Happy Hooligan Interferes (1903)
Жанр : комедия
Время выполнения : 1М
Директор : Billy Bitzer
Краткое содержание
An organ-grinder is playing beneath the window of a cranky old woman. She objects strenuously. The organ-grinder, egged on by Hooligan, keeps on playing until a policeman appears.
In a kingdom tormented by fashion crazes, a queen and her court must always keep up with the new trend. If not, an abominable monster will consume them: the Ridicule. But with the arrival of a disarmingly natural cowboy, this nation of fashion victims laughs, and a simple question arises: what if the Ridicule isn’t what we think?
As a young woman goes on her daily morning runs, an underlying plot is revealed.
Benjamin's wife died in his arms after a long fight against a disease. He can't take suicide off his mind but a young Japanese woman will help him though his mourning.
Not to be confused with Ocelot's 2011 feature film, Tales of the Night is a made for TV silhouette animation. It is a compilation of 3 fairy tale like stories, bridged by sequences of a boy and girl in an abandoned theater.
During class Eddy is daydreaming about his girlfriend Véronique. When school is out he hopes to be living his daydream with her.
O is locked up and although his escape attempts keep failing he keeps persisting. In one way or another he'll manage to escape.
The pilot of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. The short was going to start the series, but Nickelodeon liked it so much that they decided to make the film and the series was produced a couple of years later. Jimmy runs away after his parents ground him for launching Carl off the roof. Little do his folks know that Jimmy has been abducted by aliens, who think he knows about earth's defense systems.
An archaeologist and his assistant discover two female mummies in an Egyptian tomb with a warning in hieroglyphics not to wet them with the water in an urn. When they do, one mummy gets up to hi-jinks, while the other, Princess Itmay, does a burlesque dance.
Каманди и его друзья принц Туфтан из Королевства тигров и человекоподобный мутант Бен Боксер похищены культом горилл, одержимым поисками реинкарнации своего бога, Могущественного.
Легендарная разношерстная команда изгоев Второй мировой войны - капитан Сторм, Джонни Клауд, Джонс "Миля в минуту", новобранец Ганнер и сержант - оказываются выброшенными на неизведанный остров в южной части Тихого океана, полностью заселенный динозаврами. Их потенциальный союзник в этой смертельно опасной миссии, таинственная и прекрасная Фан Лонг из Китайского агентства безопасности, говорит им, что их задача - спасти ученых, посланных для изучения пространственно-временной аномалии. Может быть, но в чем заключается ее миссия?
Синий Жук вернулся. Окунитесь в приключения Теда Корда, известного по прозвищу Синий Жук. Он объединяется с другими героями Капитаном Атомом, Вопросом и Найтшейд, чтобы сразиться с гнусным преступником, императором эмоций, Доктором Спектро.
Джон становится узником Дома Тайн после того, как он спровоцировал второй Флэшпоинт. Похоже, даже опытному магу не в силах выбраться из этого заточения.
This delightful short is a world away from Tomomatsu's later works. It's a lovely story, told well. The reason that I tracked it down is because I'm quite a fan of Alice Sailor's music. She fronts new wave band Amaryllis and I was curious to see her acting. She has frequently supplied theme songs and other music to several of Tomomatsu's films. Indeed, the most disturbing sequence in this movie is accompanied by a psychotic Amaryllis track, 'Haha', and the closing piece is another Amaryllis song, 'Usagi'. This rip comes from the 'Eat The Schoolgirl' DVD, where it was one of the extras. Having just watched the main feature from that disc, I can say with some certainty that I found this tale far more enjoyable.