Syahadat Cinta (2008)

Жанр : драма, семейный, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 1Ч 54М

Директор : Gunawan Paggaru

Краткое содержание

Iqbal never prays nor reads the Qu’ran. Finally he repents after he feels guilty for hurting his mother. He decides to attend the Kyai Siddiq religious school in Tegal Jadin. But for two months, he is only told to get water from a pond. Out of frustration, he vents his anger at the pond. Then he meets Aisyah, daughter of Kyai Subadar and granddaughter of Kyai Siddiq. Afraid that the Kyai will be angry with him, Iqbal runs away aimlessly. Then, he meets Pricilia, a kind Christian girl, who helps him find a place to stay. But Iqbal finally decides to stay at the house of Ms. Jamilah, a beggar living with her two children, Fatimah and Irsyad. In his journey to study Islam, Iqbal faces many challenges.


Arif Rahman
Arif Rahman
Imel Putri Cahyati
Imel Putri Cahyati
Adhitya Putri
Adhitya Putri
Hengky Kurniawan
Hengky Kurniawan
Cantika Felder
Cantika Felder
Ahmad Affandy
Ahmad Affandy
Chairil J.M.
Chairil J.M.
Kyai Subadar
Donna Harun
Donna Harun
Ricky Harun
Ricky Harun
Minati Atmanegara
Minati Atmanegara
Monica Oemardi
Monica Oemardi
Mama Pricilia
Ratu Annisa
Ratu Annisa
Reiner Manopo
Reiner Manopo
Aris Kurniawan
Aris Kurniawan


Gunawan Paggaru
Gunawan Paggaru
Budhi Sutrisno
Budhi Sutrisno
Taufiqurrahman Al-Azizy
Taufiqurrahman Al-Azizy
Messiah Fajarwati
Messiah Fajarwati


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Техасская резня бензопилой 3D
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Как подключить домашний кинотеатр
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A Perfect Place
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Ли — тридцатилетняя репортерша, которая бросила свою жизнь в Нью-Йорке и возвращается домой, где она вступает в опасную связь с 16-летним правонарушителем.
Schweizer Geist
Searching the Spirit of Switzerland
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