
Ah, l'Amour (1995)

Жанр : мультфильм, комедия

Время выполнения : 2М

Директор : Don Hertzfeldt

Краткое содержание

In this clever satire of toxic men, a cartoon pickup artist is violently torn apart by the women he targets, seen only through his own one-sided, ridiculously misogynistic point of view. Don Hertzfeldt's first student film, he plays the part of a mentally unwell animator who's losing his grip within his own movie; an idea he'd later revisit in other early "meta" shorts "Genre" and "Rejected". Despite being produced at the age of 18 and not intended for exhibition, HBO named it "The World's Funniest Cartoon" in 1998.



Don Hertzfeldt
Don Hertzfeldt
Don Hertzfeldt
Don Hertzfeldt


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