
Cali: de Película (1973)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 13М

Директор : Carlos Mayolo, Luis Ospina

Краткое содержание

A 13 minute glimpse of the Feria de Cali celebrated between Christmas and New Year… A carnival of commodity fetishism, red devils and white indians that will be recognizable to anyone who has encountered the surrealist ethnographies of Michael Taussig.



Carlos Mayolo
Carlos Mayolo
Luis Ospina
Luis Ospina
Ute Broll
Ute Broll
Assistant Director
Carlos Mayolo
Carlos Mayolo
Camera Operator
Eduardo Carvajal
Eduardo Carvajal
Assistant Director


Hollywood Talkies
Hollywood, 1927. The talkies have just been born and the big movie studios, responding to the demand of millions of Spanish speakers, begin to produce Spanish versions of their most ambitious productions. It is when a group of Spanish directors, screenwriters and actors decide to settle in Los Angeles in order to make a name for themselves among the biggest stars.
These ladies prefer the mambo
La edad de piedra
Capulina chip and are transported back to prehistoric times with a time machine. There they live crazy adventures.
Cena de matrimonios
El bracero del año
The movie theme is the migration of Mexicans to the United States in search of the "American dream". Piporro crosses the Rio Grande swimming illegally, and lives a series of events that lead him from walking away from the police to winning the award for "Bracero of the Year" for his work in the harvest. Prize that he will lose before returning to Mexico just as he had gone: no money in the bag.
Jimmy Rivière
Jimmy Rivière is a young Gypsy, has a sunny but nervous disposition. Sometimes too nervous. Under pressure from his community, he converts to Pentacostalism and renounces his two passions: Thai boxing and Sonia. But how can he refuse the new fight that his trainer proposes? And how can he resist the powerful desire that draws him to Sonia?
Small Gods
After her son gets killed in a car crash, Elena loses all lust for life. Recovering from the crash in a hospital a stranger, David, kidnaps her and takes her for a mysterious journey in an old camper.
The Film to Come
If any single piece can act as a key to Ruiz, it may be the 1997 short Le Film à Venir (The Film to Come). The titular film is a holy fragment of celluloid that can only be seen by a secret society known as the Philokinetes. They watch it on a loop, somnambulating through a life that is unreal by comparison. It is the belief of the Philokinetes that film has an existence “independent from humans. Cinema, they said, is the primeval soup of a new life form. There from were to emerge pure screening creatures. Which is to say, non-topical beings.” - n+1
Maria Bethania: Music is Perfume
Brazilian singer Maria Bethania has a 40-year singing career. A documentary shows her concerts and famous family.
На пути к смерти
По пустынной трассе штата Невада движется автомобиль. Успешный бизнесмен Энтони торопится на вечеринку к другу. Неожиданно он замечает одинокую фигуру на дороге. Будучи в прекрасном расположении духа, Энтони легко идет на контакт. Он подбирает бедолагу, у которого в этой глухомани заглохло авто. Новый знакомый явно не в себе, но желание с кем-нибудь поговорить в пути, заглушает дурные предчувствия. Как часто бывает в таких случаях, срабатывает «синдром попутчика», и наш герой совсем забывает об осторожности. Постепенно дружеская беседа переходит в откровенный разговор. Раскрывая тайны своей души странному незнакомцу, Энтони не подозревает, каким кошмаром для него обернется эта случайная встреча...
A Yangtze Landscape
A Yangtze Landscape utilizes a non-narrative style, setting off from the Yangtze's marine port Shanghai, filming all the way to the Yangtze River's source, Qinghai/Tibet - filming a total distance of thousands of kilometers. Experimental music and noise recorded live on scene are used in post-production, painstakingly paired with relatively independent visuals, creating a magically realistic atmosphere contrasted with people seeming to be 'decorative figures' right out of traditional Chinese landscape scrolls.
The Shadow of the Other
Una divertida aventura de Viruta y Capulina en donde se verán enredados en un lío de boxeadores confundiendo tanto la situación que ni sus bellas amigas los podrán salvar de una gran golpiza.
The Riders of the Whistling Skull
When Professor Marsh disappears while searching for the lost city of Lukachukai, his daughter enlists the help of the Three Mesquiteers.
Маруся Орлова стала первоклассницей для нее началась интересная, полная событий и переживаний жизнь. Из самолюбивой и капризной девочки под воздействием учительницы и под влиянием своих новых подружек она превращается в дисциплинированную, общительную и отзывчивую ученицу.
Private Diary
Private Diary documents photographer Pedro Usabiaga working with a variety of amateur models. The audience sees how the relationships between the photographer and the subjects changes during their time together, as well as how the individual photographs begin to take shape. Pedro Usabiaga is a well-established Basque photographer whose chief concerns are figurative photography and whose passion in photographing the Spanish male. In this hour long conversation with the artist we are given entry into that process of selecting models (none of the models he uses for this book to be titled 'Private Diary' are professional, but instead are randomly chosen as Usabiaga observes athletes in action) and then allowed to follow Usabiaga and his crew as they photograph these men in natural settings and natural light.
Миссис Фан
67-летняя Фан Сюин живет в небольшой деревушке на юге Китая. На протяжении нескольких лет она страдает болезнью Альцгеймера, симптомы которой прогрессировали, а лечение не помогало, из-за чего ее отправили домой. Сейчас она прикована к постели и окружена родственниками и соседями, которые составляют ей компанию в последние дни жизни.
Moms on Fire
A film about defying and stretching the generally accepted standards of good motherhood.