
Road to Sangam (2010)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 2Ч 15М

Директор : Amit Rai
Писатель : Amit Rai

Краткое содержание

Hasmat, a devout Muslim, is asked to repair a vehicle that transported the ashes of Mahatma Gandhi. However, the situation soon complicates when his community is shaken by violence.


Paresh Rawal
Paresh Rawal
Hasmat Ullah
Om Puri
Om Puri
Nawab Mohammad Ali Kasuri
Pavan Malhotra
Pavan Malhotra
Maulana Qureshi
Javed Sheikh
Javed Sheikh
Dr. Banerjee
Masood Akhtar
Masood Akhtar
Swati Chitnis
Swati Chitnis


Amit Rai
Amit Rai
Ekhlaq Khan
Ekhlaq Khan
Assistant Director
Justin John
Justin John
Assistant Director
Maullik Rao
Maullik Rao
Assistant Director
Amit Chheda
Amit Chheda
Raksha Chheda
Raksha Chheda
Vasanti Chheda
Vasanti Chheda
Raaj Rahhi
Raaj Rahhi
Executive Producer
Sameer Shah
Sameer Shah
Executive Producer
Sunil Sharma
Sunil Sharma
Executive Producer
Amit Rai
Amit Rai
Amit Rai
Amit Rai
Dharam Gulati
Dharam Gulati
Director of Photography
Smruti Ranjan Sahoo
Smruti Ranjan Sahoo
Assistant Camera
Anup Singh
Anup Singh
Assistant Camera
Nitin Gupta
Nitin Gupta
Original Music Composer
Vinay Mishra
Vinay Mishra
Original Music Composer
Sandesh Shandilya
Sandesh Shandilya
Additional Soundtrack
Ameet Ahire
Ameet Ahire
Sound Designer
Rupa Shukla Ahire
Rupa Shukla Ahire
Sound Designer
Narendra Bhagat
Narendra Bhagat
Art Direction
Suvir Nath
Suvir Nath
Meghnath Labde
Meghnath Labde
Harish Shetty
Harish Shetty
Stunt Coordinator


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