
Холостяки (2017)

It's never too late for a second chance.

Жанр : комедия, драма, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 1Ч 39М

Директор : Kurt Voelker

Краткое содержание

Трогательная история недавно овдовевшего мужчины, который вместе с 17-летнем сыном переезжает из провинции в Лос-Анжелес, чтобы всё начать с чистого листа. И действительно, смена окружения и знакомство с удивительными женщинами возымеют целительный эффект для обоих героев. Но оставят ли они в новой жизни место друг для друга?


J.K. Simmons
J.K. Simmons
Bill Ponder
Josh Wiggins
Josh Wiggins
Wes Ponder
Julie Delpy
Julie Delpy
Odeya Rush
Odeya Rush
Lacy Westman
Kevin Dunn
Kevin Dunn
Paul Abernac
Tom Amandes
Tom Amandes
Davis Wilkes
Spencer List
Spencer List
Jacqueline Mazarella
Jacqueline Mazarella
Nancy Abernac
Tyrel Jackson Williams
Tyrel Jackson Williams
Raffi Akka
Allen Alvarado
Allen Alvarado
Gooby Kid


Kurt Voelker
Kurt Voelker
Kurt Voelker
Kurt Voelker
Matthew Baer
Matthew Baer
Ryan Dorff
Ryan Dorff
Executive Producer
Anita Brandt-Burgoyne
Anita Brandt-Burgoyne
Richard Sherman
Richard Sherman
Production Design
Antonio Riestra
Antonio Riestra
Director of Photography
Joel P. West
Joel P. West
Original Music Composer
Liliana M. Molina
Liliana M. Molina
Script Supervisor
Kasey Truman
Kasey Truman
Music Supervisor
Lori Stilson
Lori Stilson
Costume Supervisor
J.W. Hargrave
J.W. Hargrave
Property Master
Nicole Daniels
Nicole Daniels
Courtney Bright
Courtney Bright

Плакаты и фоны



Premeditated Murder
Men, women, and war. Jelena Panic is a young woman in Belgrade in the early 1990s, during Serbia's war with Croatia; she's making a book of her grandmother's diaries from the end of World War II. She takes up with Bogdan, a young soldier recovering from war wounds. He helps her with her grandmother's story, a tragic triangle involving her effete and well-educated husband and an uneducated major, a Chekist who has, perhaps, the power to save a political prisoner who is the grandmother's friend. As Jelena wonders which man was her grandfather (the Chekist or the husband), Bogdan recovers from his wounds and must decide whether to return to the front. Jelena pleads; duty calls.
The Choking Game
Taryn finds herself gaining much-desired popularity when the charismatic new girl at school claims her as a “breath sister," teaching Taryn about the Choking Game. Hiding it from her ever-present mother, best friend, and teachers, Taryn sees choking as a way to build self-control and grab an easy high. But, as the stakes are raised through each subsequent ‘flight’, Taryn has no idea that she is actually putting her life in extreme danger.
The Lonesome Trail
Back from the Indian wars, a cowboy wages a single-handed war against a land baron and his henchmen. After his shooting hand is disabled, he masters the bow and arrow to take on the gang one arrow at a time!
The Boy Turns Man
The action centers on Ran and his schoolmates who are in the last year of school. They are only a few days away from the day when they will have to make a decisive choice: what are they going to be, and what is more important, how are they going to live? In the whirlpool of meetings with different people and mainly with three women, the filmmakers are trying to see the future of their main character. His schoolmate Mariana wants to lead him into family life. The pop singer Neli is the very incarnation of adventurism. However, he is most deeply touched by the salesgirl in the near-by coffee shop Tintyava. This is a wordless affair in which each glance exchanged betrays the piercing excitement of impossible love.
Azhagappan, a handsome widower with four children, gets caught in a dilemma where three different women are in love with him. Soon, the children devise a plan so that he gets married to one of them.
The Marines Fly High
Marine lieutenants Dan and Jim fight bandits in the South American jungle, while competing for the attention of beautiful Joan Grant.
Маленькая волшебница
12-летняя Алисия может не стесняясь попросить отца о сигарете и глотке джина. Для нее не существует понятия «слишком рано», потому что нет слова «потом»: девочка тяжело больна. Только костюм любимого японского анимешного персонажа Юкико может доставить ей настоящую радость. Но волшебное платье стоит более 6000 евро, которые на фоне всеобщего кризиса кажутся безработному отцу запредельной суммой.
Любовь и мода
О соревновании двух домов моделей: "Югомода" и "Югошик". Одной из модельных компаний, чтобы опередить своих конкурентов, срочно требуется организовать показ мод, но все возможные площадки, где можно было бы организовать показ моделей, заняты. Кроме того необходимо срочно создать новые модели, но художнику–модельеру Бора необходимо для этого вдохновение. Одновременно клубу планеристов, в котором Соня – лучшая планеристка, не только красивая девушка, но еще и прекрасно поет, срочно требуются деньги, чтобы заплатить за полетные часы. Вроде бы интересы совпадают, но денег, которые дает прижимистый коммерческий директор, планеристам не хватает. И тогда у друзей Сони рождается план… К чему все это приведет? Может, Бора обретет своё вдохновение, а Соня встретит того единственного, о котором мечтает?
Life of the Party: The Pamela Harriman Story
Told mostly in flashbacks, the film tells the story of Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman, one of the greatest and probably most famous courtesans of the twentieth century. While not showing her childhood, first marriage to Winston Churchill's son, or most of her affairs, we do get to see her affair and eventual marriage to Broadway producer Leland Hayward, and then her marriage to politician Averell Harriman, with whom she had an affair while both were married to others in World War II. We also see her as ambassador to France during her last years, and her death in 1997. While some (mostly her lovers) adored her, others (mostly her son and her husbands' children) hated her.
Death of a Salesman
An aging salesman is fired from his job after a long career in it. Broken, without much to look forward to, he tries reconnecting with his wife and kids who he had always put down as he dedicated himself to work.
Ложно обвинённая
Шелли нужно поймать убийцу своего брата, чтобы доказать, что она не виновна. На этом непростом пути она встречает любовь, горе и преследование, и осознает свое истинное предназначение.
The Brass Ring
A mother afflicted with depression comes into conflict with own mother and children when she refuses to seek professional health care.
What a Blonde
American gas rationing during WWII results in comic mayhem as a lingerie executive finds his home overrun with showgirls.
Trouville Beach
Young Piano teacher Lukas accidentally meets DJ Nathalie, the love of his life. After losing her telephone number, he starts looking for her. Finally, he finds her place and stays with friends of hers while she is abroad. Now Lukas falls in love with Alice, but does not want to admit it. And while his relationship with Alice is in doubt, Nathalie comes back home. Trouble had been breeding all along.
Run Raja Run
Raja, son of a vegetable vendor, is a simple man. His girlfriends dump him because of his honesty. However, things take a turn when he meets his true love Priya, the daughter of a police commissioner.
The Miracle Worker
The true story of Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan, a gripping battle to overcome impossible obstacles and the struggle to communicate. As a young girl, Helen Keller is stricken with scarlet fever. The illness leaves her blind, mute, and deaf. Sealed off from the world, Helen cannot communicate with anyone, nor anyone with her. Often frustrated and desperate, Helen flies into uncontrollable rages and tantrums that terrify her hopeless family. The gifted teacher Annie Sullivan is summoned by the family to help the girl understand the world from which she is isolated, freeing Helen Keller from her internal prison forever. Television remake of the 1962 film which also starred Patty Duke in the role of Helen Keller.
Смерть красавицы
Стефан Бланшон живет спокойной жизнью в Швейцарии со своей женой Кристиной, пока молодая американская нахлебница по имени Белль, которая жила с ними, не найдена убитой. Несмотря на невиновность Стефана, доказательства указывают на него, и он узнает, что Белль питала к нему романтические чувства. Подозрения восстают против него; даже Кристина думает, что он виновный. Здравомыслие Стефана начинает рушиться, и он совершает беспрецедентные шаги.
The Perfect Wave
The true story of Ian McCormack who grew up surfing the waters of New Zealand. Wanting to dive deeper, Ian sets out on a journey with his best friend that will change his life as they chase the perfect wave.
The Last Lost Kingdom
Following in the footsteps of his father, Folco Felzani embarks on an epic journey on foot in search of Mustang, the last lost kingdom, in northern Nepal. The story of a king without a kingdom. The adventure of a son without a father.
Maytime in Mayfair
Penniless man-about-town Michael Gore-Brown is delighted to hear he has been left a high-class Mayfair fashion salon. His intention is to sell it as quickly as possible, but on meeting Ellen, chief designer and manager, he quickly changes his mind and turns his attention to courting her.


На Западном фронте без перемен
Когда 17-летний Пауль приезжает воевать на Западный фронт в Первую мировую войну, его изначальный энтузиазм пропадает от столкновения с суровой реальностью жизни в окопах.
Правдивая история невероятного романа между скупым рыботорговцем Эверетт и его экономкой Моди, чьи руки искалечила болезнь. Холостяк-затворник, покоренный ее силой и светом, помогает Моди раскрыться в творчестве и стать всенародно любимой художницей.