
Blood Road (2017)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 36М

Директор : Nicholas Schrunk

Краткое содержание

Blood Road follows the journey of ultra-endurance mountain bike athlete Rebecca Rusch and her Vietnamese riding partner, Huyen Nguyen, as they pedal 1,200 miles along the infamous Ho Chi Minh Trail through the dense jungles of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Their goal: to reach the site where Rebecca’s father, a U.S. Air Force pilot, was shot down in Laos more than 40 years earlier.


Rebecca Rusch
Rebecca Rusch
Huyen Nguyen
Huyen Nguyen
Jason Bauer
Jason Bauer
Don Duvall
Don Duvall
Jeremy Kent Jackson
Jeremy Kent Jackson
Stephen Rusch (voice)
Greg Martin
Greg Martin
Leyna Nguyen
Leyna Nguyen
Histories (voice)


Nicholas Schrunk
Nicholas Schrunk
Mark Anders
Mark Anders
Emad Abi-Hashim
Emad Abi-Hashim
Additional Writing
Ben Bryan
Ben Bryan
Executive Producer
Sandra Kuhn
Sandra Kuhn
Ivonna Maziuk
Ivonna Maziuk
Associate Producer
Charlie Rosene
Charlie Rosene
Executive Producer
Matt Bowen
Matt Bowen
Keith Kenniff
Keith Kenniff
Jordan Sudak
Jordan Sudak
Sean Aaron
Sean Aaron
David Mavro
David Mavro
Robert J.D.
Robert J.D.
Robert J.D. Spaulding
Robert J.D. Spaulding
Robert J.D. Spaulding
Robert J.D. Spaulding
Dana Blackwell
Dana Blackwell
Production Coordinator
Ivonna Maziuk
Ivonna Maziuk
Production Manager
John Likens
John Likens
Art Direction
Tony Gort
Tony Gort
Dialogue Editor
Ryan Pater
Ryan Pater
Sound Editor
Jeremy Hunt
Jeremy Hunt
Visual Effects Supervisor
Wesley Ebelhar
Wesley Ebelhar
Nan Wei
Nan Wei
Scott Bradfield
Scott Bradfield
Executive Producer


Das Dorf der Freundschaft
A German Documentary about the “village of friendship” that was created by American Veteran George Mizo to help the Vietnamese kids suffering from the Vietnam War.
City of Hope
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В сентябре 1967 года куда-то в приграничный район между Вьетнамом и Камбоджей прибыл рядовой 25-го пехотного полка Крис Тэйлор. Прибыл, чтобы своими глазами увидеть, как выглядит подлинный Ад. Не потусторонний, вымышленный, сочиненный писателями или художниками, а натуральный, здешний, вполне земной Ад, на территории которого схлестнулись друг с другом сержант Боб Барнс и сержант Илайес Гродин. Они тоже думали, что будут воевать с партизанами-вьетконговцами, но оказалось, что иногда приходится драться со своими...
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Солдаты неудачи
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Long before the mountain bike entered our global consciousness, the cycling enthusiasts of Northern California's Marin County rode modified pre-WWII bicycles down the slopes of Mount Tamalpais. They developed their bikes through rigorous field-testing, often risking life and limb to do so. Some of these cyclists were Category-1 road racers looking for a new way to train during the off-season. Others were simply fun-loving hippies looking for a new way to commune with nature. Their early bikes were scavenged from dumpsters and junkyards. It was from these humble beginnings that a multi-billion dollar industry, a form of recreation for the masses, and an Olympic event, were born. These hefty steeds were affectionately known as Klunkerz.
Red Bull Rampage 2012
Back in 2001, the Red Bull Rampage concept was conceived to serve one of the fringes of the blossoming mountain-bike movement. There were riders — courageous, driven and a little crazy — who were at once exploring new terrain, testing their own limitations and defining a new genre of the sport, and their riding style was not represented at all in competition. Freeride mountain biking was rapidly evolving with every insane drop and first descent, and Red Bull Rampage was on board to help push it even harder. The inaugural event was a landmark in the sport’s history and was followed by three more through 2004. If you won Red Bull Rampage — or even survived the weekend with all your bones intact — your reputation as a bad ass on two wheels was unassailable. Unlike events with a defined course and familiar obstacles, Red Bull Rampage let the riders determine their own route down treacherous cliffs; the more creative and risky the line, the better the score.
The Messenger
When his girlfriend dies of a drug overdose, a former Green Beret decides to take vengeance on the drug gangs responsible for her death.
Short Subject
Short Subject [commonly known as Mickey Mouse in Vietnam] is a 16mm underground animated short film. Mickey Mouse enlists with the army and ships off to Vietnam.
Surname Viêt Given Name Nam
The film evolves around questions of identity, popular memory and culture. While focusing on aspects of Vietnamese reality as seen through the lives and history of women resistance in Vietnam and in the U.S, it raises questions on the politics of interviewing and documenting.
When the Tenth Month Comes
In the final days of the war, Duyen faces a daily struggle to take care of her young son and ailing father-in-law, all the while hiding from them the fact that her husband has recently been killed in battle.
Beyond the Call
Russell Gates (David Strahairn) is a Vietnam vet on death row for killing a policeman. His childhood sweetheart, Pam O'Brien (Sissy Spacek), is stunned to learn this and does not believe he could commit such a crime. She writes to him much to the dismay of her husband Keith and becomes obsessed with the case, exploring every avenue that may still be open to the doomed man. The trips to the prison take a toll on both her marriage and her family.
Reveal The Path
Reveal the Path is a genre-defying adventure film that contemplates what it means to live an inspired life using the bicycle as a mechanism to explore, dream and discover. Regions explored include Scotlands lush valleys, Europes snow capped mountains, Moroccos high desert landscapes, Nepals rural countryside and Alaskas rugged coastal beaches. Ride along and get lost in the wonders of the world Meet the locals living modest yet seemingly fulfilling lives, leading us to question what it means to live an inspired life however humble or extravagant. Filmed across four continents and featuring Tour Divide race legends, Matthew Lee & Kurt Refsnider, this immersive film is sure to ignite the dream in you. Join in as the creators of Ride the Divide take you on an adventure that will leave you with an eager desire to chart your own course to far away lands or simply to discover with eyes wide open whats right around the bend.
My Friends Need Killing
A traumatized Vietnam veteran goes on a killing spree, targeting the men with whom he served in the army.
Молодые сердца
Молодой парень Дэлтон решает тайком сбежать на несколько дней в самоволку, чтобы увидеться с любимой девушкой. К нему присоединяется его друг Микки. В компании беспечных молодых студентов Микки знакомится с соблазнительной, красивой и свободолюбивой Кэндис. Ради нескольких дней с ней Микки готов поставить на карту свою военную карьеру и даже жизнь. Герои никогда не смогут забыть это солнечное, страстное и безумное лето, когда пробуждались молодые сердца…
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Oh, Saigon
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I.F. Stone's Weekly
A fascinating portrait of the maverick Washington journalist who, blacklisted during the McCarthy era, started his own paper (running it for some seventeen years) and became a master political gadfly. Stone himself is a delight: witty, irreverent, forever puncturing the lies he claims it is in the nature of all politicians to tell. Brilliantly edited throughout, the real triumph of the film is the way it intercuts Stone's comments with newsreel footage to demonstrate how much of a point he has.