Eduardo e Mônica (2011)

Жанр : мелодрама, музыка, комедия

Время выполнения : 4М

Краткое содержание


Pedro de Vitto
Pedro de Vitto
Thais Medeiros
Thais Medeiros


Nando Olival
Nando Olival
Art Direction
Renato Russo
Renato Russo


The film tells the story of the energetic and pulsating singer Elis Regina since her arrival in Rio de Janeiro at age 19 until her tragic and early death. Despite all the difficulties, success comes fulminant and the life of Elis Regina gained national and international recognition, becoming undoubtedly considered today the greatest Brazilian singer of all time.
Если бы я был тобой 2
Клаудио и Хелена находятся на грани разрыва отношений, и пока этого не случилось, должно произойти нечто такое, что помогло бы им лучше понять друг друга…
Если бы я был тобой
Клаудио и Хелена находятся на грани разрыва отношений, и пока этого не случилось, должно произойти нечто такое, что помогло бы им лучше понять друг друга….
Rúcula com Tomate Seco
Mambo Café
A beautiful Puerto Rican girl and her family in Spanish harlem devise a novel plan to attract business to their restaurant, causing a wildly comic sequence of events ending in near disaster.
Maria Life
A five-year-old girl enjoys learning to write her name, but she is forced by her mother to drop out of school and start taking care of household chores and working on the farm.
The Last Knit
When knitting becomes an obsession...
Childhood friends, Nina and Hugo chose different paths in life. Years later, Hugo returns to his hometown unbeknownst to him, the day before Nina's wedding. Events on the wedding day throw them back together and they embark on a new adventure.
An Extremely Nutty Teacher
After studying in the capital, the young Cate, 18, returns to her small town in Minas Gerais, to teach in elementary school. Enthusiastic, free and communicative, she conquers the students in the act, but its leading behavior does not appeal to conservative teachers of the 40s. Every day she brings new ideas. While they discover the pleasure of learning, the school friends also have the first lessons about love, friendship and freedom. And the schoolmistress not only winning students: the most beautiful boys in town fall in love with her. Created by Tia Cida and niece of Bishop Aristides, Cate grew up with his uncle's godson, Beto, who became a priest and return to the city after studying outside.
Julio Gone
Rio de Janeiro, in the period in which the Police Pacification Units (PPUs) were beginning to be deployed in the city. Edna (Lilia Cabral) is the mother of Julio (Pedro Nercessian) and Silvio (Fiuk). One day she wakes up desperate to see that Julio just disappeared!
Адам и его собака
Что случилось в те первые дни Творения, которые сделали Человека и Собаку настолько неотделимыми? Собака, исследуя этот мир, встречает странное существо - человека, называемого Адамом, - и с этим обнаруживает новую связь с миром.
High School Musical: The Challenge
A new school year begins; students are invited to the first music competition, but only one band can win.
The Employment
A man prepares and goes to work in a bizarre world, where the meaning of human workforce is taken to another level.
Женщина и смерть
Старая сеньора тихо доживает свой век на ферме. Она ждет смерти и верит в то, что в загробном мире вновь встретится с любимым мужем. И вот, ее час пробил. К старушке приходит сама Смерть, чтобы забрать душу и воссоединить ее с покойным супругом. Женщина и Смерть переступают через порог… Но тут героиня просыпается в больничной палате, потому что амбициозный врач решил бороться за ее жизнь во что бы то ни стало. Смерть и Доктор не хотят уступать друг другу. А чего хочет сама старушка?
Dress to Wed
When Fernando accidentally rips the designer dress of a reality show star, he races to replace it, putting his own wedding at risk.
D.P.A. Detetives do Prédio Azul - O Filme
Finding Normal
Dr. Lisa Leland is a brilliant surgeon with absolutely no bedside manner. She is leaving her practice at UCLA Hospital to move to the Hamptons where she will join her boyfriend as a concierge doctor, treating the rich and famous. As she drives cross-country to her new life she hits a tractor in Normal, North Carolina and her BMW is wrecked. Dr. Leland is found guilty of speeding and ordered to do community service as a doctor in Normal, population 332. In a town with no wi-fi, no lattes and no credit cards, Lisa Leland begins to find herself and discovers what a meaningful life is all about.
Вверх тормашками
После долгих лет замужества, Уолтер и Мэдж разделяются: он живет на полу, а она — на потолке. Когда Уолтер пытается разжечь их прошлый роман, все выходит из равновесия и пара, которая не может согласовать где верх, а где низ, должны найти способ вернуть их брак.
Scents and Sensibility
In this modern adaptation of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility, Elinor and Marianne find themselves penniless after their father’s fortune is taken away. As they look for ways to pay the bills, they encounter people who judge them and try to keep them down in the dumps. Add falling in love into the mix, and determining whom to trust becomes a mine field. Can the sisters find a balance between relying on their hearts and using good sense without losing everything they hold dear?
Under Pressure
Over a tense day in the emergency hospital, we follow the surgeon's work Evandro and staff in three cases that require risk surgery: a drug dealer, a military police officer and a rich family child, all injured during a shootout in a slum next to the hospital.