This Is Not an Exit: The Fictional World of Bret Easton Ellis (1998)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 20М

Директор : Gerald Fox

Краткое содержание

When "American Psycho" was released early in 2000 it reaffirmed author Bret Easton Ellis as the controversial "bad boy" of contemporary American Fiction. "This is Not an Exit" reveals the world inhabited by Ellis.


Dechen Thurman
Dechen Thurman
Patrick Bateman
Rachel Weisz
Rachel Weisz
Lauren Hynde
Jason Bushman
Jason Bushman
Paul Blackthorne
Paul Blackthorne
Victor Ward


Gerald Fox
Gerald Fox
Bret Easton Ellis
Bret Easton Ellis


Операция «Варсити Блюз»: Университетский скандал в США
Рассказ об организаторе мошеннической схемы, благодаря которой дети из богатых и влиятельных семей попадали в лучшие университеты США.
Tell Me Who I Am
In this documentary, Alex trusts his twin, Marcus, to tell him about his past after he loses his memory. But Marcus is hiding a dark family secret.
Крупный план
Фильм об авантюристе, который выдал себя за знаменитого режиссера Мохсена Махмальбафа, проник в зажиточный дом (якобы для съемок) и был арестован по подозрению в мошенничестве и грабеже. Судебный процесс составляет сюжетную канву фильма, но истинный его предмет — это особый статус кино в Иране. Кинематограф здесь стал не только частью духовной жизни элиты, но и элементом личного и национального престижа, достоянием широких масс.
Casting JonBenet
Twenty years after the modern world's most notorious child murder, the legacy of the crime and its impact are explored.
The First Emperor
Docu-drama profiling Ying Sheng, the first Emperor of China. Charting the life of the man who unified China, this documentary begins with the future Emperor's rise to power after the death of his father, becoming King of Qin at the age of thirteen. Mostly told through the use of re-enactments, the story continues to the present day and the discovery of the Emperor's tomb and terracotta army in 1974.
The Fear of 13
After 23 years on Death Row a convicted murderer petitions the court asking to be executed, but as his story unfolds, it becomes clear that nothing is what it seems.
26 июля крeйсер "Индиaнaпoлис" дoстaвил aтомную бoмбу "Малыш" на остров Тиниан. 6 августa 1945 года американский военный самoлет Б-29 "Энoла Гей", пилотируемый Томасом Фереби, взлетел с Тиниана. А в 8:15 по местному времени этот самолет сбросил бомбу на японский город Хиросима. Бомба мощностью 20 тыс. тонн тротилового эквивалента взорвалась на высоте 600 метров над городом... В этой программе с помощью реальной кинохроники, актеров и компьютерной графики воссозданы события самой чудовищной и впечатляющей бомбардировки в истории человечества. Это была не просто военная операция, а демонстрация силы США, в результате которой до конца 1945 года в Хиросиме погибли около 140 тысяч человек - почти половина населения города. Тысячи других жителей умерли от полученных ранений и лучевой болезни в последовавшие годы. Очень важно, чтобы трагическая судьба Хиросимы сохранялась в исторической памяти подрастающих поколений.
Surviving Edged Weapons
In an intense action-filled 85 minutes, you will learn to defend yourself against the mounting threat of “knife culture” offenders.
Killing for Love
Derek and Nancy Haysom were brutally murdered in their house in Lynchburg, Virginia, on March 30, 1985. Suspicion fell on their daughter Elizabeth and her boyfriend Jens Söring. They flee to Europe, but are caught and extradited to the U.S. Elizabeth is sentenced to 90 years in jail for incitement to murder, Jens Söring to two life sentences. Karin Steinberger, Marcus Vetter and their team spent over three years researching this case, which achieved world-wide notoriety. They uncovered new evidence, including the fact none of the blood samples found at the scene of the crime belonged to Jens Söring.
Кевин Харт: Что теперь?
Грандиозное стендап шоу знаменитого чернокожего комика Кевина Харта перед огромной толпой зрителей на стадионе «Линкольн Файненшел Филд», домашней арене команды Национальной футбольной лиги «Филадельфия Иглз».
Camera Sleuth
In this Pete Smith Specialty short, we see how real-life investigator Jo Goggin used a motion picture surveillance camera to gather evidence and disprove a fraudulent insurance claim.
The Creep Behind the Camera
An exploration of the making of b-movie sci-fi cult classic "The Creeping Terror" and its con-man director Art "A.J." Nelson/Vic Savage.
The Donner Party
Doomed attempt to get to California in 1846. More than just a riveting tale of death, endurance and survival. The Donner Party's nightmarish journey penetrated to the very heart of the American Dream at a crucial phase of the nation's "manifest destiny. Touching some of the most powerful social, economic and political currents of the time, this extraordinary narrative remains one of the most compelling and enduring episodes to come out of the West.
The Dark Figure
Churchill and the Movie Mogul
Winston Churchill understood the power of films, but the true extent of his use of cinema as a propaganda tool is rarely explored. In 1934, one of Britain's most celebrated film producers, Alexander Korda, signed Churchill up as a screenwriter and historical advisor. It was the start of a unique collaboration. Churchill provided script notes for Korda's productions and penned an epic screenplay. When war broke out, their collaboration took on national importance. Korda was sent on a mission to Hollywood to help bring America into the war, with positive results. With access to previously undiscovered documents, this film documentary examines that mission and a friendship that underpinned a unique, creative partnership.
Profile of a Writer: Borges
This documentary examines Borges' extraordinary life and work, using dramatizations of his most memorable stories and rare interview footage with the author at his Buenos Aires home.
Painting Anna
A young accountant finally pursues her dreams of becoming a painter.
История одного побега
Буэнос-Айрес, 1977 год. Отряд специального назначения, работающий на фашистскую военную организацию, похищает Клаудио Тамбурини, вратаря футбольной команды низшей лиги, и доставляет его в тайный лагерь для заключенных. Там Клаудио проходит через ад допросов, избиений, унижений и предательств. Кошмарный мир безумного произвола и беспрестанного насилия, как физического, так и духовного. Вместе с другими заключенными он борется за жизнь, ожидая, когда его судьба будет, наконец, решена. После четырех месяцев в лагере, поняв, что смертельного приговора им не избежать, Клаудио и трое других пленников решаются на отчаянный шаг. Во время сильнейшей грозы, им удается открыть окно, и они, абсолютно обнаженные, прыгают в никуда... Их борьба за будущее началась.
Darryl F. Zanuck: 20th Century Filmmaker
A biography of Darryl F. Zanuck, mogul and the power behind 20th Century Fox throughout the Golden Age.


People Are Funny
A comedy based on NBC's "People Are Funny" radio (and later television) program with Art Linkletter with a fictional story of how the program came to be on a national network from its humble beginning at a Nevada radio station. Jack Haley is a producer with only half-rights to the program while Ozzie Nelson and Helen Walker are the radio writers and supply the romance. Rudy Vallee, always able to burlesque himself intentional and, quite often, unintentional, is the owner of the sought-after sponsoring company. Frances Langford, as herself, sings "I'm in the Mood for Love" while the Vagabonds quartet (billed 12th and last) chimes in on "Angeline" and "The Old Square Dance is Back Again."
At the height of Reign of Terror Maximilien Robespierre orchestrates the trial and execution of several of his fellow leading French revolutionaries including Georges Danton.
Combat America
Produced in 1943 under the guidance of Army Air Force Lieutenant Clark Gable, this film follows a single 8th Air Force B-17 crew from training through a series of missions over Europe.
Not Mozart: Letters, Riddles and Writs
Letters, Riddles and Writs is a one act opera for television by Michael Nyman broadcast in 1991.
Ледяной поцелуй
Iskyss is a strong and poetic love story based on Gunvor Galtung Haavik’s double life through 30 years. During the Cold War, she was employed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and assigned to the Norwegian Embassy in Moscow. With the information she had access to in the capacity of her position as interpreter and secretary, she frequently fed the KGB secret information.
Glad Rags to Riches
A girl has to decide who to marry: a poor country boy or a rich nightclub owner.
A Place of One's Own
Moody, atmospheric ghost story starring Mason as a retired tradesman who purchases an old mansion that has been vacant for 40 years because it is believed to be haunted by the spirit of a young woman who had died there. Unaware of the mansion's reputation, Mason and his wife Mullen move in and hire a young woman, Lockwood, to keep house. Soon after Lockwood's arrival, strange things begin to happen in the household, and it becomes apparent that she is possessed by the spirit of the dead girl, though Mason scoffs at the idea. On death's door and bedridden, Lockwood asks for the same doctor who treated the woman who died 40 years ago. He arrives and treats her. The next morning Lockwood is cured, and it is revealed by the police that the doctor's dead body was found in his carriage hours before the time Mason claims he arrived to see Lockwood. Convinced that not only the ghost of the girl but that of the doctor as well entered his home, Mason finally believes in the supernatural.
Плохая любовь
Лос-Анджелес, конец XX века, страна неограниченных возможностей для всех… Ленни и Элоиза любили друг друга и боролись за свою любовь. Элоиза работала секретаршей у богатой актрисы, а вот Ленни был типичным неудачником, причем с амбициями. Он не мог удержаться ни на одной работе, поэтому жил за счёт Элоизы. Но он пытался исправить положение — и попал в полицию за участие в незаконных съёмках порнофильма. Все сбережения ушли на уплату залога. Из квартиры их выгнали. И тогда Ленни и Элоиза пошли на грабёж.
Back to Normandy
A filmmaker returns to Normandy thirty years after a working on a movie based on a local homicide and tries to find the actors who worked on the project.
Auge in Auge - Eine deutsche Filmgeschichte
This is not merely another film about cinema history; it is a film about the love of cinema, a journey of discovery through over a century of German film history. Ten people working in film today remember their favourite films of yesteryear.
Наполовину нежная
Вся семья Дассау из Вены художественно честолюбивая, но безуспешная. Отец, усердный почтовый служащий, пишет «кровавые» детективы, которые не находят издателя. Никто не хочет слушать песни о любви его жены. Их младшая дочь Бригитта — непризнанная художница, а старшая Николь пишет глубоко чувствительные стихи о «листьях, которые шепчут на деревьях». Когда Николь снова получает отказ издательства, она решает поставить «аморальную пьесу», соответствующую духу времени. Под заголовком «Ева — мемуары 17-летней» Николь излагает предположительно автобиографические переживания чувственной девушки, которую обманывает ее супруг. Пьеса на сцене старо-почтенного Венского придворного театра имеет сенсационный успех. Вся Вена гадает, кто же автор… Тем временем, американский кинопродюсер Эрвин Дотт предлагает большую сумму за право экранизации пьесы. Но с одним условием — он желает познакомиться с автором лично…
El camino de las hormigas
Four nights in Caracas. A documentary essay about chaos and civilization.
First Snow
On Christmas Eve, Léa and Juliette, a couple, want to rob a supermarket that Juliette knows is empty of surveillance on this festive evening. But, as much for each of them as for Eric, the vigil who is there after all, nothing will happen as planned. Besides, shortly before leaving him alone, the store manager gave Eric a gun, just in case.
Souvenir of Canada
While Douglas Coupland works on a grand art project about Canada, the writer recounts his life and his musings about the various aspects of Canadian identity.
I Love Vienna
I love Vienna is a social comedy that explores the clash of cultures and values.
The Forgotten
Based on a story by Vietnam veteran Paul Staples, the film concerns six American Green Berets, held for 17 years in a Vietnamese POW camp. They are finally released in secret, during a delicate trade-talk session between Vietnam and the United States. Captain Tom Watkins, the ex-prisoners' CO, begins to suspect that government-man Adam Roth, who is in charge of the debriefing, may be pursuing a hidden agenda that will result in the early deaths of Watkins and the five men under his command.
The Man with the Objective Lens
A humorous and satirical comedy, which places a man from the year 2222 one day in the (then) present day life in GDR, East Germany under Communist regime. Using a crystal for mind reading he uncovers some improprieties and moral weaknesses in the "Beautiful future" professed by VEB ("Volkseigener Betrieb" – "State Owned Holdings").
Angels of Iron
The subject of this historical drama is a splintering Berlin in the years of 1948 and 1949. Played against the backdrop of social upheaval, the characters in the drama come to epitomize the best and worst of each pole of the political sphere. A 17-year-old hoodlum by the name of Gladow works hand-in-glove with a local white-collar criminal to rob and pillage every day and night, defying capture. While he and his gang of thugs are terrorizing the people of Berlin, the Soviets are trying to make the blockade of their region of control impermeable. The future casts long shadows over the drama, as Berlin's problems take the shape of times to come.
Know Your Mushrooms
KNOW YOUR MUSHROOMS follows uber myco visionaries Gary Lincoff and Larry Evans (two of the more expert and unforgettably mercurial characters in the community) as they lead us on a hunt for the wild mushroom and the deeper cultural experiences attached to the mysterious fungi.