
The Mayflower Pilgrims: Behind The Myth (2016)

Жанр : драма, документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 0М

Директор : Ric Burns

Краткое содержание

The voyage of the Mayflower in 1620 has come to define the founding moment of America, celebrated each year at Thanksgiving. A lavish new drama documentary by Ric Burns, based on governor William Bradford's extraordinary eye-witness account, the Mayflower Pilgrims reveals the grim truth behind their voyage across the Atlantic. The Pilgrims story has come to define the founding moment of America and all it stands for. Celebrated each year at Thanksgiving, it is remembered as a pious crusade aimed at founding a Puritan paradise. However their journey from a harsh, often violent part of England to a colony assured of survival less than ten years later is also one of wealth, cruelty, and entrepreneurial genius.


Roger Rees
Roger Rees
William Bradford


Ric Burns
Ric Burns
Ric Burns
Ric Burns


Американский доктор приезжает во Французские Пиренеи для того, чтобы забрать останки своего сына, погибшего в шторм в самом начале паломничества по Пути Святого Иакова (El Camino de Santiago). Движимый глубочайшей печалью и стремлением узнать получше погибшего сына, с которым у него давно уже не было взаимопонимания, он решает пройти этот Путь за сына, оставив за спиной свою благоустроенную размеренную жизнь в Калифорнии.
Сбежавший из тюрьмы заключенный крадет форму пастора, за которого его ошибочно и принимают жители небольшого городка.
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The Mayflower Pilgrims: Behind The Myth
The voyage of the Mayflower in 1620 has come to define the founding moment of America, celebrated each year at Thanksgiving. A lavish new drama documentary by Ric Burns, based on governor William Bradford's extraordinary eye-witness account, the Mayflower Pilgrims reveals the grim truth behind their voyage across the Atlantic. The Pilgrims story has come to define the founding moment of America and all it stands for. Celebrated each year at Thanksgiving, it is remembered as a pious crusade aimed at founding a Puritan paradise. However their journey from a harsh, often violent part of England to a colony assured of survival less than ten years later is also one of wealth, cruelty, and entrepreneurial genius.
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