
Somtum (2008)

When the spices are in, the heat is on.

Жанр : боевик, комедия

Время выполнения : 1Ч 37М

Директор : Nonthakorn Thaweesuk

Краткое содержание

Gentle giant Barney Emerald is drugged and robbed while on holiday in Pattaya. He befriends two Thai siblings, one of which is a muay-thai kick-boxing champion, and stays with them until he can recover his passport. Unfortunately the hunt for his passport makes him cross ways with international gangsters. But Barney has found a secret weapon, the very spicy Thai salad Somtum.


Nathan Jones
Nathan Jones
Barney Emerald
Nawarat Techarathanaprasert
Nawarat Techarathanaprasert
Sasisa Jindamanee
Sasisa Jindamanee
Dan Chupong
Dan Chupong
Lieutenant Pong
Kessarin Ektawatkul
Kessarin Ektawatkul
Papaya Vendor
Ubon Jindamanee
Ubon Jindamanee
Boxing Referee
Sompong Kraitheerangkul
Sompong Kraitheerangkul
Venerable Monk
Tom Howard
Tom Howard
Supatta Wanthivanond
Supatta Wanthivanond
Padondat Kamalasaikol
Padondat Kamalasaikol
Temple Boy
Patipan Kamalasikol
Patipan Kamalasikol
Temple Boy
Tanachai Muanhong
Tanachai Muanhong
Temple Boy
Kunthong Yeamniyum
Kunthong Yeamniyum
Temple Boy
Suwat Klingkesorn
Suwat Klingkesorn
Damian Mavis
Damian Mavis
Private jet pilot
Nuttaka Kanrattarach
Nuttaka Kanrattarach
Bar Girl
Napassakorn Kettasangkha
Napassakorn Kettasangkha
Bar Girl
Ariwan Pocharach
Ariwan Pocharach
Bar Girl
Banuradee Rheekancha
Banuradee Rheekancha
Bar Girl
Decha Srimantra
Decha Srimantra
Decha Nittayaros
Decha Nittayaros
Wrestling Referee
Thana Srisuke
Thana Srisuke
Conan Stevens
Conan Stevens
Vinit Suwankit
Vinit Suwankit
Yuth Thongcharoen
Yuth Thongcharoen
Suracha Yaemsri
Suracha Yaemsri
Philippe Wanet
Philippe Wanet
Puanda Vosbein
Puanda Vosbein
A Girl
Warinya Ratipakorn
Warinya Ratipakorn
Girl's Mom


Nonthakorn Thaweesuk
Nonthakorn Thaweesuk
Nonthakorn Thaweesuk
Nonthakorn Thaweesuk


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