
Podhuvaga En Manasu Thangam (2017)

Жанр : боевик, комедия, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 2Ч 18М

Директор : Thalapathy Prabhu
Писатель : Thalapathy Prabhu

Краткое содержание

A young villager woos the daughter of a rich man hoping that her father would do good for his village. What he doesn’t know is that the father is actually waiting to take revenge on the villagers for a slight made years ago.


Udhayanidhi Stalin
Udhayanidhi Stalin
Nivetha Pethuraj
Nivetha Pethuraj
Ex- Sarpanch
Tiger Pandi
Namo Narayanan
Namo Narayanan
Stunt Silva
Stunt Silva
G. M. Sundar
G. M. Sundar
Vivek Prasanna
Vivek Prasanna
Florent Pereira
Florent Pereira


Thalapathy Prabhu
Thalapathy Prabhu
D. Imman
D. Imman
Original Music Composer
Director of Photography
Dinesh Ponraj
Dinesh Ponraj
Stunt Silva
Stunt Silva
Stunt Coordinator
Hema Rukmani
Hema Rukmani
N. Ramasamy
N. Ramasamy
Thalapathy Prabhu
Thalapathy Prabhu
Thalapathy Prabhu
Thalapathy Prabhu
Thalapathy Prabhu
Thalapathy Prabhu
Udhaya Kumar
Udhaya Kumar
Sound Designer
V Selvakumar
V Selvakumar
Art Direction
Vijaya Murali
Vijaya Murali
Public Relations


Two young people embark on a winding and rocky path to love after meeting at a wedding.
Murugesan lives a life with no care in the world. Beats people up, sells his grandfather's land and incurs so much of his father's wrath that he's prophesied to meet a horrible end.
Muthal Vasantham
A 1986 Indian Tamil film, directed by Manivannan and produced by P. Kalaimani who also wrote the film's story.
Rarandoi Veduka Chudham
A happy-go-lucky boy falls in love with a village belle and after initially facing rejection from her, realises that he has a lot to do to win her love.
Madura Veeran
Durai returns to his village from Malaysia after 20 years in the pretext of getting married. However, his prime aim is to conduct jallikattu along with the panchayats of five neighbouring villages and fulfill his father's dream. Will he succeed?
Kizhakke Pogum Rail
A young budding writer is shunned by his village for his lack of skills to do ordinary jobs. He meets a new innocent girl in the village and they both understand each other. Howevevr the villagers' narrow-minded attitudes, traditions and customs seperate the lovers and they have to fight the system if they have any chance of living together. Set against the back-drop of a small village adjoining a rail track, Kizhakke pogum Rayil(Train heading East) is a gem from BharathiRaaja's repertoire.
A teenage student, who fails to live up to the expectations of his doting father, seeks the help of a few anti-social people to continue his education.


When a corrupt cop gets embroiled in a heroic brawl, he has no idea how it would eventually lead him to a shocking rape case and change his life forever.
A young woman encounters a supernatural presence in her grandmother's home.
Кубо. Легенда о самурае
Кубо — наследник великого рода, но когда возвратились духи прошлого, жаждущие мести, на его защиту отважилась встать лишь странная парочка хранителей. И теперь для Кубо единственный шанс на спасение — найти магические доспехи отца, легендарного самурая.
Pranchiyettan & The Saint
Chirammal Enashu Francis, a.k.a. Pranchiyettan, is a successful businessman based in Thrissur. He is a devotee of Saint Francis of Assisi and often has imaginary conversations with the saint. His ancestors were rice traders, but he has grown beyond the small rice shop to expand his business into jewellery, real estate, finance, shopping complexes and lot more. Even though he is successful and wealthy, he is not well-educated and he is unhappy with his name and also wants to become a celebrity. He is called Ari "rice" Pranchi by everybody, citing his ancestors' business as a colloquial taunt. He wants to change his image from Ari Pranchi to something great and is ready to spend a fortune for it. The film deals with how Pranchi tries to get a good name and what changes that brings to his life.
Девушка, которая застряла в паутине
Юный хакер Лисбет Саландер и журналист Микаэль Блумквист оказываются втянуты в историю с участием шпионов, киберпреступников и коррумпированных чиновников.
A honest and peace loving village man turns into a politician but his past haunts him till he seeks redemption by surrendering himself to law. On pursuing this he calms down him avenger as well.
E movie revolves around bio-war and its potential dangers and how poor gullible Indians are made victims by International pharmaceutical companies that come to India to uses its people as Guiana Pigs to test their new formulations.
A man loves a woman even though she is three years older than him. Although she reciprocates initially, the age difference and his past with a classmate lead her to break up with him.
Mr. Local
A happy-go-lucky guy lands in trouble after he locks horns with an egoistic lady.
Ispade Rajavum Idhaya Raniyum
The relationship between a grumpy guy and a practical girl becomes complicated when the latter gets tired of the former’s impatient behaviour.
A woman who hails from a middle-class family background aims to excel in the competitive world of cricket with the help of her supportive father.
The intertwined stories of an international Don in Malaysia, David Billa, chased by the cops, an Indian police officer, a woman who wants to avenge the death of her brother, and a lowly thief, Velu who shares with Billa, an unusual connection.
Неправильное воспитание Кэмерон Пост
В 1993 году девушку по имени Кэмерон Пост обвиняют в сексуальной связи с королевой выпускного бала, после чего её консервативные дядя с тётей отправляют её на принудительное лечение в клинику по исправлению гомосексуалистов.
A couple who is in love convinces their respective families about their plans to lead life together. However, they realise that both the families are poles apart when they start the wedding preparations.
Kuppathu Raja
A story about the relationship between the slum dwellers in Chennai and how certain anti-social elements create unrest in their lives.
Poorna fails to appreciate the blessings in his life due to his unfulfilled dream of a cricket career and a failed romance that changes him.
Моя невеста XXL
Прем Пракаш Тивари из-за финансовых соображений, был вынужден жениться не по любви. Причём на обладательнице пышных форм и обожающей вкусно поесть. Изо дня в день, он угнетает себя за своё решение и желает избавиться от весьма нелюбимой жены. Вдобавок ко всему, в городе начинается ежегодный марафон, который является символом доказательства любви между супругами.
Захватывающая история пути девочки — иммигрантки Майи из гетто до статуса мировой звезды. Этот рассказ от первого лица показывает никому прежде неизвестные стороны жизни Майи: личные видео-дневники, семейные хроники, домашние видео с бойфрендом и наставником Дипло и интервью с такими артистами как: Канье Уэст и Ричард Расселл.
Мохит - вундеркинд в области маркетинга, он претендует на повышение по карьерной лестнице. Майера - грамотно распоряжается деньгами, при этом просто обожает обувь. Эта пара - молодые представители среднего класса. Они амбициозны, страстно влюблены друг в друга и упорно трудятся, но есть одно препятствие - упрямый отец Майеры...
Хроники хищных городов
Прошли тысячелетия после того, как мир настиг апокалипсис. Человечество адаптировалось и теперь живет по новым правилам. Гигантские движущиеся мегаполисы рассекают пустоши и поглощают маленькие города ради ресурсов. Том Нэтсуорти из нижнего уровня великого Лондона оказывается в смертельной опасности, когда на его пути появляется скрывающаяся от закона бунтарка Эстер Шоу. Они не должны были встретиться, но им суждено изменить будущее.