
Monster Mash: The Movie (1995)

Жанр : комедия, ужасы

Время выполнения : 1Ч 23М

Директор : Alec Sokolow, Joel Cohen
Писатель : Sheldon Allman, Bobby Pickett

Краткое содержание

Two teenagers get trapped in a house with Dr. Frankenstein who wants to transfer one of their brains to his creature.


Ian Bohen
Ian Bohen
Scott alias Romeo
Candace Cameron Bure
Candace Cameron Bure
Mary alias Juliet
Sarah Douglas
Sarah Douglas
Countes Natasha " Nasty" Dracula
John Kassir
John Kassir
Bobby Pickett
Bobby Pickett
Dr. Victor Frankenstein
Adam Shankman
Adam Shankman
Wolfie - The Werwolf
Mink Stole
Mink Stole
Wolfies Mutter
Jimmie Walker
Jimmie Walker
Anthony Crivello
Anthony Crivello
Count Vladimir Dracula
Deron McBee
Deron McBee
The Monster
E. Aron Price
E. Aron Price
Elvis - The King


Alec Sokolow
Alec Sokolow
Sheldon Allman
Sheldon Allman
Bobby Pickett
Bobby Pickett
Mary Shelley
Mary Shelley
Michael Kates
Michael Kates
Nathaniel Kramer
Nathaniel Kramer
Jeffrey L. Davidson
Jeffrey L. Davidson
Line Producer
Jack Scheider
Jack Scheider
Executive Producer
Bobby Pickett
Bobby Pickett
Joe Troiano
Joe Troiano
Jeffrey Zahn
Jeffrey Zahn
Stephen Mirrione
Stephen Mirrione
Bruce Finlayson
Bruce Finlayson
Set Designer
Bruce Finlayson
Bruce Finlayson
Costume Design
Joel Cohen
Joel Cohen
Scott Andrew Ressler
Scott Andrew Ressler
Director of Photography
Adam Shankman
Adam Shankman


Мария, Мирабела
Герои этого цветного рисованного, полнометражного мультфильма — лягушонок Кваки, Светлячок и Бабочка дружно жили в лесу. Но случилась беда — Светлячок разучился светить, Бабочка разучилась летать, а лягушонок вмерз в льдину, не успев спрятаться от мороза. Ужас, да? Но, слава Богу, сестры-близнецы Мария и Мирабела с помощью доброй лесной Феи помогли им вернуться в лес, и все стало как прежде.
Про кота...
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Рок на века
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Jailbird Rock
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Where Did You Get That Girl?
In this musical comedy, a motley band of musicians have only their extreme poverty in common. They end up writing a hit and getting a recording contract. The trouble is, the composer's works are never played without another band member doctoring them up to make them swingier. Fortunately, the composer isn't too averse to the changes as he has just won the heart of the beauty who sings his revamped songs. Songs include: "Where Did You Get That Girl?" (Harry Puck, Bert Kalmar, sung by Helen Parrish), "Sergeant Swing," "Rug-Cuttin' Romeo" (Milton Rosen, Everett Carter).
The Duke Is Tops
A theatrical producer puts aside his own success to boost the career of a talented singer.
Мой путь
История жизни известного французского певца 60-х и 70-х Клода Франсуа по прозвищу Клокло вплоть до его трагической гибели 11 марта 1978 года в возрасте 39 лет.
Killer Eye: Halloween Haunt
When Jenna asks her four hot girlfriends to help convert an old mansion into a Halloween Haunt, they decide to party instead! Things get steamy between the girls, until they accidentally unleash the half-pint, horrible Killer Eye, a perverse party crasher from beyond. Bent on having his way, the Killer Eye will stop at nothing until he gets exactly what he wants.