
Zoo Quest in Colour (2016)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М

Директор : Anuschka Schofield

Краткое содержание

Thanks to a remarkable discovery in the BBC's film vaults, the best of David Attenborough's early Zoo Quest adventures can now be seen as never before - in colour - and with it the remarkable story of how this pioneering television series was made. First broadcast in December 1954, Zoo Quest was one of the most popular television series of its time and launched the career of the young David Attenborough as a wildlife presenter. Zoo Quest completely changed how viewers saw the world - revealing wildlife and tribal communities that had never been filmed or even seen before. Broadcast 10 years before colour television was seen in the UK, Zoo Quest was thought to have been filmed in black and white, until now. Using this extraordinary new-found colour film, together with new behind-the-scenes stories from David Attenborough and cameraman Charles Lagus, this special showcases the very best of Zoo Quest to West Africa, Zoo Quest to Guiana and Zoo Quest for a Dragon in stunning HD colour.


David Attenborough
David Attenborough
Charles Lagus
Charles Lagus
Deborah Maclaren
Deborah Maclaren


Charles Lagus
Charles Lagus
Camera Operator
Mike Denny
Mike Denny
Robin Cox
Robin Cox
Camera Operator
Gavin Thurston
Gavin Thurston
Camera Operator
David Attenborough
David Attenborough
Sound Recordist
Bill Rudolph
Bill Rudolph
Sound Recordist
Michael Gunton
Michael Gunton
Executive Producer
Anuschka Schofield
Anuschka Schofield
Anuschka Schofield
Anuschka Schofield


Ночь в музее
Молодой человек в поисках работы попадает в музей, где приступает к обязанностям ночного сторожа. Оказывается, не такая это простая работа, как могло показаться на первый взгляд. Ведь самое главное — не только не дать никому войти в музей, но и не позволить никому и ничему из музея выйти….
Ночь в музее: Секрет гробницы
И всё-таки не повезло Ларри с работой — того и гляди кто-нибудь да оживёт в этом музейном царстве. На сей раз ему придётся столкнуться не с Рузвельтом и не с Наполеоном, а практически сойти в преисподнюю, портал в которую открыл фараон Ахкменра, чтобы вызвать своего злобного брата.
Чарльз Дарвин и Древо жизни
Почему на свете так много разных видов животных, почему они именно так распространились по планете и почему их тела имеют такую форму? Причины удивительного многообразия живых существ объяснил человек, кардинально изменивший наш взгляд на мир и на наше место в нем. Этого человека звали Чарльз Дарвин.
За пять миллиардов лет жизнь на Земле эволюционировала в невероятное богатство и разнообразность, которые мы видим сегодня. «Одна Жизнь» — это праздник самых блестящих и захватывающих историй выживания в животном царстве. Сюжетная линия ведет нас через полный цикл жизни к рождению нового поколения, затрагивая все формы жизни на Земле. Неважно, крылья у нас или ласты, две ноги или восемь — торжествующая история жизни соединяет всех нас воедино. Поиск пищи, поиск жилья, выживание наперекор всем невзгодам, поиск родственной души, воспитание детей — темы «Одной Жизни» являются универсальными и затронут сердца зрителей во всем мире.
История мира за два часа
От начала до наших дней, путешествие на скорости света по истории самой Вселенной и жизни на Земле.
Фильм, рассказывающий о происхождении Вселенной и жизни на нашей планете: флоры, фауны и человеческой расы. То серьезно, то с шутками, чередуя мудрость с наивностью, африканский колдун и поэт на языке мифов и сказок рассказывает историю вечного Генезиса, героями которого являются животные и люди.
What Darwin Never Knew
Earth teems with a staggering variety of animals, including 9,000 kinds of birds, 28,000 types of fish, and more than 350,000 species of beetles. What explains this explosion of living creatures—1.4 million different species discovered so far, with perhaps another 50 million to go? The source of life's endless forms was a profound mystery until Charles Darwin brought forth his revolutionary idea of natural selection. But Darwin's radical insights raised as many questions as they answered. What actually drives evolution and turns one species into another? To what degree do different animals rely on the same genetic toolkit? And how did we evolve?
Ботаника желания
Благодаря Майклу Поллану и основанному на его книге-бестселлере фильму, зрителю предоставляется возможность взглянуть на взаимоотношения человека с растительным миром – но взглянуть с точки зрения растений. Повествование Фрэнсиса МакДорманда рассказывает нам о том, как четыре хорошо известных нам вида – яблоня, тюльпан, марихуана и картофель - эволюционировали, чтобы удовлетворять наши страсти к сладости, красоте, упоению и контролю.
The Genius of Charles Darwin
A documentary series from Channel 4, hosted by professor Richard Dawkins, well-known darwinist. The series mixes segments on the life and discoveries of Charles Darwin, the theory of natural selection and evolution, and Dawkins' attempts at convincing a group of school children that evolution explains the world around us better than any religion.
Как вырастить планету
В этом сериале профессор Йен Стюарт рассказывает нам о новой, увлекательной версии истории формирования биогенеза, которую прошла наша планета. Показывая нам, сколь велики изменения, которые были вызваны, прежде всего обитателями растительного царства. Его рассказ повествует о древней эволюции представителей флоры и фауны Земли.
Zoo Quest in Colour
Thanks to a remarkable discovery in the BBC's film vaults, the best of David Attenborough's early Zoo Quest adventures can now be seen as never before - in colour - and with it the remarkable story of how this pioneering television series was made. First broadcast in December 1954, Zoo Quest was one of the most popular television series of its time and launched the career of the young David Attenborough as a wildlife presenter. Zoo Quest completely changed how viewers saw the world - revealing wildlife and tribal communities that had never been filmed or even seen before. Broadcast 10 years before colour television was seen in the UK, Zoo Quest was thought to have been filmed in black and white, until now. Using this extraordinary new-found colour film, together with new behind-the-scenes stories from David Attenborough and cameraman Charles Lagus, this special showcases the very best of Zoo Quest to West Africa, Zoo Quest to Guiana and Zoo Quest for a Dragon in stunning HD colour.
The Animal World
A documentary showcasing the world's many different animal species, both past and present.
Darwin's Struggle: The Evolution of the Origin of Species
Documentary telling the little-known story of how Darwin came to write his great masterpiece, On the Origin of Species, a book which explains the wonderful variety of the natural world as emerging out of death and the struggle of life. In the twenty years he took to develop a brilliant idea into a revolutionary book, Darwin went through a personal struggle every bit as turbulent as that of the natural world he observed. Fortunately, he left us an extraordinary record of his brilliant insights, observations of nature, and touching expressions of love and affection for those around him. He also wrote frank accounts of family tragedies, physical illnesses and moments of self-doubt, as he laboured towards publication of the book that would change the way we see the world. The story is told with the benefit of Darwin's secret notes and correspondence, enhanced by natural history filming, powerful imagery from the time and contributions from leading contemporary biographers and scientists.
Происхождение Океанов
A documentary that explores the natural world of the sea, from the single-celled organism to more complex forms of life, OCEAN ORIGINS was originally filmed in the IMAX large format, which adds a crispness and clarity to the images. This documentary film seeks to examine the process of evolution by looking at the many creatures of the sea that can illustrate the way multi-cellular life emerged over the course of four billion years. OCEAN ORIGINS is a creative film that uses fascinating documentary footage to look at scientific theories and principles in an interesting manner
The Secret of Life on Earth
A breathtaking adventure across five continents and through time to reveal nature's most vital secret. Watch a flying fox gorge itself on a midnight snack of figs. Climb into the prickly jaws of insect-eating plants. Witness a mantis disguised as a flower petal lure its prey to doom.
Dating Fossils and Rocks
In this DVD, Mr. Riddle shares the results of his much reading and research in the area of Carbon 14 dating, and explains the importance of Carbon 12 in conjunction with C-14. He explains in simple terms the molecular breakdown process. He also discusses other dating methods and the underlying assumptions the methods are based on, the correctness of which are brought into question. Mike is an interesting and dynamic speaker. His visual aids are excellent. Mike Riddle has degrees in mathematics and education. He's a former Marine, national decathlon champion, former technical specialist and manager for Microsoft, and teacher at ICR's graduate school.
The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey
Many geneticists and archaeologists have long surmised that human life began in Africa. Dr. Spencer Wells, one of a group of scientists studying the origin of human life, offers evidence and theories to support such a thesis in this PBS special. He claims that Africa was populated by only a few thousand people that some deserted their homeland in a conquest that has resulted in global domination.
Curriculum vitae
An artistic animated short showing the life in secondary school.
La théorie de l'évolution
The Scorpion's Tale
The Scorpions belong to the oldest land-based arachnides with over 1800 different species known to exist. Usually, they do not surpass the size of 10cm in length, but exceptions are know, such as the Emperor Scorpion (Pandinus imperator) which can grow up to become over 20cm in size. Scorpions are mostly active at night and hide away during the day. Take a look into the live of these amazing creatures!