FEMMEfille (2014)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Kiki Allgeier

Краткое содержание

The story of Isabelle Caro, Oliviero Toscani's NO-Anorexia model who rose to fame after his campaign. Diving through different passages of time, with the aid of family photos as well as video diaries left behind, we see a kaleidoscope of Isabelle's life and the world that surrounded her.


Kiki Allgeier
Kiki Allgeier
Narrator (voice)
Oliviero Toscani
Oliviero Toscani
Isabelle Caro
Isabelle Caro


Kiki Allgeier
Kiki Allgeier
Kiki Allgeier
Kiki Allgeier
Kiki Allgeier
Kiki Allgeier
Gerd Haag
Gerd Haag
Kiki Allgeier
Kiki Allgeier
Frank Stephan Limbach
Frank Stephan Limbach
Andreas Bjørck
Andreas Bjørck
Masami Tomihisa
Masami Tomihisa
Gesa Marten
Gesa Marten


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Gegijzeld door Anorexia