Trekkers: A Fan's Guide (2008)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 51М

Директор : Amanda Whittington

Краткое содержание

Few TV series inspire devotion and loyalty the way star trek has, the classic sci-fi show has millions of dedicated followers around the world, with many more than just fans -they are "Trekkers" the most committed enthusiasts. In this fascinating programme we discover from the Trekkers themselves what inspires them and what motivates their love for Gene Roddenberrys timeless creation. Plus we are treated to excerpts from the starship Intrepid and go behind the scenes of the fans-made films to see how a hardy band of trekkers create their own installments, costumes make-up scenery acting and filming.


Nick Cook
Nick Cook


Amanda Whittington
Amanda Whittington


A hilarious look at the universe's most fervent fans.
По звездному пути
Юджин Родденбери рассказывает о наследии своего отца Джина, создателя сериала «Звездный путь». Как это шоу совершило переворот на телевидении, и почему его до сих пор так любят?
Trekkies 2
Denise Crosby takes another look at the huge fans of "Star Trek" and how the series from around the world has affected and shaped their lives.
The People vs. George Lucas
The passion the original Star Wars trilogy inspires in its fans is unparalleled; but when it comes to George Lucas himself, many have found their ardor has cooled into a complicated love-hate relationship. This hilarious, heartfelt documentary delves deep into Lucas’s cultural legacy, asking all the tough questions. Has Lucas betrayed his masterwork? Should he just have left the original trilogy alone? Is The Phantom Menace so bad it should carry a health warning? Utilizing interviews taken from over 600 hours of footage, and peppered with extraordinary Star Wars and Indiana Jones recreations lovingly immortalized in song, needlepoint, Lego, claymation, puppets and paper-mâché, above all this film asks the question: who truly owns that galaxy far, far away—the man who created it, or the fans who worship it?
Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope
A behind-the-scenes look at San Diego Comic-Con, the world's largest comic book convention, and the fans who attend every year.
Get a Life!
An EPIX Original documentary directed by William Shatner, based on his hugely popular book, in which he examines the cultural phenomena of STAR TREK, its fan-following and his own role within it.
В 1998 году пятеро фанатов «Звездных войн» отправляются на Ранчо «Скайуокер», чтобы стащить раннюю копию «Эпизода I — Скрытая угроза» и посмотреть ее первыми. По дороге друзей ждет множество приключений, им придется надеть скафандры их любимых киногероев, применить лазерные мечи и использовать сверхзвуковую скорость.
Ringers: Lord of the Fans
'Ringers: Lord of the Fans' is a feature-length documentary that explores how "The Lord of the Rings" has influenced Western popular culture over the past 50 years.
Брони: Неожиданно взрослые поклонники Моих Маленьких Пони
Документальный фильм о так называемых Брони - поклонниках мультипликационного сериала «Мои маленькие пони: Дружба это чудо». Сериал создавался для детей, и его авторам даже в голову не приходило, что он покорит и взрослую аудиторию. Мужчины и женщины, юноши и девушки очень разных профессий и возрастов, увлечённые мультсериалом и его героями, объединились в движение Брони. Они часто встречаются на костюмированных вечеринках, поют и танцуют. Среди них очень много творческих личностей – людей, которые с упоением рисуют, или сочиняют музыку. Поклонники сериала – на первый взгляд чудаки, но все они утверждают, что сериал сделал их мир лучше, красочнее и добрее. Ведь эти маленькие пони вооружены дружбой и успешно противостоят вселенскому злу.
Jedi Junkies
A film about the world's most dedicated Star Wars fans. From lightsaber wielding martial arts academies to a filmmaker who built the world's only life-size Millennium Falcon, from a Monster Garage-esque sculptor whose professional livelihood is building custom lightsabers to metal-bikini wearing dancers who embody Slave Leia, the film offers viewers a rare glimpse into rabid fans' personal and professional self expression that borders on obsession.
Raiders!: The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made
In 1982, three 11 year-olds in Mississippi set out to remake their favorite film: Raiders of the Lost Ark. It took seven turbulent years that tested the limits of their friendship and nearly burned down their mother's house. By the end, they had completed every scene except one... the explosive airplane scene. 30 years later, they attempt to finally realize their childhood dream by building a replica of the 75 foot "Flying Wing" plane from Raiders in a mud pit in the backwoods of Mississippi... and then blow it up! This is the story behind the making of what is known as "the greatest fan film ever made."
The Force Within Us
The Force Within Us, the sequel to the highly acclaimed and sold out documentary “The Force Among Us”, takes us deeper into the Star Wars experience than just the obsession of collectibles and costuming. Exploring how and why this epic saga has the ability to possess and alter lives, “The Force Within Us” centers on Star Wars as a catalyst for spiritual rebirth… finding personal meaning in life… and inspiring positive change.
Done the Impossible
A documentary covering Firefly's birth, death and rebirth from the perspective of both the fans and the cast and crew of both productions.
Back to Space-Con
On February 22, 1975, Northern California's very first Star Trek convention was held at Lincoln High School in San Francisco, CA. It was called "The Red Hour Festival." A huge success with the fans of the original TV series (1966-69), the smash event led to much larger conventions in San Francisco, Oakland and Los Angeles. These "Space-Con" conventions left an indelible mark on the science-fiction fans and "Trekkers" who attended. In the end, conventions like Space-Con helped awaken Paramount from hibernation and led to the creation of the first installment of the major motion picture series "Star Trek" in 1979. This full-length documentary film is the story of how fandom revolutionized an industry.
A Galaxy Far, Far Away
A cross country exploration into the forces that attracts so many to the Star Wars mythos.
The PhanDom Menace
The PhanDom Menace presents the definitive look at the most devoted fans on the planet. Follow the lives of Australia's most passionate Star Wars fans as the moment they've waited 16 years for is suddenly upon them. See the amazing costumes, trivia soaked brains, vast collections and unconditional dedication that make these fans a breed apart. Be stunned by the shockwaves that echo through the Star Wars fan community at the dawn of its new prequel era.
Noah might have traveled for 40 days and nights in search of land, but did he ever wait 42 straight days and nights for a movie? Starwoids tells the stranger than fiction details of Star Wars fans (A.K.A. Starwoids) and their six week-line-waiting quest to see Episode I - The Phantom Menace on opening day.
Springsteen & I
For 40 years Bruce Springsteen has influenced fans from all over. His songs defined more than a generation. This film gives the fans just as much time as The Boss himself, with never shown footage and live performances from his last tour.
Перемотай это!
В 1980-х видеокассета изменила мир и заложила фундамент современной медиакультуры — стала основной «пиратства» и свободы самовыражения, ведь любой мог взять камеру и снять фильм. Фильм прослеживает за взлётом и падением формата VHS с момента его расцвета до фактического «вымирания».
I Heart Monster Movies
Documentary about horror fans