
The Building of the Ark Encounter (2016)

Highlights of the construction of the largest timber frame structure in the world!

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 44М

Директор : Benjamin Wilt

Краткое содержание

In this fast-paced new documentary, you will see the thrilling "backstory" of the building of the Ark Encounter. The hand of God is clear, so come along on a journey from the first brainstorming plan in 2004 to the Grand Opening in July 2016. Watch how this immense project came together. With behind -the-scenes interviews, beautiful fly-over footage, a time-lapse video of construction, a visit by former President Carter, and many other landmark moments, this DVD is one you will want to watch and share again and again. Hear from co-founders Ken Ham, Mark Looy, and Mike Zovath, plus lead exhibit designer Patrick Marsh and lead construction engineer LeRoy Troyer. Share the excitement! English subtitles. Approx. 30 minutes.


Brad Benbow
Brad Benbow
Self - Board Member
Craig Baker
Craig Baker
Self - Board Member
Don Landis
Don Landis
Self - Chairman of the Board
Jenean Hampton
Jenean Hampton
Self - Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky
Ken Ham
Ken Ham
Self - President, CEO, and Co-founder
Mark Looy
Mark Looy
Self - CCO, Vice President of Outreach, and Co-founder
Dan Manthei
Dan Manthei
Self - Board Member
Patrick Marsh
Patrick Marsh
Self - Vice President of Attractions Design
Harry Morton
Harry Morton
Self - Project Superintendent
Richard Skinner
Richard Skinner
Self - Mayor of Williamstown
Keenan Tompkins
Keenan Tompkins
Self - Owner of Colorado Timber Frame
LeRoy Troyer
LeRoy Troyer
Self - Lead Architect
Mike Zovath
Mike Zovath
Self - Chief Action Officer and Co-founder


Benjamin Wilt
Benjamin Wilt


Эван Всемогущий
Эван Бакстер, которого всемогущий босс Брюс заставил лепетать всякую чушь во время прямого эфира новостей, уходит с работы на телевидении. Но жизнь его сразу же пошла в гору: он стал конгрессменом. И тут вновь появился Господь Бог, который открыл перед Эваном ужасы грядущего и попросил срочно приступить к строительству ковчега, беря пример с Ноя.
Согласно календарю индейцев Майя, в 2012 году планеты солнечной системы окажутся на одной линии друг с другом, что приведет к глобальным природным катаклизмам: сильнейшие землетрясения, цунами и извержения вулканов превратят страны и целые континенты в руины. Недавно ученые подтвердили, что этот миф может стать реальностью.
The Ark
Noah, a farmer and family man, is instructed by an angel to build an ark in the middle of a desert in order to save both his family and the faithful from a devastating flood. A seemingly impossible task, especially when his sons refuse to believe him and help, Noah risks ridicule and humiliation from the degenerate townsfolk as well as his loving but exasperated family, in his quest to carry out his God-given task.
Стихийное бедствие
Учёный строит большую лодку после того, как все его предупреждения о разрушающем Землю потоке игнорируются. Позже становится очевидно, что произойдет бедствие. Теперь те, кто оклеветали учёного, обращаются к нему в отчаянии, садятся в ковчег и ищут ответы, прежде чем мир утонет в бесконечном море.
The Ark of the Sun God
A safecracker takes a job where he must go to Istanbul and steal a scepter that once belonged to the god Gilgamesh but is now in the temple of a secret cult.
The Building of the Ark Encounter
In this fast-paced new documentary, you will see the thrilling "backstory" of the building of the Ark Encounter. The hand of God is clear, so come along on a journey from the first brainstorming plan in 2004 to the Grand Opening in July 2016. Watch how this immense project came together. With behind -the-scenes interviews, beautiful fly-over footage, a time-lapse video of construction, a visit by former President Carter, and many other landmark moments, this DVD is one you will want to watch and share again and again. Hear from co-founders Ken Ham, Mark Looy, and Mike Zovath, plus lead exhibit designer Patrick Marsh and lead construction engineer LeRoy Troyer. Share the excitement! English subtitles. Approx. 30 minutes.
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