Isi Neraka (1960)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 46М

Директор : Dato' Haji Jamil Sulong

Краткое содержание

The film tells of the coming of Islam to the Malay Peninsula and the acceptance of local residents.


Datin Saadiah
Datin Saadiah
Ahmad Mahmood
Ahmad Mahmood
Salleh Kamil
Salleh Kamil
Habsah Buang
Habsah Buang
S. Kadarisman
S. Kadarisman
Haji Mahadi
Haji Mahadi


Dato' Haji Jamil Sulong
Dato' Haji Jamil Sulong


Полицейская История 3: Суперполицейский
Полиция Гонконга и Китая совместно с Интерполом готовит масштабную операцию по ликвидации интернациональной банды наркоторговцев. Замысел операции сводится к тому, чтобы вытащить из китайской тюрьмы одного из главарей нарко-спрута и через него выйти на верхушку организованной пирамиды. Кто же сможет осуществить такой дерзкий и рискованный план, если не Суперполицейский. Кевин Ченг, знакомый нам по первым сериям фильма, за какие-то прегрешения, ныне пребывающий в должности постового, вызван для осуществления необычной операции Интерпола. Для поддержки ему назначают директора китайского Интерпола — очаровательную капитаншу Енг.
События картины будут разворачиваться в мире, где наибольшую опасность представляют разработки в области кибернетики.
A gangster in Malaysia goes in search of his family after 25 years of imprisonment.
Джон, Тони и Льюис проводят отпуск в Малайзии. Экзотический остров, женщины, выпивка, немного наркотиков — райская жизнь! Когда Джон и Тони возвращаются домой, в Штаты, Льюис остаётся, чтобы посвятить себя изучению тропической фауны. Однако в бунгало, которое снимали приятели, местная полиция находит оставленные наркотики. Льюис арестован и, по малазийским законам, его ожидает смертная казнь. Спасти его могут только Джон и Тони.
In the 1940s, Malays were world-renowned for their seafaring skills. Being of Bugis descent, they navigated the sea with natural ease and were often the favored seamen for international shipping lines. Othman, a fisherman from a small village in Malacca, leaves his family behind to sail the world, with hopes to return home one day with worldly riches and deserved pride. After decades at sea, however, his low wages as a deckhand leaves him disillusioned. He contemplates returning home to his family but ended up settling down in Liverpool, England. 60 years later, his grandson, Ahmad, journeys halfway across the world in search of his grandfather.
Ah Beng: Mission Impossible
During Chinese New Year, security guard Ah Beng (Jack Lim) receives a call from his company. He is asked to cancel his Lunar New Year holiday for a simple mission, which infuriates him. However, Ah Beng immediately changes his mind knowing that the mission promises a handsome reward of RM1 million.
Junior Senior
Shakthi and Santhosh live together in Malaysia. They both fall in love with the same girl Lena. Eventually, Lena has to choose between them and she chooses Santhosh as he is wealthy. Mammootty comes to know of this and breaks off his engagement to her and walks away, feeling all good.
In colonial Malaysia, British big game-hunter Otto Abbot and American trapper Harry Stanton clash over the ethics of catching versus killing animals and over Abbot's mistress, Anna.
Claypot Curry Killers
Mrs. Chew and her three daughters run a small but flourishing restaurant. Most of the customers come for the house specialty: Homemade Curry - cooked from an old family recipe. Nobody suspects that the special ingredient that turns Mrs Chew's curry from standard fare into a gourmet's delight is human flesh!
Brothers Am (Shaheizy Sam) and Ad (Syafie Naswip) are involved in a baby-selling syndicate run by a woman known as Mama. As they progress, a friend's sister, Hawa (Sara Ali) gets involved too and Ad can no longer turn a blind eye. However, his moral struggle starts to shake his relationship with Am.
In a case that had the nation riveted and human rights organizations the world over up in arms due to the death sentence handed out to the accused, comes a tale about the lure of riches, power, eternal youth, beauty and the blood one must spill to achieve this.
Dadah Is Death
On 9th of November 1983 two Australians, Kevin Barlow and Geoff Chambers were arrested at Penang Airport in Malaysia carrying 179 grams of Heroin. A crime which in Malaysia carries a mandatory sentence of death... Dadah Is Death (A Long Way From Home) is the true story of Barbara Barlow's desperate attempt to save her son from the Hangmans rope - a courageous effort that involved impassioned pleas to President Reagan, The British Prime Minister, and even the Pope. By July 1986 this international struggle had seemed to reach a hopeless conclusion and all that was left was a mother's love for her son.
Fly By Night
Unfolding the life of a taxi driver that uses his services as a front for extortion rackets and other criminal activities. When his hot-headed younger brother's impulsive behaviour lead the cops and triad to their doorstep. As the eldest, he stops at nothing to protect them all.
The Last Communist
A travel documentary essay, interspersed with specially composed songs, about the early life and legacy of Chin Peng, exiled leader of the banned Communist Party of Malaya.
Asha Black
Five people get murdered in Malaysia and the cop who investigates the crime finds out that they have a common Facebook friend — Asha Black. Meanwhile, a young man from India comes to the country to meet Asha, after she befriends him on Facebook.
В начале века, в период индустриального развития Японии, в южно-азиатских странах проживало около 2000 японских проституток. Эти женщины рассматривались в качестве «экспортного товара из Японии» и обогатили страну на несколько сотен миллионов йен. Большинство этих женщин из простых семей были похищены, их заставляли работать в ужасающих условиях. Имамура побеседовал с одной из них, 73-летней Кикуйо, чтобы зафиксировать этот драматический фрагмент в истории Японии.
Masam-Masam Manis
Saari a teacher in Ulu Klang school also play music at the Copacabana Nite Club because of his love for music. This led him back to his room on late morning and often fall asleep while teaching. Since it had been six times found asleep in the classroom by the headmaster (professor Basar), the teacher Saari has been given an ultimatum by Mr Basar.
The Jungle Princess
Christopher Powell is in Malaysia with his fiancée and her father, capturing wild animals. While out hunting, he is attacked by a tiger, and his native guides run away, leaving him for dead. But the tiger is the pet of Ulah, a beautiful young woman who grew up by herself in the jungle. She rescues Chris and takes him back to her cave, where she nurses him to health and falls in love with him. When he eventually returns to camp, she follows. The fiancée is jealous, and the natives don't like Ulah or her pet tiger either, all of which leads to a lot of trouble.
Zombie Infection - Belaban Hidup
In the forbidden forest of Borneo, the indigenous Dayak people's village is attacked by zombies.
The Pirates of Malaysia
Filmed in Singapore it tells the story of Sandokan who is a Malaysian rebel who, with a group of renegades, goes up against a British General who is trying to force the King to resign.