
Sing Faster: The Stagehands' Ring Cycle (1999)

Infidelity, Lies, Betrayal. And that's just what's happening on stage.

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 56М

Директор : Jon Else

Краткое содержание

With its four operas, seventeen-hour running time and months of rehearsal, Wagner's "Ring Cycle" is a daunting undertaking for any opera company. Jon Else goes backstage to show this rare event entirely from the point of view of union stagehands at the San Francisco Opera.


Kenneth 'Spike' Kirkland
Kenneth 'Spike' Kirkland


Jon Else
Jon Else
Jon Else
Jon Else
Jon Else
Jon Else
Deborah Hoffmann
Deborah Hoffmann
Jay Boekelheide
Jay Boekelheide
Robin Chin
Robin Chin
Additional Editor
Lillian Benson
Lillian Benson
Additional Editor
Philippe Roques
Philippe Roques
Additional Editor
Lori Shinseki
Lori Shinseki
Additional Editor
Doug Dunderdale
Doug Dunderdale
Additional Production Assistant
Rueben Goldberg
Rueben Goldberg
Additional Production Assistant
Stephen Longstreth
Stephen Longstreth
Additional Production Assistant
Inez Robinson
Inez Robinson
Additional Production Assistant
Kecia Benvenuto
Kecia Benvenuto
Production Assistant
Andy Gilbert
Andy Gilbert
Production Assistant
Jon Halperin
Jon Halperin
Production Assistant
Jazib Hasan
Jazib Hasan
Production Assistant
Marcarena Hernandez
Marcarena Hernandez
Production Assistant
Todd Leong
Todd Leong
Production Assistant
Megan Mylan
Megan Mylan
Production Assistant
Steve Wessells
Steve Wessells
Production Assistant
Cort Worthington
Cort Worthington
Production Assistant
Jay Boekelheide
Jay Boekelheide
Sound Designer
David Davis
David Davis
Executive Producer
Jon Else
Jon Else
Director of Photography
Michael Chin
Michael Chin
Director of Photography
Mark Becker
Mark Becker
Production Assistant


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