
Sen Benim Her Şeyimsin (2016)

Жанр : комедия

Время выполнения : 1Ч 47М

Директор : Tolga Örnek

Краткое содержание


Tolga Çevik
Tolga Çevik
Melis Birkan
Melis Birkan
Tuna Çevik
Tuna Çevik
Cengiz Bozkurt
Cengiz Bozkurt
Tan Çevik
Tan Çevik
Reha Özcan
Reha Özcan
Hülya Gülşen Irmak
Hülya Gülşen Irmak
Tuncay Beyazıt
Tuncay Beyazıt
Cem Cücenoğlu
Cem Cücenoğlu
Ali Uyandıran
Ali Uyandıran
Emin Mecnunbeyli
Emin Mecnunbeyli
Şeniz Kurultay
Şeniz Kurultay
Munis Düşenkalkar
Munis Düşenkalkar


Tolga Örnek
Tolga Örnek
Tolga Örnek
Tolga Örnek
Cavit Ergun
Cavit Ergun


El Circo
A cobbler gets a job in a Circus as a janitor, recommended by the beautiful girl rider of the show. But later, he gets in trouble when he involves in dangerous acts, such as the trapeze. Obviously, our friend will risk his life by the love of his new girlfriend.
The Kid from Brooklyn
Shy milkman Burleigh Sullivan accidentally knocks out drunken Speed McFarlane, a champion boxer who was flirting with Burleigh's sister. The newspapers get hold of the story and photographers even catch Burleigh knock out Speed again. Speed's crooked manager decides to turn Burleigh into a fighter. Burleigh doesn't realize that all of his opponents have been asked to take a dive. Thinking he really is a great fighter, Burleigh develops a swelled head which puts a crimp in his relationship with pretty nightclub singer Polly Pringle. He may finally get his comeuppance when he challenges Speed for the title.
Will You Marry Me?
The film centres around three friends who love their bachelorhood so much that they place a bet among themselves that whoever decides to marry first will lose a huge amount in shares that were contributed by all three. All is well until one decides to take the plunge and make a commitment.
Anokha Rishta
Mary, an inmate of an orphanage run by nuns, is good at studies and is artistically talented, her education so far has been sponsored by a philanthropist. Her sponsor, a rich old man who she has never met but has only corresponded with through the nuns, passes away, laving her dreams of a college education in shambles. Mr. Robert Brown (Bob) who is now at the helm of affairs of his father's business agrees to continue her sponsorship. Bob is a confirmed bachelor and Mary is drawn to him by some mysterious force.
The Spiral Staircase
During a storm, a group of people are trapped inside a mansion with a killer.
День матери
Троё братьев-налётчиков, один из которых ранен в перестрелке, пытаясь уйти от преследования, скрываются в доме своего детства. Они не подозревают, что их дом уже два месяца как принадлежит новым хозяевам. Начинается жестокое противостояние, раскрывающее тёмные тайны каждой стороны…
Потерянный горизонт
В 1935 году во время восстания в Китае самолет с пятью англичанами и американцами на борту совершил вынужденную посадку в глухих горах Тибета, там, где еще не ступала нога цивилизованного человека. Бедняги уже готовы были распроститься с жизнью, как вдруг к ним пришло спасение в виде странных буддийских монахов, глава которых, к их удивлению, говорил на английском. Он приводит их в сказочную страну Шангри-Ла, ранее никому не известную. В этой идеальной стране здоровье, мир и долголетие правят людьми в отличие от всего остального, цивилизованного мира. Основной принцип их «идеологии» - отказ от излишеств...
Creature of Destruction
A mad stage hypnotist Dr. John Basso reverts his beautiful assistant Doreena into the physical form of a prehistoric sea monster she was in a past life. Using this power he attempts to find fame and fortune by predicting a series of murders and then using the monster to carry them out.
The Badlanders
Two men are released from the Arizona Territorial Prison at Yuma in 1898. One, the Dutchman, is out to get both gold and revenge from the people of a small mining town who had him imprisoned unjustly. The other, McBain, is just trying to go straight, but that is easier said than done once the Dutchman involves him in his gold theft scheme.
The Cosmic Man
A strange sphere settles down in a California canyon, causing both the scientific and military communities to gather around to investigate.
Vera Kowalska is put on trial for murdering concert pianist Michael Michailow. In court it is revealed that some years earlier Michael ruined Vera's life.
Поздняя осень
Муж Анны Чэнь очень ревнив. Однажды он узнаёт, что жена поддерживает отношения со своей первой любовью, начинается скандал, после чего Анна приходит в себя и обнаруживает рядом мёртвого супруга. Женщине дают 9 лет тюрьмы, но через 7 лет выпускают на трое суток на похороны матери. По дороге в Сиэтл Анна знакомится с корейским эмигрантом, и за эти 72 часа их пути пересекутся не раз.
Based on Oscar Wilde's play, the films tells the story of how Salomé agrees to dance for King Herod in return for the head of John the Baptist.
2028 год. Международный конгломерат ОмниКорп лидирует в производстве робототехники. Благодаря разработкам компании Америка успешно побеждает в войнах по всему миру. Но теперь пришло время применить технологию на американской земле. Алекс Мерфи - любящий муж, отец и отличный полицейский, оберегающий порядок в Детройте, получает на службе смертельные ранения. Специалисты ОмниКорпа, используя новейшие разработки, сохраняют ему жизнь. Алекс возвращается на службу в родной город не только с новыми сверхспособностями, но и с проблемами, с которыми не сталкивался ни один живой человек.
Дикий ветер
Трагическая история хозяина ранчо, после смерти жены женившегося на ее итальянской сестре, вскоре влюбившейся в его молодого помощника...
Reflections of Murder
The wife and mistress of the abusive headmaster of a boy's school plot and carry out his murder. They dump his body in the murky swimming pool at the school and await for it to surface. After several days, some unusual circumstances point to clues that he is not dead after all.
Attack of the Giant Leeches
In a small town, the silence is shattered by a rash of disappearances at the swamp near the old deserted factories. Bodies are being discovered with no blood left in their bodies. It's up to a park ranger and the town sheriff to discover what ungodly creature is responsible for these deaths. It's only a matter of time before they discover that what they seek are leeches that have grown to unbelievable size. We bleed- they feed! Remake of the B-cult classic.
A remake tale, the story begins with Venkatadri (Venkatesh) who has great respect for Varadarajulu Naidu (Prakash Raj) as he saves his life. However, he keeps getting into fights wherever he sees injustice. To bring some discipline, Venkatadri’s uncle (Tanikella) sends him to Varadarajulu Naidu as his personal bodyguard.However, Varadarajulu’s enemy Siva Reddy (Kota) wants revenge and he wants to kill Keerthi (Trisha), Varadarajulu’s daughter. Knowing this threat, Venkatadri is assigned the task of protecting Keerthi. But she along with her friend Swathi (Saloni) don’t like the bossy and over protective nature of Venkatadri.To play a prank, Keerthi starts calling Venkatadri from a private number and says she is in love with him. After few hesitations, Venkatadri starts falling in love with the caller not knowing it is Keerthi.
The Beatnicks
The Beat Nicks are musician Nick Nero and poet Nick Beat, a pair of self-styled truth-seekers who'd better find a gig or they'll be out on the street. Their luck begins to change when they find a box on the beach, a treasure chest of infinite beats that will set the stage for the ultimate success, a gig at the Monkey Club. But when Nick Nero falls in love with Nica, the club owners captive bride, he learns that they are some truths better left unsought. Hard knocks and a trip to rock bottom reunites the Nicks to preform the gig of a lifetime, and return the box to its source
Ninaithale Inikkum
Shiva gets nostalgic thinking about his college life and friends and looks forward to meeting them all. But, there is a sombre mood at the reunion. Soon, Shiva is found almost strangled to death.