
Why Wild Girls (1994)

Жанр : мелодрама, комедия, драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 22М

Директор : Andy Chin

Краткое содержание

Three female room-mates fall in and out of love and chase the wrong men. Through their relationships they learn a lot about life, love and their own personalities.


Ellen Chan
Ellen Chan
Gigi Chan
Loletta Lee
Loletta Lee
Jane Ma
Ivy Leung Si-Man
Ivy Leung Si-Man
Ekin Cheng Yee-Kin
Ekin Cheng Yee-Kin
Power Chan
Power Chan
Kenneth Chan
Kenneth Chan
Fan Yik-Man
Fan Yik-Man
Lee Suet-Man
Lee Suet-Man
Dave Lam Jing
Dave Lam Jing
Jamie Luk Kim-Ming
Jamie Luk Kim-Ming
Smart Leung
Kingdom Yuen
Kingdom Yuen
Joe Hau Wing-Choi
Joe Hau Wing-Choi
Director Hou
Wilson Yip
Wilson Yip
Jane's ex-boyfriend


Joey Cheung Jo-Ngai
Joey Cheung Jo-Ngai
Andy Chin
Andy Chin
Andy Chin
Andy Chin
Joe Hau Wing-Choi
Joe Hau Wing-Choi
Norman Law Man
Norman Law Man
Shirley Yung
Shirley Yung
Production Manager
Kam Ma
Kam Ma
Yu Sai-Lun
Yu Sai-Lun


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Реальность кусается
Лилайна работает ассистентом несносного телеведущего. В свободное от работы время наша героиня снимает документальный фильм о своих сверстниках, среди которых — ее лучший друг Трэй — способный, но бесцельно прожигающий время «бунтарь». После появления Майкла — амбициозного видео продюсера, Лилайна неожиданно для себя оказывается в эпицентре страстного любовного треугольника. Теперь ей предстоит выбирать между надежным, успешным Майклом и мечтательным, праздношатающимся красавцем Трэем.
Клуб разбитых сердец: Романтическая комедия
Лос-Анджелес. Именно там живет 28-летний голливудский фотограф Дэннис. У него много друзей, всех их объединяет не только образ жизни, но и схожие интересы. Парни не задумываются о смысле жизни, развлекаются и каждый день переживают, как последний. Но в канун своего дня рождения Дэннис неожиданно предается размышлениям о том, как много для него значат друзья, ведь они, по сути, заменяют ему семью.
От всего сердца
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The effect of love on an irresponsible fellow.
And Along Come Tourists
Sven arrives in nowadays Auschwitz to do his civil service at the memorial. He encounters unfriendliness, especially by Stanislaw Krzeminski, the 85 year old KZ-survivor, and Krzysztof Lanuszewski, brother of his early love affair Ania. Even his boss Herold, the places manager, does little to help Sven familiarize. But when problems accumulate Sven realises that he already has become involved.
A Hole in My Heart
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H Dabbour
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I Am Not With Them
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Don't Look Back
A troubled young woman inherits a cabin filled with memories, but revealed secrets of the past ruin her hopes of a fresh start.
Finnischer Tango
Omar & Salma 3
In this section continue to age in his actions reckless and not to work in a job and decides to work and refuses to popular singer Salma and it also rejects the pursuit of girls. Was decided to wear it in and succeed with the help of their daughters; decides punishment by claiming age girl betrothal to a high degree of beauty, and the kidnapping of two girls to discipline Selma. Vtkon surprise that Omar's father had taught a lesson Monday so as not to Itlaaban divorce and divorce again.
Omar & Salma 2
Now parents, Omar and Salma hit some obstacles while raising their two children and staying in love after the honeymoon ends.
Amn Dawlat
At Cairo's Railway Station
Reda, a young salesperson meets Malak in the railway station who asks him to play the role of her husband before her rich parents who live in Upper Egypt.
Omar & Salma
Story of Omar, son of a wealthy business man, who was in a relationship with a model, Farah, and decided to forget her after a fight with her manager in a club with whom she cheated on him. His friend introduces him to Salma, a new colleague who recently moved to the university, she had a hard past when her ex boyfriend who cheated on her with her mother and he has to do his best to win her heart
Ramy Al Eatsamy
Ramy is living a reckless life, but the tough economic conditions and the successive crises made him a different person, his actions are now serious and he becomes more enthusiastic in addressing the problems facing the country and he participates significantly in the daily life concerns.
Avunu Valliddaru Ishtapaddaru!
Anil and Swathi live in the same room without invading each other's personal space. Things get interesting when they exchange letters and gradually fall in love.