
Swedish Confessions (1977)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 46М

Директор : Andrei Feher

Краткое содержание

Eddie Scott alias Mr X runs a gang of thieves specializing in famous paintings. Mr X is collaborating with an insurance director, a gynecologist and a playboy. Mr X has a new plan. Serious complications arise.


Barbara Scott
Barbara Scott
Jack Frank
Jack Frank
Romeo Calligari
Anne Magle
Anne Magle
Doris, Glady's Teenage Daughter
Jan-Olof Rydqvist
Jan-Olof Rydqvist
Sonja Rivera
Sonja Rivera
The Princess
Jan Klevbrand
Jan Klevbrand
The Banker
Arne Sjöholm
Arne Sjöholm
Evabritt Strandberg
Evabritt Strandberg
Lena Blom
Lena Blom
Robert Eriksson
Robert Eriksson
Johan Tall
Johan Tall
Mr. James
Thore Karlsson
Thore Karlsson
The Private-eye
Mustafa Jabad
Mustafa Jabad
The Sheik
Raymond Ekholm
Raymond Ekholm
The Diplomat
Anna Parker
Anna Parker
Mona Larsson
Mona Larsson
The Spy-girl
Lennart Gran
Lennart Gran
A Burglar
Ted Svensson
Ted Svensson
Another Burglar
Marie Viklund
Marie Viklund
A Stripper
Maria Martinsson
Maria Martinsson
A Stripper
Liz Nordgren
Liz Nordgren
A Stripper
Stig Ekm
Stig Ekm
The Policeoficer
Kurt Lind
Kurt Lind
The Bartender
Dennis Andersson
Dennis Andersson
Strange man
Knud Jörgensen
Knud Jörgensen
Man - Love Scene
Evert Granholm
Evert Granholm


Andrei Feher
Andrei Feher
Andrei Feher
Andrei Feher
Andrei Feher
Andrei Feher
Jan Olsson
Jan Olsson
Eva Dahl
Eva Dahl
Production Design
Ulla Sandberg
Ulla Sandberg
Costume Design
Torbjörn Lindqvist
Torbjörn Lindqvist
Director of Photography
Monia Liter
Monia Liter
Original Music Composer
Trevor Duncan
Trevor Duncan
Original Music Composer


Öğretmen Zeynep
Zeynep, a young and idealistic teacher, has economic problems. Zeynep enters a world she doesn't want when she starts giving private lessons to a mafia boss's child.
The story follows hitmen Malcolm (Craig Conway) and Gary (Michael Luke) as they attempt to fulfill their latest contract on Tim (Pete Bennett). Is it Tim's sensitive demeanor or suspicion of an ulterior motive that makes them question the true reason why they've come together.
The Pro
Dead Silence: The Movie
A young screenwriter and a wanna-be director find a backer for their latest movie project... a mafioso who expects his no-talent son to get the leading part.
We All Die Alone
A standoff between two rival gangsters and their respective posse's leads to surprising and hilarious consequences. Part noir, part comedy and part romance - the only thing faster than a bullet is the dialogue in this stylish, snappy short.
A Wanted Man
In order to gain revenge on the killers of his parents, a man joins an organized crime ring as a hit man. The brutality of his slayings in his quest for vengeance makes him a man that the police desperately want to collar. ※ Only the first 32 minutes of the film currently exist today. The plot summary has been added in the form of title cards to aid the viewing experience.
Prisoners in Petticoats
Joan Grey is a young pianist that falls for the good manners and nice clothes of a gang of mobsters. She is warned by Mark Hampton, an investigator, that she is associating with gangsters and she is heading for trouble. She refuses to believe him and becomes innocently involved in some robberies and killings.
Goldilocks and the Glorious Losers
Eight chapters on the disaster that ensues after a simple man signs a blank piece of paper when handed a pen.
Coerced to foil a terrorist plot against a children's school, two brothers must decide the value of character or risk losing their ultimate reward.
Violent Island: Dirty Money Hijack
In the scorching heat of Okinawa, former lovers meet. Now, he is a gangster on a mission, she is a window trying to protect what is hers. Together, they get caught in the crossfire.
The Mother the Son The Rat and The Gun
Gun-toting gangsters, lawless lawyers and backstabbing bastards. There's a family in the middle, and while some are trying to keep it afloat, others want to tear it apart.
Frankie Carbonara rises to the top of the Hurst College underworld by selling booze and running a speakeasy, however, the villain Pyle is not happy about his business being interfered with. The two gangsters clash, and it comes to a tragic conclusion of all out war.
Gouge Away
Tony the Stamper is about to uncover a nasty secret when his mentor Stanley goes missing amid a hazardous narcotic gas that has flooded the city streets.
Path of Egress
Three close friends and their relationship to a heist pulled a few days prior, questions the job's true value. With the payout just around the corner, how much can each man's involvement be worth?
Our Family Business
A syndicate mob boss doesn't realize that his eldest son, Gep, has been informing to the police on the family's dealings in exchange for protection, while Gep's younger brother, Phil, a bank vice president, tries to separate himself from the family's business.
Удивительный доктор Клайттерхаус
По мнению доктора Клиттерхауса, уважаемого врача с Парк-авеню, лучший способ изучить поведение преступника — стать преступником самому. Он начинает с того, что обворовывает нескольких своих знакомых, тщательно измеряя при этом свое давление, температуру и пульс. Однако результаты не удовлетворяют Клиттерхауса, и он принимает решение познакомиться с криминальным миром поближе.
Умные деньги
Робинсон играет парикмахера, обладающего невероятным везением в азартных играх. При поддержке друзей он отправляется испытать удачу в большом городе, и в итоге проходит тернистый путь от провинциала из крошечного городка до «крупного босса в крупном городе», став царём азартного мира. Но такие выскочки мешают жить добропорядочным высокопоставленным гражданам, и окружной прокурор решает любыми средствами избавиться от парикмахера, у которого есть одна слабость — блондинки…
Как только сможешь
После того, как бандиты похищают девушку Фило, отважному герою вновь предстоит продемонстрировать настоящие чудеса «высокого» искусства мордобоя!
Входит ниндзя
Мастер ниндзя-цу помогает своему бывшему боевому другу-алкоголику и его жене (правда, несколько постельным образом) отстоять их плантацию пальм в борьбе против богатого и жадного злодея. Заодно он расправляется со своим старым соперником по школе ниндзя-цу. Действие происходит на Филиппинах.