
Forbidden Temptations (1965)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 28М

Директор : Osvaldo Civirani

Краткое содержание

Italian documentary film shot in several European towns (Berlin, Hamburg, London, Paris, Venice) as well as in Rome's De Paolis Studios. The movie features a series of strip-tease numbers intermixed with real-life scenes and interviews.


Nella Asaro
Nella Asaro
Brigitte Bardot
Brigitte Bardot
Dolly Bell
Dolly Bell
Anna Maria Bellincioni
Anna Maria Bellincioni
Vivienne Bocca
Vivienne Bocca
Helen Bugge
Helen Bugge
Mara Carisi
Mara Carisi
Lidia Caroncini
Lidia Caroncini
Mario Colli
Mario Colli
Valerio Corradi
Valerio Corradi
Silvana Corsini
Silvana Corsini
Carol Danell
Carol Danell
Carlo Dapporto
Carlo Dapporto
Yvonne De Carlo
Yvonne De Carlo
Renato De Montis
Renato De Montis


Osvaldo Civirani
Osvaldo Civirani
Osvaldo Civirani
Osvaldo Civirani


Clinic Exclusive
A beautiful massage parlor/sex clinic owner financially & emotionally mistreats her customers.
Король обмана
Только однажды, после дождичка в четверг рождается такой великий преступник, бесстрашный и дерзкий, такой как Тис Маар Хан. Он крадет и мошенничает без стыда и угрызений совести, он дерзок и опасен. Он и его банда — Доллар, Сода и Бургер — способны ускользнуть из-под самого носа полицейских по всему миру.
I Would Like to Be Enraptured, Muzzled, and on my back Tattooed
Silvana is a tired woman. The world no longer belongs to her, the invisible bothers her, the daily life oppresses her. What she wants sometimes is to abandon everything and go back home.
A fashion model / waitress (Eva Grimaldi) gets sucked into a strange, sadomasochistic relationship with a mysterious man and starts to ignore her loving but “square” boyfriend.
Франко Луччи, предприниматель на грани банкротства, видит единственную возможность сохранить бизнес: обратиться за помощью к итальянскому министру, своему давнему приятелю. Он приглашает его на званый ужин, и все должно быть идеально: лучшее вино, крупная взятка и очаровательная девушка, готовая лечь с министром в постель. Девушку должен найти Микеле, шурин героя. И он находит… но совсем не ту, которую все ожидали увидеть. Кажется, из-за девушки планы Франко под угрозой.
I Dance on Your Grave
Intan, Wiwid, and Depi were mourning. Their best friend, Nisa, was killed. The three girls finally held an alcohol party and dance all night to remember Nisa. But an uninvited guest came messing with their night.
Crazy Horse - Le show
The Crazy Horse has staged unique shows on Paris' avenue George V every evening since 1951. Enjoy some of the most spectacular numbers seen at Crazy Horse in an exceptional film shot in High Definition video, including previously unreleased sequences of the dancers and their lives backstage!
A tale about the search for new sensorial experiences and territories. It’s a teaching and learning experience through body exploration and manipulation: two strangers dance with their passion, desire, gestures and contact.
Buns & Biceps
Twenty-four of America's top male nightclub dancers finally go all the way They show you everything in this non-stop marathon of gorgeous well-defined physiques and exciting exotic dance numbers. Almost three hours of breath-taking entertainment as each dancer first does the seductive strip that has thrilled audiences from coast to coast then returns for a second full dance completely naked as the camera captures detailed closeups of every inch of their beautiful bodies. It's an all-night party with 24 hot nude men you'll never forget.
Nirvana Police
A young policeman falls in love with a black panther.
On his deathbed, his royal highness Alfredo, King without a crown, is taken back to distant youth memories and the time he dreamt of becoming a fireman. The encounter with instructor Afonso from the fire brigade, opens a new chapter in the life of the two young men devoted to love and desire, and the will to change the status quo.
They identify the Brazilian dance formation Cia Dita as a "search place": exploring and recreating in artistic production the interactions between different languages ​​through dance, video, performance, photography and literature. Founded in 2003, the troop has traveled around the world and all continents with their projects. They call Corpornô (from "hardcore" and "porn") the Cia Dita atomic bomb, supersonic, crossing the sky with a ray of light in the deluded world of Puritans. Corpornô is a fine line between erotica and pornography. Heroes dive into the depths of the human being, incredibly representing what is animal, social, human, and inhumane in each of us. The show premiered in April 2013 and today is the most sought-after performance of the band.