
Generation Iron 2 (2017)

Is there a limit?

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 46М

Директор : Vlad Yudin

Краткое содержание

From the director of Generation Iron, comes the anticipated sequel that will depict 5 of the top bodybuilding and fitness mega-stars on a quest of achieving the ultimate physique and taking it to the next extreme level. In the world of social media and internet, the rules have changed as to what makes an iconic bodybuilding mass-monster. Starring Kai Greene, Calum Von Moger, Rich Piana, among others, this film will explore an all new generation of bodybuilders and how this new world, and new people, carve their own path to physique perfection.


Calum Von Moger
Calum Von Moger
Kai Greene
Kai Greene
Rich Piana
Rich Piana
Iris Kyle
Iris Kyle
Jay Cutler
Jay Cutler
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Lee Haney
Lee Haney
Shawn Ray
Shawn Ray
Martyn Ford
Martyn Ford
Ahmad Ashkanani
Ahmad Ashkanani
Hidetada Yamagishi
Hidetada Yamagishi
Ken 'Flex' Wheeler
Ken 'Flex' Wheeler


Vlad Yudin
Vlad Yudin
Vin Sorrentino
Vin Sorrentino


Юная красавица-крестьянка Тэсс неожиданно узнаёт, что в её жилах течёт благородная кровь норманнских рыцарей. По воле родителей девушка уезжает жить к новообретённым состоятельным родственникам. Там она сталкивается с обольстительным кузеном Алеком, который не прочь воспользоваться невинностью Тэсс.
Jay Cutler All Access
IFFB professional Jay Cutler invites you to join him on his journey to the 2008 Mr. Olympia. After dethroning the legendary Ronnie Coleman in 2006, he won the title again in a controversial battle against Victor Martinez the following year. Now, reigning champion Jay Cutler works harder than ever before to create the best physique to defend his title! With time running out, he must eat, sleep and train around the clock, monitoring his progress along the way. But will his goals and destiny cross paths once more? Follow the Massachusetts native into his Las Vegas home and discover how to live like a champion. Join him in the original Gold's Gym in Venice, "Muscle Beach," California and experience a mind-blowing workout regime alongside the sport's greatest ambassador
Мускулы на пляже
Эксцентричный миллионер собирается на практике доказать свою теорию о том, что его шимпанзе такой же умный, как и подростки, которые целыми днями ошиваются на пляже… Фрэнки, Диди и их друзья приезжают на полюбившийся им пляж и обнаруживают, что здесь же отдыхает группа бодибилдеров, с которыми у них отношения не ахти. Кроме того, появляется итальянская графиня Джулия, которая «кладёт глаз» на Фрэнки…
Jay Cutler: New, Improved and Beyond
Filmed April and May 2003 after Jay won his second consecutive IFBB Arnold Classic title. Includes Jay's high intensity and high volume semi-off-season workouts. Exclusive interviews show you Jay's personality and his serious approach to bodybuilding. (Topics: Current Routine & Diet, Supplementation, Gain Mass Theory, Charity Activities, Memorable Places and more.) Guest appearance at San Diego Classic, Jay on & off stage, Educational business seminar at El Toro High school. Jay speaks to the class about : First Contest, To be a Pro, JKC Enterprises, Up Set, Eat Sleep Train, Jay's Day, Peak, Squats, $1,000/Week in food, Consistency...and more. and CRIBS @ his brand new Las Vegas home. Lots of information, not just training but the lifestyle of top professional bodybuilder's.
Ronnie Coleman: On the Road
Shot in Australia over 3 days in October 2005 with 3 cameras, just 5 days after his historic 8th Olympia victory. Ronnie is hard and ripped - you've never seen him like this for a full body workout shoot. Between sets, Ronnie explains how and why he does each exercise - Mr. Olympia reveals his secrets. Witness the insanely heavy weights used, this isn't performed for the camera, it's real.
Ryuzaki, an editor of Muscle Magazine, which features photographs of men with sculpted bodies, becomes involved with a man named Kitami; their affair soon becomes dominated by sadomasochistic games, with a horrid result. Jump ahead one year, Ryuzaki is released from jail and goes in search of Kitami, perhaps to make amends. The films of Pasolini, especially "Salò," dominate Ryuzaki's imagination; he works sometimes at the Lunatic Theatre, which shows films about rough trade; and, he becomes involved with a couple into BDSM. Will Ryuzaki find Kitami, and what will happen if he does?
Владельцу транспортной компании угрожают, намекая на двух племянников — близнецов, оставшихся без родителей и живущих у него. И тогда он нанимает двух бесшабашных братьев-качков в качестве телохранителей. Малолетние племяннички дают прикурить нянькам, изобретая всё новые и новые каверзы. Но Питера и Дэвида голыми руками не возьмёшь: в конце концов, они находят общий язык с маленькими разбойниками. Два великовозрастных шалопая находят своё зеркальное отражение в двух юных проказниках.
The Battle for Olympia 2001
A tremendous feature-length look at the 2001 battle before the Olympia has the contestants demonstrating their most taxing routines and poses. Featured performers: Jay Cutler: Shoulders, Triceps; Claude Groulx: Back, Shoulders; Darrem Charles: Shoulders; Orville Burke: Chest; King Kamali: Back; Craig Titus: Shoulders; Shawn Ray: Chest; Melvin Anthony: Back; Chris Cormier: Chest; Tom Prince: Shoulders; Dennis James: Shoulders; Kevin Levrone: Pose Only; J.D. Dawodu: Biceps; Dexter Jackson : Shoulders, Arms.
The Comeback
After an absence of five years, six times Mr Olympia winner Arnold Schwarzenegger makes a comeback and attempts to take the World Body Building Championship for the 7th time.
Остров Беретты
Бывший сотрудник «Интерпола» по имени Франко Беретта, выходец с острова Сардиния, ушел на покой и наслаждается жизнью в Калифорнии. Неожиданно бывшие коллеги просят Франко о помощи: за последнее время в Америке появилось большое количество героина неизвестного происхождения. В спецслужбах полагают, что поступает он из Италии, а именно — с того острова, где Беретта родился и вырос. Проводя секретное расследование, Франко отправляться на Сардинию и вскоре понимает, что ему придется вступить в неравный бой с самой верхушкой итало-американской мафии.
Mr. Europe
Оставайся голодным
Крупный синдикат хочет прибрать к рукам целый район. Уже скуплены все здания, за исключением маленького гимнастического зала «Олимпик», где местный чемпион по бодибилдингу Джо Санто, готовится к предстоящему соревнованию. В ряды тренирующихся спортсменов внедряется спецагент.
The Hustler of Muscle Beach
A slick promoter in the bodybuilding subculture of Venice Beach, California, finds what he considers a diamond in the rough: a dedicated but somewhat mentally challenged young man who wants to win bodybuilding championships, but needs some help and direction--and the promoter thinks he's just the one to do it.
Jay Cutler: Ripped to Shreds
Filmed February & March 2004 close to Jay's 3rd consective winning of the IFBB Arnold Classic 2004. Pre-contest workouts with premium conditioning. Includes many posing sessions at gyms and his guest appearance at World Gym Classic in San Diego
Jay Cutler: A Cut Above
This is Jay's first video. Footage filmed leading up 1999 IFBB Mr Olympia. Jay did a voice-over interview right after 2000 Olympia. Includes all of Jay's workouts at high intensity and lost of sweat! Training part was filmed in his hometown of Worcester, Massachusetts. Also introduce his brand-new town house in Aliso Viejo, California.
Jay Cutler: One Step Closer
Filmed September 19th through December 17th, 2005. Exclusive inside access, Prior to and Following The Mr. Olympia. (Contest footage is not included.) His body weight starting at 283 LBS 4 weeks out, then dropped to 265 LBS at the morning of Olympia. Includes all of his workouts, radio station, taking carb-up meals at home, real disappointment moment at backstage, after-party with family and much more.... Mitsuru Okabe / Producer says: "Even though this is Jay's 4th video, this DVD looks amazing!! After shooting the top pros for the last decade, this is the one of the best, I should say."
Pumping Iron II: The Women
PUMPING IRON II: THE WOMEN, a film that is changing the way the world views the female physique-creating "a new definition of the female form." Join four women as they prepare for the 1983 Caesars Palace World Cup Championship: the sultry and curvaceous Rachel McLish, the current champion; the almost manly, super-muscular Bev Francis, Rachel's toughest competition; and newcomers Lori Bowen and Carla Dunlap.
Stand Tall
This documentary is very much in the style of Pumping Iron, but like Arnold Schwarzenegger's Total Rebuild it is centered around its "Star", Lou Ferrigno. It charts his early years as a kid from Brooklyn, New York who had to deal with having 85% hearing loss due to ear infections in his infancy. He fought against low self esteem by working out with weights in his father's garage, and boy did he win that battle with Mr. Universe (twice), and Mr. World among his physique title wins. Internationally known as a world class bodybuilder and star of The Incredible Hulk, we see him once again step up to the challenge of trying to win the Master's Olympia title in his '40's!
Arnold: Made in Britain
Before he became an action hero star, and Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger was possibly the greatest bodybuilder of all time, and he spent time in Britain to build this body. This documentary shows all the people in Britain who helped him get his muscles, which propelled him to stardom winning Mr. Olympia and Mr. Universe.
Evolution of Bodybuilding
Hear it straight from the Legends themselves about their stories of success and heartbreak. EVOLUTION OF BODYBUILDING offers a close look at what it takes to compete in the "Mr. Olympia" and how the industry has changes over the past 50 years.