
How it goes (1957)

Жанр : комедия

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : J.B. Tanko

Краткое содержание

Two new recruits at a fire station headquarter engage in a competition between two sergeants in personal rivalry


Grande Otelo
Grande Otelo
Fred Villar
Fred Villar
Renato Restier
Renato Restier
Roberto Duval
Roberto Duval
Emilinha Borba
Emilinha Borba
Anilza Leoni
Anilza Leoni


J.B. Tanko
J.B. Tanko


É de Chuá
É com Este que Eu Vou
A hard working man goes to São Paulo to look for his twin brother unaware that he's famous for his lazyness.
Carnaval no Fogo
A gang, leaded by the unknown and mysterious Anjo, robs a jewelry and schedules a meeting in the Copacabana Palace Hotel, in Copacabana. The identification would be through a cigarette case with an angel, and the password "- Is everything all right?" Meanwhile, the director Ricardo is preparing a show for the carnival in the hotel with Marina, and they love each other. The janitor Serafim receives a letter from his unknown American brother, who will come to Rio to spend the carnival and meet him, and asks Eliana for a chance in the show, since his brother believes he is an artist. When Ricardo finds the cigarette case lost by Anjo in the entrance of the hotel, he is misidentified by the thieves, and this is the beginning of lots of confusion and fun.
Mulheres à Vista
Carnaval Atlântida
Movie producer Cecílio B. de Milho is intent on filming an epic about Helen of Troy, while some of the crew would rather turn it into a musical comedy.
A Baronesa Transviada
Manicurist finds out she's the daughter of a rich baroness, and inherits her fortune. Now, she'll have to fight her mother's parents, with help from some of her friends.
A man in charge of a publicity campaign for bananas decides to kidnap the Queen of 'Bananaland', a tropical island paradise, and take her to Rio, where she falls in love with a member of Carmen Miranda's backing ensemble, 'Bando da Lua'.
Alô Alô Carnaval
Two authors go look for a business to finance their dream musical.
Aviso aos Navegantes
In Buenos Aires, Frederico hides in a ship going to Rio de Janeiro to travel for free. But Azulão, the cook, finds him and blackmails him into working in the kitchen. Meanwhile, Alberto, the captain, receives a radio message saying that there was a dangerous international spy on board. Things get worse when some passports are mixed-up.
Quem Sabe... Sabe!
De Vento em Popa
Industrialist's son returns from the USA, where he'd been supposedly studying Nuclear Physics, when in fact he'd devoted himself to pop music, without his father's knowledge.
Na Corda Bamba
Uma Certa Lucrécia
Matar ou Correr
"High Noon" spoof. Kid Bolha and Ciscocada, two clumsy swindlers, arrive at a violent Old West town called Citydown where, by mistake, one of them is appointed Sheriff. They're intent on facing the dreaded Jesse Gordon, a gunman who kills for pleasure.
Тринадцать стульев
Парикмахер Бонифацио Боавентура едет в Рио-де-Жанейро, чтобы вступить в владение особняком, который покойная тетушка оставила ему в наследство. Но особняк отошел на благотворительные цели, а Бонифацио получает только тринадцать старых стульев. Раздовадованный, он тут же сдает их на комиссию в магазин напротив. Ночью Бонифацио находит записку от покойной тетушки, где та сообщает, что зашила в один из стульев миллион. Разумеется, магазин все стулья уже продал. Бонифацио бросается на поиски стульев, в этом ему помогает очаровательная предпримчивая девушка по имени Ивона, с которой он познакомился в дороге, когда ехал в Рио...
Dona Violante Miranda
No Mundo da Lua
Tristezas Não Pagam Dívidas
Here Comes the Baron
Tererê Não Resolve