The Many Sad Fates of Mr. Toledano (2015)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 28М

Директор : Joshua Seftel

Краткое содержание

Photographer Phil Toledano has become obsessed with his future. Using DNA tests, fortune tellers, and a prosthetic makeup artist, he begins photographing the many dark possibilities that might await him -- despite his wife's pleas to abandon the project. Over three years, Toledano's obsession alters him and his family forever.



Joshua Seftel
Joshua Seftel


Sad Lunch
A man tortured by the sins in his past becomes consumed by the mistakes of his future. The balance and stability he seeks in life seems out of reach and impossible to grasp - except for a very specific 30 minute part of his day. His lunch break. During this brief sabbatical he could see happiness off in the distance like an ocean liner in a sea of fog - only to disappear when reality summoned him back to the mundane. But even a “sad lunch” can offer nourishment to a broken man when he’s starving for hope.
Sweet and Sad
The Apple Family finds themselves together again for the first time since Election Night, 2010. Marian, reeling from a personal tragedy, now lives with her sister Barbara; sister Jane is back with her boyfriend Tim; their brother Richard has come up from Manhattan; and Uncle Benjamin prepares for his first dramatic performance in years. Over Sunday brunch on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the Apples find themselves talking about loss, memory, remembrance, and the meaning of compensation.
Sad Circus
The circus is open and the crowd demand to be entertained. But at what cost to the performers?
Sad Beauty
In a heavily polluted world, a young woman mourns the disappearance of animal species. When she falls ill due to a bacterial infection, nature appears to send her a message in her hallucinations.
The Race
Grim desperately needs one more soul to win his work competition, but his last scheduled collection at a rigorous bike race turns his world upside-down. At the finish line, he learns that life is not always about the trophy at the end of the race.
Мой психолог — Мистер Голубь
Шестнадцатилетний Джеймс Уитмен пытается преодолеть тревогу и депрессию после исчезновения его сестры, обращаясь за советом к доктору Бёрду, воображаемому терапевту-голубю.
The Sad Sack
Private Meredith Bixby is so out of step in the Army that his six weeks of planned basic training has now stretched to 17 months. After he loses a tank, WAC Major Shelton, a psychologist, is assigned to make a good soldier out of him. She requests Corporal Dolan and Private Stan Wensalawsky to help with the training. Dolan and Stan both have scores to settle with Bixby and their "guidance" leads to more mishaps. Sergeant Pulley has them shipped out to Morocco. On leave in North Africa, Bixy wanders alone into a bar, has a few Moroccan Delights, which he thinks are malted milks, and becomes convinced that exotic singer-dancer Zita is THE girl for him.
The Happy Sad
Two young couples in New York-one black and gay, one white and heterosexual-find their lives intertwined as they create new relationship norms, explore sexual identity, and redefine monogamy.
Lightning in a Bottle
During a thunderstorm, a young boy's effort to capture lightning in a glass bottle as part of a science fair project succeeds beyond his wildest expectations, but is shocked when he discovers the consequences of this unnatural feat.
A young girl faces off against an evil hairdresser as she goes through imaginative lengths to avoid her first haircut.
Sad Hill Unearthed
Film fans work to restore the set of the climatic graveyard scene from the iconic spaghetti western “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,” directed by Sergio Leone in 1966.
Американская ночь
Эта картина о том, как снимают фильм. Конфликты на съемочной площадке, неудачи с актерами и прочие студийные перипетии улаживает, утрясает и исправляет Владыка творческого процесса — Режиссер.
Барби и Хрустальный замок
Барби и Тереза расскажут нам сказку про подружек Лиану и Алексу, у которых много общего, в том числе любовь к музыке. Однажды они знакомятся с девочкой, запертой внутри волшебного зеркала. Чтобы спасти новую подругу, Лиана и Алекса отправляются в опасное путешествие к тайному Хрустальному замку. Их дружбе предстоит испытание, но, используя силу музыки, девочки в компании двух очаровательных щенков преодолеют все трудности и узнают, что дружба — это истинное сокровище.
Shy student Tyn gets the fright of his life when he finds out he is pregnant.
17 девушек
После того как упрямая девушка-подросток по случайности становится беременной, группа сверстниц-школьниц заключают между собой пакт и осознанно следуют её примеру. Это становится настоящим шоком для их родителей и всего небольшого консервативного городка.
Тень сомнения
Чарли входит в доверие к женщине, а затем убивает и грабит ее. Чудом спасшись от полиции, он едет к своим родственникам в глубинку. Особенно тепло его встречает племянница, названная в честь дяди Чарли. Постепенно она приходит к мысли, что ее остроумный и находчивый дядя и есть разыскиваемый убийца.
Just a Thought
An awkward 12-year old boy named Ollie experiences "bubble trouble" when his true feelings for a girl are embarrassingly revealed in the form of a physical thought bubble.
Exchange Student
Life is hard enough for an exchange student at a new school, but as the only earthling at a school for aliens, the central character in this fanciful story is the ultimate outsider and must prove her worth to be accepted by her unusual new classmates.
Lucky Toupée
This clever bit of balderdash lifts the lid on an original tale about a hijacked hairpiece, a gang of larcenous leprechauns, and a budding romance.