
Stranger (2014)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 24М

Директор : Bahram Tavakkoli

Краткое содержание

With entering a psycho sister of a young couple who are expecting a baby, their life faces to a crisis.


Mahnaz Afshar
Mahnaz Afshar
Pantea Bahram
Pantea Bahram
Houman Barghnavard
Houman Barghnavard
Amir Jafari
Amir Jafari


Bahram Tavakkoli
Bahram Tavakkoli
Bahram Tavakkoli
Bahram Tavakkoli


The Hidden Half
An official is sent from his home in Tehran to hear the final appeal of a woman sentenced to death, a political prisoner. The official's wife of nearly 20 years, Fereshteh Samimi, writes him a letter to read when he reaches the hotel - the story of her student days during the revolution of 1978. We see the story in flashbacks as he reads: she leaves her province on scholarship, joins a Communist youth group, avoids arrest, and comes under the sway of a suave older man, Roozbeh Javid, a literary-magazine editor. As she tells her husband about the hidden half of her life, Fereshteh asks that he listen to the woman facing execution, a woman and therefore one of Iran's hidden half.
Развод Надера и Симин
Супруги Надер и Симин решили уехать из Ирана в поисках лучшей жизни. Но в один момент Надер все-таки решает остаться рядом со своим отцом, страдающим болезнью Альцгеймера. Симин подает на развод в надежде уехать с их 11-летней дочерью, но судебное решение оказывается не в ее пользу. Дочь, тем временем, надеется, что мама одумается и вернется.
The New Country
A 15-year-old Somalian boy meets a 40-year-old Iranian man in a refugee camp in Skåne, in the south of Sweden. With the threat of deportation hanging over them, they decide to take their faiths in their own hands and together they go on a journey in the Swedish summer.
Сезон носорогов
Навеянная самой жизнью великолепная работа мастера повествует о трагической истории поэта Сахели и его возлюбленной Мины. Главного героя осудили на тридцать лет, а его семье сказали, что он умер. Выйдя на свободу, ему нужно заново начинать жить, но как?
Ирано-иракская война. Тегеран в канун нового года подвергается ракетным ударам. Одинокая деревенская жительница Гиланех отправляет сына на войну. Ее дочь уходит на поиски мужа-дезертира. Пятнадцать лет спустя. Снова Тегеран и снова канун нового года. Гиланех ухаживает за сыном, пострадавшим на войне. У нее почти не осталось сил, она больше не в состоянии заботиться о нем, а ее дочь далеко. Гиланех ждет женщину с юга, обещавшую выйти замуж за ее сына.
Two Women
A sensation when released in 1999 in Iran, Two Women charts the lives of two promising architecture students over the course of the first turbulent years of the Islamic Republic. Tahimine Milani creates this scathing portrait of those traditions - aided by official indifference - which conspire to trap women and stop them from realizing their full potential; the inclusion of frank depictions of domestic violence was hailed by many as a breakthrough in dealing with a long taboo subject.
Простой прием
Зрители любой страны усвоили прочно, что благими намерениями дорога вымощена в ад. Хагиги снимает роуд-муви на другой сюжет. Его занимает сверхважная и не затертая мысль о том, что благотворительность не так проста, как кажется. Причем в равной степени для дарителей и получателей даров. Речь в его фильме идет о сложнейшем, — поданном, впрочем, с режиссерской тонкостью, прямотой и смелостью — механизме обмена. Не столько экономического обмена — с учетом правил благотворительности. Но в смысле обмена («в контакте») между людьми разных сословий и достатка, потребовавшего испытания каждого из персонажей на их достоинство, выбор, человечность, честность etc.
The Sinners
Two homicide detectives investigates the murder of a woman ...
Mohammad is sent to an apartment situated in uptown Tehran to install their satellite dishes, while having satellite TV is illegal in Iran. He arrives there with a girl named Shirin who seems to be his girlfriend and is in need of some money to repair her father's car with which she has had an accident the day before. Each of the house's residents have their own fish to fry and they also want their satellites installed as soon as possible.
A coming-of-age story about Jack, a 16-year old Iranian boy growing up in 1989 Los Angeles. With the 1979 Iranian Revolution a distant memory, the AIDS movement as a backdrop, and a haunting score by Vampire Weekend's Rostam Batmanglij, Jack learns how to stage his own much smaller revolution within the confines of his traditional family.
The Corridor
Behzad, who has been in prison for manslaughter for a long time, has a son who does not know about him. When he is introduced, the son goes through a conflict. Then, as a family, they go to the victim's family seeking consent so Reza would be released.
The Painting Pool
Maryam (Negar Javaherian) and Reza (Shahab Hosseini) are different from other people, it's not just a simple difference, but a very big difference. They must try to prove to others they have solved the big difference with the miracle of love ...
Final Whistle
an Iranian TV and documentary director who becomes involved in the plight of Malineh, a young woman who appeared in her latest film. Malineh is desperate to sell one of her kidneys in order to raise money for the defense of her mother, who faces hanging on a charge of murdering her husband.
The renovation of a rambling family homestead becomes a metaphor for an unexpected assault on traditional family values when a newly married twenty-something brings her architect husband to draw up the plans for her aunt and uncle’s rehab job.
Сара пристрастилась к наркотикам. Ее жених Араш учится в Канаде и не знает о ее зависимости. За месяц до его возвращения в Иран Сара решает избавиться от своей зависимости, но это будет не так легко, как она думает.
Women's Prison
Spanning 18 years in an Iranian women's prison, this follows two women: the new prison warden, a tough as nails devout Muslim who has served in the army on the Iraqi front, and a young midwife, Mitra, who is serving her sentence for killing her mother's abusive husband. In the early years, Mitra is repeatedly punished as the warden tries to break her. This includes punishment for delivering a baby in the prison cell while all of the prison staff has taken shelter during an Iraqi bombing. The warden's attitude starts to change after 8 years, when Mitra tries to protect a new inmate from rape at the hands of her older cellmates. When the baby comes back in 1991 as a 17 year old delinquent, Sepideh, the warden respects Mitra enough to protect the girl.
The Bright Day
THE BRIGHT DAY weaves a story that has its roots in the complexity of Iran’s draconian laws governing capital punishment. A kindergarten teacher hopes to aid the father of one of her young students, a man accused of manslaughter, by convincing each of seven reluctant witnesses to come forward. No one lacks a hidden agenda in this drama in which shades of truth collide with self-interest and the specter of payback. (Gene Siskel Film Center)
A haughty acclaimed newly married fashion designer named Iraj is shown the door by his boss after the boss's son arrives at Iran to take over his father's company. Iraj reluctant to promulgate the loss of his job, starts using his savings, trying to conceal the truth from his naive wife. Having squandered all the money he had on trivial matters, he tells his wife about being axed & that's when the tables turn on him.
Девушка возвращается одна ночью домой
События разворачиваются в вымышленном иранском городе, полном проституции и преступлений, смерти и одиночества. Здесь живут вампиры, проститутки, наркоманы, сутенеры, ростовщики и, конечно же, собственный иранский Джеймс Дин.
Here Without Me
The story is about the world of a small family with familiar dreams and not so remarkable problems. The mother is trying to lead everything to save her family, but small events disarrange all her plans.