
Nordsee ist Mordsee (1976)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 27М

Директор : Hark Bohm

Краткое содержание

14-year old Uwe lives in s suburban Hamburg housing estate. Besides trouble, the boy has not much to expect from his parents. To get his hands on some money, he prizes open vending machines, and to let out his frustration he beats up "wogs". Among them is Dschingis, his nemesis. But one day, the rivals make peace. They become friends because they realize that they have the same problems and are driven by the same dreams and hopes.


Uwe Bohm
Uwe Bohm
Uwe Schiedrowsky
Dschingis Bowakow
Dschingis Bowakow
Dschingis Ulanow
Marquard Bohm
Marquard Bohm
Walter Schiedrowsky, Uwes Vater
Herma Koehn
Herma Koehn
Heike Schiedrowsky, Uwes Mutter
Rolf Becker
Rolf Becker
Katja Bowakow
Katja Bowakow
Katja Ulanow, Dschingis' Mutter
Günter Lohmann
Günter Lohmann
Günter Petersen
Corinna Schmidt
Corinna Schmidt
Corinna Hermann
Ingrid Boje
Ingrid Boje
Ingrid Panowsky
Gerhard Stöhr
Gerhard Stöhr
Gerd Stein


Hark Bohm
Hark Bohm
Hark Bohm
Hark Bohm
Wolfgang Treu
Wolfgang Treu
Heidi Genée
Heidi Genée
Udo Lindenberg
Udo Lindenberg
Ralph Thiekötter
Ralph Thiekötter
ADR Recordist
Ralph Thiekötter
Ralph Thiekötter
Sound Re-Recording Mixer


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Люблю тебя, чувак
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С течением времени
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