Peter Pedal bruger alle sine sanser og andre historier (2007)

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48 + 1
Веселые сестры
The eldest (Barbara Stanwyck) of three sisters protects their Fifth Avenue mansion from a developer (George Brent) she once married.
House of Cards
In this film without sound, a man awakes disheveled in a rooming house. He stares out the window seeing children playing and a well-dressed man sitting on a chair in the middle of the street reading a newspaper and looking up at him. A headline describes the murder of a child. The disheveled man, whose face expresses fear and despair, leaves, going through the city, alarmed when anyone looks at him. A woman invites him to look through a public telescope. He does then keeps going. He climbs a hill. Two fencers appear; so does a jester. Is flight fruitless?
Mr. Gay Syria
In focusing his attention on the competitors of Mr Gay Syria, director Ayse Toprak shatters the one-dimensional meaning of “refugee”. Using the pageant as a means of escape from political persecution, the organiser Mahmoud — already given asylum in Berlin — hopes to offer the winner a chance to travel as well as bring international attention to the life-threatening situations faced by LGBT Syrians.
Game of Cards
A couple take the chance to blackmail a politician, only to get caught in the web of lies and deception.
Cards, Cads, Guns, Gore, and Death...
A card game turns violent in the Wild West.
Safety Cards 2.0
Browsing through his collection of snapshots from safety cards during take-off, Daniel Wetzel of Rimini Protokoll reflects on what these images can tell.
Small Town Gay Bar
The story of community in the Deep South that is forced to deal with the struggles of ignorance, hypocrisy and oppression.
Gay Zombie
A sexually confused zombie seeks therapy and adventures through West Hollywood.
Playing Cards
A young woman is torn between her past self, Laura, and the woman she has become, Vivian, when her sadistic family threatens to destroy her only chance at a future.
All Major Credit Cards
"R. B.'s new film is a magic dream, airy and clear. Everything you see is a fact, firm and distinct at the moment you are seeing it, a fact of daily life or of extraordinary dance, or of amateur acting, and you recognize each fact too, at a glance. Later, as the film continues, the factual seeing is still the same, but somehow it doesn't feel the same, it feels like a good dream you are dreaming, with a sly and witty tease to it, and nearly weightless." - Edwin Denby
The House of Cards
The rancher whom Tom works for has entrusted Tom with a bag of gold to take to the bank. But on arriving at the bank, Tom finds that it is closed for the day. It is not long before Tom is lured into a game of cards, and loses the rancher's money. Soon there is a warrant out for Tom's arrest on a charge of embezzlement, and his situation becomes increasingly desperate.
29th and Gay
Following a year in the life of James Sanchez, it's a story about a guy rapidly approaching thirty, who doesn't have a six-pack, full head of hair or a boyfriend. While his best friend Roxy, an actress-turned-activist, struggles with showing him there's life beyond the glitz of the disco ball, his other friend, Brandon, one of those gay boys comfortable in his own gay skin, works on getting James to at least talk to a boy. Feeling out of place in the world of circuit boys, caught between his Hispanic-American heritage and being gay, we watch James find his place in the world, realizing that life is in the journey, not the destination.
Mum's Cards
My mother is a Sociologist – she came to Glasgow from the south of England in the 60’s to work within the Politics Department of Glasgow University- after a few years the Sociologists broke away and formed their own department, where she taught until she retired. Although the university advocated and furnished her with her own personal computer – she still used index cards to make notes on the books and articles that she read. Now that she no longer has an office her house is filled with shoeboxes and filing cabinets containing these cards. My mother was absent on the day that I shot this film; the interview and sounds were recorded at a later date.
The Miracle of the Cards
"The Miracle of the Cards" is based on the true story of Marion Shergold and her son, Craig, an eight-year-old English boy who had a brain tumor. Several events convinced Marion that God was leading her to a cure for Craig and that the get-well cards he was receiving had the power to keep him alive, so she launched a worldwide campaign to break the Guinness record for receiving the most get-well cards. At the time, the world record seemed an impossible 1,000,265, but Craig received over 350 million cards from all over the world. Against the advice of her doctors, Marion followed one of those cards to America for Craig's miraculous cure.
Ой, вэй! Мой сын гей!!
Ширли и Мартин Хирш каждую пятницу приглашают к себе на ужин очередную «идеальную» еврейскую девушку, в надежде, что их сын Нельсон наконец женится. И вот однажды Нельсон сообщает родителям, что он уже встречается кое с кем и обещает познакомить их со своей половиной на грядущем семейном торжестве. Но вместо сексапильной блондинки, которую готовятся встретить родители, Нельсон приходит на праздник с парнем по имени Анджело. Ширли и Мартин шокированы, но, трезво подумав, решают: если проблему нельзя исправить, следует изменить своей отношение к ней.
9 мёртвых геев
Комедия о двух друзьях ирландцах, приехавших в Лондон в рассчёте на «улицы, вымощенные золотом». В итоге они влегкую порешили на том, что любовь может быть только за деньги и претворяют свой план в действие в гей-баре, попросту снимая мужчин. Но вот пошёл слух: Умерла королева! А в матрасе её большой кровати спрятан клад! Наши герои не долго думая понеслись по следам убийцы с трёхдюймовым членом. А постоянно у них на дороге, опережая их действия, стоит лесбиянка по кличке «Железная леди», содержащая тот самый гей-бар, куда ходят наши парни.
Карточный домик
Архитектор Рут вместе со своими двумя детьми — 6-летней Салли и 12-летним Майклом, отец которых погиб в Мексике в археологической экспедиции, возвращается домой в Северную Каролину. Для того, чтобы помочь «вернуться» в реальный мир Салли, после смерти отца внезапно переставшей разговаривать, Рут приглашает доктора-психиатра Джейкоба, который обнаруживает, что у 6-летней маленькой девочки проснулись дремавшие способности экстрасенса ;)
Голубой пирог 2: Парни идут вразнос!
Мы опять встречаемся с четверкой друзей-тинэйджеров, учащихся в колледже. В прошлом фильме они теряли свою девственность, а сейчас решают принять участие в конкурсе «Дикие парни». Наша четверка погружается в самые невероятные сексуальные гей-приключений!
Голубой пирог
Четверо друзей гуляют летние каникулы перед поступлением в колледж. И их заветной мечтой является потеря девственности, с чем они и собираются разобраться в ближайшее время. Всё это хорошо и даже здорово, если бы не одна пикантная подробность — вся «сладкая четвёрка» мнит себя геями…