лет. Только один человек находит в себе силы противостоять маньяку…
In this science-fiction action opus, intergalactic extremist Alex Windham has seized control of Dome 4, a scientific outpost on another planet, after escaping from a penal colony on Mars. Windham is forcing the staff of Dome 4 to construct new weapons that he can use to destroy his enemies, but what he doesn't know is that one of his captives is the wife of interstellar lawman Chase Moran, and Mor
In Red Canyon, Regina and Devon return to their family home in the badlands of Utah to face the memory of a brutal attack - and put it behind them. But in coming home they awaken a killing rage in a town where everyone has ties that bind.
Two journalists, Carlos and Lola, investigate the murder of a young woman whose body appeared with her heart torn out, in what seems to be a human sacrifice. The investigation leads the reporters to a museum, whose director is the famous Doctor Gallardo.
Кто сказал, что доллары не валяются на дороге? Валяются, причем в неограниченных количествах. Нужно только уметь их поднять. Именно на этом и специализируются трое героев этой комедии. Нет, они не рэкетиры и не мафиози. Скорее, наоборот — ловить преступников, спасать пропавших дочерей миллионеров и отыскивать злостных неплательщиков — их прямая задача. И они выходят с честью из любых переделок. А если при этом самую малость будет нарушен закон — не беда! В конце концов, нельзя не воспользоваться тем, что плохо лежит.
When an evil corporation threatens to unleash the black plague, Evan Grail, is recruited by his grandfather, Max, into the order of the Black Knights - a secret band of warriors who have been called upon in the past to fight evil and injustice. Evan learns that his parents were murdered by the same twisted villain, Simon Darth, who threatens to unleash the plague. Evan wears the uniform of the Black Knights and must fight Simon's evil army to save the day.
Seven executives die while on a video conference call, the victims of a rapidly spreading virus. Dr. Samantha Craig (Janine Turner) and disgraced doctor Nick Baldwin (Antonio Sabato Jr.) investigate, tracking the disease to a rival firm able to spread computer viruses to humans. They also discover the virus has killed before and is continuing on its deadly path, unless someone can stop it.
BREAKING HER WILL follows the path of one of the most twisted villains ever to appear on screen. What he does to his captive hitch hiker creates an atmosphere of utterly demented sleaze. Written by Bill Zebub
Дуэль на пустынной дороге с агрессивным водителем грузовика заканчивается для шестерых молодых людей сломанной машиной. Пытаясь добраться до цивилизации пешком, они оказываются в лесу, где орудует маньяк в кроличьем костюме и его безумная семейка.
Переехав в новый город, Брук знакомится с Денни. Приятный и во всех отношениях положительный молодой человек быстро приобретает симпатии всей семьи. Он становится «своим парнем» и долгожданным гостем, пока не открывает свое истинное лицо…
Пока весь мир содрогается только от одной только мысли о последствиях глобального потепления, некоторые люди совсем не против нагреть на этом руки. Со временем все более угрожающим становится загрязнение атмосферы двуокисью углерода. Его аккумуляция в глубинах океана может стать выгодным бизнесом в эпоху масштабных изменений климата. Но безопасно ли это для планеты в целом?
A blind sculptor works on his magnum opus unaware that the skeletons he has been using for armatures are the remains of the victims of his evil wife and that he is the next target.
There is something seriously wrong with Kenneyville. When, a young woman, KIM (Kelsey Oluk), from Toronto goes missing and police mysteriously drop the case earlier than expected, two private detectives are hired to find her. With undercover aliases, CHARLIE (Dany Gehshan) and KELLY (Vanessa Broze) head to the small town of Kenneyville for answers after discovering significant clues. Upon meeting seemingly innocent locals, they end up in a shocking predicament of violence where Charlie is brutally beaten and Kelly is ruthlessly kidnapped.
The year is 2062. The Earth is no longer inhabitable and has been left in ruins. On-board the space station USS Legacy in orbit around Earth, the Earth's population are in suspended animation whilst the space station is under military control and scientists are working on a project to make Earth inhabitable again. After disobeying orders, trying to apprehend a out-of-control soldier on a rampage, tough soldier Captain Cal Brody is sentenced by his commanding officer, Colonel Alexa Stant, to guard the stasis chamber where the Earth's population is in suspended animation for 3 months. But the USS Legacy is taken over by criminal Max Durbin and a group of escaped convicts, who have been freed by Alexa from the prison colony on Earth and Alexa decides to help them. Cal sets out to stop Max and Alexa's scheme and believes he is the only man who can stop Max, who plans to use Cal's scientist girlfriend Kendall Foster experiment to make the Earth inhabitable again...
R2 is going through hard times: his past failures have earned the anger of the Chief Inspector. He finds consolation visiting Didi's bar to cheer listening to music, especially blues. In addition, the Chief Inspector is jealous since he knows that R2 receives letters from the Palacio de la Zarzuela. Aided by his trusty and faithful Inspector Cardenas,he tries to solve all the cases that are presented, using methods rather unorthodox, including the use of disguises. One day, he decides to solve a very interesting case: the blackmail to a rich businessman who is threatened by the kidnapping of his young wife.
The disaffected wife of a failed civil servant, is thrilled to re-encounter Octavio, a former lover who is now a union activist on the run from a corrupt politician. Hoping to help him, she descends into the Mexican underworld, where she finds a purpose-and a thrill-missing from her married life.
An enterprising Senator's daughter realizes she can make money by venturing into the seedy side of politics. With the help of two sexy friends, she sets up a thriving blackmail business videotaping her father's political colleages in compromising positions. When a sadistic lobbyist wants his share of the money... the action really heats up.
A woman falsely accused of murder realizes that the person she donated bone marrow to now has a match for her DNA... and is using this new identity to implicate her in his crimes as his obsession for her grows.
Молодая девушка просыпается связанной в неизвестном месте и в окружении других связанных девушек. Периодически заходит убийца, чтобы выпотрошить еще одну жертву. Ждать спасения или выбираться самой? Ответ очевиден.
Michael Regardie is a lonely, delusional and sick religious zealot of his own invented faith -a faith that justifies hideous rituals of murder, rape and sexual torture. Absolution from his escalating nihilism and debauchery may lie in his latest victim. But as salvation seems at hand, a specter from his past demands revenge.