The Power of Soul

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 1Ч 18М

Краткое содержание

A documentary feature about James Brown and his influence on today's musicans, featuring Kurtis Blow, the Pharcyde, Joss Stone, James Brown, Marva Whitney, Bobby Bird and many others.




Поймать свидетеля
Во время четырехбалльного шторма офицеры управления по борьбе с наркотиками перевозят важного свидетеля по делу колумбийского наркокартеля и его дочь, но подвергаются нападению сикарио. Чтобы спастись, им приходится укрыться в ближайшем подходящем здании, которым оказывается дом престарелых под руководством бесстрашной Тэйлор.
Панда против пришельцев. План спасения Земли
Что делать, если противный сиреневый пришелец хочет уничтожить твою планету, а на тебя возлагают надежды по ее спасению? Как всем объяснить, что ты всего лишь супергерой из популярного телешоу? Ответ один — никак! Придется собрать волю в пушистый кулак, отбросить все панда-страхи, завести единомышленника в клане врага и разработать план по спасению планеты.
Poly Styrene: I Am a Cliché
The death of punk icon and X-Ray Spex front-woman Poly Styrene sends her daughter on a journey through her mother's archives in this intimate documentary.
Дублинские дебоширы
Компания молодых людей отрывается по полной. Свое первое лето взрослой жизни они проводят в токсичных компаниях, безбашенных вечеринках и жестких потасовках.
Vontade de Vencer - Anselmo Ralph
Anselmo Ralph's private life during 1 year.
Прямо с неба
Kyteman - Now What?
A film on the inner urge to let go what you already have and the creative search of what follows after.
Animals and Other People
The film introduces viewers to Vienna's animal shelter and its inhabitants.
A Girl of Her Age
Mariana is a young woman looking to fulfill the dream she was once committed with when she left her parents’ house to live with Alex, in Lisbon. When he leaves to New York, she cannot bear what has been left for her. Even though the return seemed unthinkable, she goes back to the North. The burden of failure and the crossing of a legendary river, lead her to an ancient tale: once you cross the river of forgetfulness, your own past will also be forgotten. Alex returns while she is searching for a new setting for herself. He no longer believes in this country. She has gotten closer to the place where everything has started for her. He will leave. She will not return.
Лотте и пропавшие драконы
У замечательной девочки-собачки Лотте появляется маленькая сестричка Роози. В Деревню изобретателей приезжают ученые: енот Карл и рыба Виктор, которые участвуют в большом конкурсе собирателей народных песен. Главный приз конкурса достанется тому, кому посчастливится записать народную песню старейших из представителей животного мира – мифических огнедышащих драконов. Лотте и Роози решают помочь ученым. Впереди их ждут увлекательные и неожиданные приключения.
Bamboo Stories
A group of men in North-Eastern Bangladesh are facing a dangerous mission. They are to conquer the river, with a 70 meter long raft. The ride is 300 kilometre long, always downstream. The freight: 25 000 bamboo trees. The men's path begins in the dense forests of the Sylhet region in North-Eastern Bangladesh. Millions of bamboo trunks are hacked down there and being slid down by the workers along the dangerous mountain-stream into the valley. The bamboos reach the river Kushiara through hundreds of these channels. Here, the trunks are bundled - a giant raft arises. Then the long journey begins.
Your American Teen
A documentary about the present condition of many young adults in America. In a series of intensely honest interviews, the audience is forced to come face to face with some unfortunate truths about our kids.
JerryMaya's Detective Agency - The Secret of the Train Robber
Lasse and Maja have had their detective agency shut down by the police chief when a customer ask for help to prove her father is innocent of the train robbery he was convicted of. Lasse and Maja now see their great chance to show off.
Return to Area 51
For decades the secrecy around Area 51 has shrouded the airbase in mystery. Despite endless speculation about secret military test-flights and extra-terrestrial technology, there is little information available to the public. John Tindall's intriguing documentary examines the facts and the fictions of Area 51. Cert.12
Until Frank Separates Us
Vera's 40th birthday is approaching and she's tired of being single. She'e desperately in love with her colleague Frank, but her tired life-coach wants her to lower her standards, lock-on a more resonable guy and get on with her life.
Fire Mouth
As the air at a football match in the Brazilian city of Salgueiro sizzles from the summer sun, so too does an intense heat blast over the radio waves – the powerful alliterations and metaphors of the remarkable Fire Mouth, a seasoned commentator who truly brings the game alive.
A Campaign of Their Own
Jonathan Katz strongly believes that candidate Bernie Sanders is the only hope for the United States of America threatened by Donald Trump. Sanders is a voice outside the establishment and has put new values and priorities into his political agenda. Pushed forward by his enthusiasm, Jonathan joins the thousands of women and men that rally around the caucuses supporting Senator Sanders.
A Blind Hero: The Love of Otto Weidt
A Blind Hero depicts Otto Weidt's story as told by award-winning journalist and author Inge Deutschkron, who tells the incredible tale of Weidt's efforts to save her and the rest of his employees from the Nazis, including Alice Licht, the love of Otto Weidt's life.
Celebrating Mickey
When Mickey burst onto the scene in the classic Steamboat Willie, he not only stole our hearts, but went on to bring joy to generations. This collection from Walt Disney Animation Studios celebrates Mickey’s cartoon legacy with favorites spanning nearly a century including Brave Little Tailor, Pluto’s Party, Get A Horse! and more. 13 Short Films: Steamboat Willie, The Brave Little Tailor, Pluto’s Party, Get a Horse, The Band Concert, Mickey’s Rival, Thru the Mirror, Boat Builders ,Mickey’s Trailer, Tugboat Mickey, The Little Whirlwind, Mickey’s Birthday Party, The Simple Things
Villa Henriette