
Psychos (2017)

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 1Ч 20М

Директор : Sandy Chukhadarian

Краткое содержание

When three young women receive shocking videos anonymously, a nightmare is reawakened that ignites a thirst for bloody vengeance. They embark on a journey to locate the house, their sadistic captor and to discover the truth behind those locked doors. But, the most shocking revelation of this chilling tale is the identities of the victims.


Angelica Chitwood
Angelica Chitwood
Deniele Cloutier
Deniele Cloutier
Melissa Elena Jones
Melissa Elena Jones
Melissa Elena Jones
Melissa Elena Jones
Aubrey Wakeling
Aubrey Wakeling
Larry Thornhill
Vince Peagler III
Vince Peagler III
Will Ahrens
Will Ahrens


Sandy Chukhadarian
Sandy Chukhadarian
Sandy Chukhadarian
Sandy Chukhadarian


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