S & M: Les Sadiques (2016)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 11М

Директор : Alex Bakshaev

Краткое содержание

Marie, a teenage vagabond whose lust for life will eventually lead her to the bed of the mysterious Sandra. What begins as a blissful relationship soon takes a violent turn however, as Sandra tries to take full control over the innocent girl's life.


Nadine Pape
Nadine Pape
Sandra Bourdonnec
Sandra Bourdonnec
Kevin Kopacka
Kevin Kopacka
Nikolaus Sternfeld
Nikolaus Sternfeld
Harry Baer
Harry Baer
Uncle Franz
Mark Windsor
Mark Windsor
Frank - Marie's father
Robin Jentys
Robin Jentys


Sarnt Utamachote
Sarnt Utamachote
Mimi Robin
Mimi Robin
Funny van Money
Funny van Money
Alex Bakshaev
Alex Bakshaev
Alex Bakshaev
Alex Bakshaev
Director of Photography
Alex Bakshaev
Alex Bakshaev
Alex Bakshaev
Alex Bakshaev
Alexander FLE Zhemchuzhnikov
Alexander FLE Zhemchuzhnikov
Original Music Composer


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Andy Warhol’s screen adaptation of Burgess's "A Clockwork Orange”.
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Те, кто всё решают
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Экспресс в Лунном округе
На ферму бутлегера Хаммера совершенно нападение. В жестокой перестрелке Хаммер и его рабочие погибают. Его дочери обвиняют в нападении на ферму отца местного мафиози Джека Старки, но шериф отказывается проводить расследование. Тогда сестры решают сами отомстить убийцам отца.
Over My Dead Body
Berle plays a mystery writer who forever writes himself into corners and is never able to finish a story. While visiting his wife (Mary Beth Hughes) at the office where she works, Berle overhears several men discussing the suicide of a coworker. Struck with a brilliant notion, Berle decides to confess to the murder of the dead man, certain that he'll be able to wriggle out of the situation and thereby have plenty of material for a story.